Chapter 57 Fire for Effect

Warhammer is a new addition to Blackwatch command forces. It would consist of all artillery forces of the Blackwatch Private Military Company. Currently, it consists of the M109 Howitzer, an American 155 mm turreted self-propelled howitzer that can fire shells with a devastating impact, capable of striking targets at long ranges with precision.

"Specter-1, give me a sitrep," Richard said.

"Eagle Actual, we've safely touched down on the ground and are seeking cover. How copy?" came the composed response from Graves.

"Solid, Specter-1," Richard acknowledged. "The Goliath is on a rampage, so I suggest you and your teams lay low for the time being."

Richard continued to watch Graves's point of view on the screen, where they encountered zombies along the way and exterminated them swiftly.

"Specter-1, once you are securely in cover, inform me immediately," Richard commanded. "We're about to unleash hell upon that Goliath."

"Unleash hell?" Graves repeated. "What's the objective?"

"Fire for effect," Richard revealed. "Your missiles have severely injured the Goliath, we might be able to take them down there."

"Eagle Actual, what kind of ordnance are you planning on using?" Graves asked.

"Excalibur and Warhammer."

"Eagle Actual, if you use that much firepower, you'll level the entire city. Civilians may be internal in one of those buildings," Graves cautioned.

"I am aware of that. But we have no alternative. Given how effortlessly it demolished a 60-story building, it's imperative to stop it in its tracks. We'll do everything in our power to minimize collateral damage, but right now, our priority is to put an end to this threat."

"Copy that, Eagle Actual. Specter-1 out."

Closing the communication channel, Richard pivoted to Mark.

"How much longer until Excalibur and Warhammer are ready?" Richard inquired.

"Thirty seconds sir," Mark swiftly responded.

"And what about the drones?" Richard redirected his gaze toward Sara.

"Drones are already in position, sir. We have live-feed ready," Sara reported, extending her arms toward the display screens.

Richard turned his head towards the display screen and watched the development of the Goliath. It was destroying the building where Graves and his squad positioned themselves. Fortunately, they were able to escape in time.

After it destroyed the building, it went to the other building, where the Specter-4 squad was positioned.

"In order for Warhammer to be effective, the target must remain stationary," Mark remarked. "Only Excalibur can reliably hit the Goliath while it's on the move."

Richard nodded in agreement before swiftly radioing for action. "Eagle Actual to Excalibur, call for fire. Target: Goliath. Stand by for coordinates."

"Roger that, Eagle Actual," Excalibur's response came through the communication channel. "Standing by for coordinates."

Sara's nimble fingers danced across the console, rapidly inputting the necessary data to ensure a precise strike.

"Coordinates transferred to Excalibur, sir," Sara reported,

Richard's gaze remained fixed on the live feed displaying the Goliath's relentless advance, its colossal form moving inexorably closer to the next building where Specter-2 fired their missiles.

"Excalibur to Eagle Actual coordinates confirmed for a fire mission,"

"Excalibur, you are clear to fire. Repeat, you are clear to fire."

"Firing missiles in three... two... one..."

As the countdown reached its final seconds, the operator pressed the button, and the HIMARS launcher erupted in a thunderous roar. Ten missiles streaked into the night sky, their fiery plumes leaving a blazing trail. The projectiles arced high above the city, their trajectories carefully calculated to intercept the Goliath.

Then, a series of brilliant explosions lit up the night, sending shockwaves that shattered the glasses of the nearby skyscrapers.

"Direct, good effect on target," Mark said.

The Goliath was once again on its knees, Richard quickly checked its health bar. It's down to thirty-five percent. It's still healthy despite receiving a direct hit from a missile. What monstrosity did that "master" create in this world, and is it the strongest?

Before losing himself to those questions, Richard snapped in attention. "Eagle Actual to Warhammer. You are clear to fire for effect."

Upon saying that, the barrels of the howitzers roared to life, and its shell hurtled through the sky guided by the precise coordinates that Sara had transferred. The Goliath, weakened and battered but still dangerous, stood its ground.

Then, the moment of impact arrived.

The massive shell struck the Goliath with cataclysmic force, unleashing an explosion of unparalleled magnitude.

