Chapter 65 Request and Reconciliation

"It still hurts," Richard muttered, wincing as he touched the bandage wrapped around his forehead. He eased into a chair, bracing himself for what would be the most significant shopping trip of his life.

As he poised to begin, a knock on the door interrupted him.

"Come in," Richard called out.

The door swung open, revealing one of his Chief of Staff, Graves, standing in the doorway. His face bore a concerned expression.

"Sir, I heard that you were injured during the wave. Do you feel better now?" Graves asked.

"I am," Richard replied and continued.? "But there's still work to be done."

Graves nodded in understanding. "I can see that."

"So why did you come here? Do you need something?" Richard asked.

"Yes sir," Graves confirmed as he stepped forward. "While we were being extracted out of BGC, someone pointed a laser into my eye. There are still many survivors in the area sir and I was hoping we could conduct a search and rescue operation to get them out."

Richard hummed in understanding. "Is that so? Good thing that our salvo accurately hit the Goliath when it was there huh? If not, there would be more civilian casualties."

"Well not on the buildings that the Goliath demolished," Graves said somberly.

"Right," Richard agreed somberly. He knew that even with their successful defense, there were still tragic losses from the other side. "I can have all the Chinooks to mobilize and extract as many survivors as possible from the BGC."

"Thank you, sir," Graves said with a hint of relief. "We have to save as many as we can after all."

"The more people we save, the less zombies we kill," Richard quoted. "Would that be all?"

Graves nodded. "Yes sir. Sir, I want to resign as the Chief of Staff for Special Operations," he announced.

Richard leaned forward, studying Graves carefully. "Resignation? May I ask why, Graves?"

Graves took a deep breath before he replied. "It's not because I don't want to serve anymore, sir. It's because I want to focus on field operations, especially in situations like this where I can directly make a difference.? I believe my skills and experience are better utilized on the ground than on the table."

Richard nodded, understanding Graves' perspective. "Well, I can just simply summon a replacement. It's not a big deal. If it's what you want, then who am I to stand in your way?" Richard's voice held a touch of warmth. "In fact, I have been thinking of replacing you. Now that you have brought this up, it aligns perfectly with my plans."

Graves looked surprised but then nodded in acceptance. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate your understanding."

Graves stood from his chair and saluted.

"I'm going to prepare my men for the rescue operations."

"Now? Why not rest first and have whatever injuries you have checked up on by the doctors?"

Graves shook his head. "We are trained to push through, sir. Besides, there are people out there who need our help now and are expecting us to come. I can't afford to delay any longer."

Upon hearing that, Richard couldn't help but smile genuinely at Graves's dedication. Even though he doesn't have to, nor does he have the responsibility to do so, it feels like saving others is wired into their very beings.

"Very well, but take care out there, Graves. We can't afford to lose you, even though I can replace you easily."

Graves chuckled softly. "I'll do my best not to make it easy for you, sir."

With a final nod of respect, Graves turned and walked over to the door. But just as he was about to reach the doorknob, Richard called out to him.

"I almost forgot, Graves. There is someone who would like to see you," Richard said.

Graves turned around and faced Richard. "Who might that be sir?"

"It's Andrea," Richard revealed. "I have told her everything, about how you confronted her, and the fact that she killed your men. I think she wants to apologize before she leaves."

"Leave?" Graves tilted his head to the side. "Are you letting her go?"

"Well, Richard, Andrea is not controlled by the "master" anymore. She is her own self, and she wants to see her family. Who am I to stop it?"

"Where is she going?" Graves asked.

"Her family lives in Quezon City. So probably there. I have given her a radio if she needs help from the rescue. Oh, she is not going to leave entirely, she is going to return."

"Understood, sir," Graves said. "Where is she now?"

"She's on the twenty-second floor, unit A."

"I'll head there immediately," Graves replied.

Richard nodded, acknowledging his Chief of Staff's readiness. "Take your time, Graves. And remember, Andrea has been through a lot too. She's not the same person who was under the influence of the 'master.' Be cautious but also open to the possibility of reconciliation."

Graves gave a firm nod. "I'll keep that in mind, sir."

With that, he turned and left Richard's office, leaving his commanding officer to his thoughts.

Two minutes later, the elevator doors opened on the twenty-second floor. Graves stepped out into the hallway, his footsteps echoing softly as he made his way toward the unit. He reached the door raised his hand and knocked on the door.

A muffled voice from inside called out, "Who is it?"

"It's Graves," he replied.

The door opened slowly, and Andrea peeked out cautiously.

"You are Graves right?" Andrea asked, wanting to confirm it again.

Graves nodded. "I am, and please be quick ma'am. I have an operation to prepare for," Graves replied, his tone serious but not unkind.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry," Andrea sheepishly smiled. She stepped aside to allow Graves to enter her dimly lit unit.

"Thank you for agreeing to see me," Andrea said, her voice soft, almost apologetic. "When Richard told me everything, I was shocked, guilty. I killed three of your men while confronting me. I know sorry won't bring them back."

"It's fine ma'am. It's what we do as soldiers. Being killed in the field is something that we can't avoid," Graves replied. "But I appreciate your acknowledgment of it."

Andrea nodded, her eyes still filled with remorse. "I never wanted any of this. The 'master' had such a hold on me. I promise that I will help you stop him if the time comes to that."

Graves nodded again. "Would that be all ma'am?"

"Please stop calling me ma'am," Andrea chuckled. "I'm only eighteen years old. Oh, it's late that I noticed it but are you an American?"

"I am," Graves said.? He was based on Delta Forces, an American Special Forces. So it's only natural for him to have a Western appearance. "If there's nothing, I will leave now, miss. It's nice meeting you."

Andrea smiled softly. "Likewise, Graves. Good luck with your operation."

Graves nodded and turned to leave, heading back to his