The combined firepower of Excalibur, the HIMARS rockets, and Warhammer had a devastating effect. The Goliath's health bar plummeted rapidly, and for the first time, it showed signs of faltering. The behemoth staggered, struggling to remain upright, its colossal frame trembling under the onslaught.

"Twenty percent!" Richard inwardly shouted—but his jubilation was quickly stifled into silence when he noticed something out of the ordinary from the Goliath.

But then something changed—the Goliath's body started glowing redder, and its muscles bulged even more grotesquely.

"What's happening to it now?" Richard asked.

And as if to present the answer, the Goliath surged forward towards where the missiles and the shells were coming from. The earth beneath its feet was cracking as it moved with terrifying speed.

"Sir, the Goliath, it's heading towards Oriental Northern Front! Distance 1000 meters, 950 meters, 900…" Sara informed urgently.

"Shit! All air attack stations, this is Eagle Actual. We have a high-priority target coming from the Northern Front. Head there immediately and use all means necessary to stop it!"

Suddenly, the Blackhawk, Apaches, and the Viper attack helicopters that were on standby sprang into action. Their rotors roared to life as they lifted off from their positions and sped toward the rapidly approaching Goliath.

The Blackhawk helicopters, codenamed Warhawk, armed with Hydra rockets and machine guns, moved in first. They flew in a tight formation, their pilots coordinating their attacks. Rockets streaked toward the Goliath, exploding on impact and sending plumes of smoke and debris into the air. The machine guns rattled as they unleashed a hail of bullets, striking the creature's body.

The Apaches, codenamed Raptor, followed closely behind, their Hellfire missiles locked onto the target. They fired in quick succession, and the missiles homed in on the Goliath, each explosive impact causing the monstrous creature to stagger and slow its charge.

The Viper attack helicopters, codenamed Viper, provided cover fire, their M197 three-barreled rotary cannon spewing a torrent of bullets at the Goliath. Tracer rounds lit up the night sky as they tore into the creature's flesh.

The combined assault from the attack helicopters created a maelstrom of explosions and gunfire around the Goliath.

But the Goliath was not so easily deterred. It blocked most of the missiles using its shield and swung its blade arm.

One of the Blackhawk helicopters took a direct hit and erupted into a fiery explosion, crashing to the ground in a blazing wreck.

"Warhawk-5 is down," came from one of the attack helicopters.

"Evasive! Evasive! Take out the target."

"No effect on target,"

"Don't fire on the shield! Concentrate fire on that body!"

"Warhawk-3, fly behind the target. Viper-1 adjust approach! Head northwest and flank from there."

"Warhawk-3 here, moving in for a flank from the southeast. Cover me!"

"Viper-1 acknowledged, adjusting approach to flank from the northwest. Raptor-4, keep that suppression fire steady!"

"Copy that, Raptor-4 maintaining suppression fire, rounds on target."

"Warhawk-2, I've got a lock on its head. Firing Hydra rockets!"

"Warhawk-6, evasive maneuvers! Dodge that incoming blade!"

"Raptor-3 engaging with Hellfires. Targeting its legs, we need to slow it down."

"Watch your three, watch your three!"

"Warhawk-6! Shit, it jumped! Disperse! Disperse!

The massive form of the Goliath soared through the air and crashed down on the ground, sending shockwaves that caused two Blackhawks and one Apache to lose control.

"Mayday mayday! We are going down!" came the frantic distress calls from the stricken helicopters.

Warhawk-1, Warhawk-3, Raptor-3, and Raptor-4, spiraled out of control, their pilots struggling to regain stability.

As the helicopters descended rapidly, the pilots fought valiantly to avert catastrophe. Warhawk-1 managed to regain control just in time, skimming dangerously close to the ground before leveling out. The crew inside breathed a collective sigh of relief.

But for the rest, the situation was dire. Despite the pilots' best efforts, the helicopter slammed into a building and ground, its rotor blades shattering on impact.

"Warhawk-3, Raptor-3, Raptor-4 are down."

"We need backup! The Goliath is chewing us up here!"

Back at the command center, Richard couldn't bear to hear the desperate pleas for help.

"Mobilize the ground team, send everything. All attack helicopters do not get close to the Goliath, keep your distance in the air. Help is on the way."

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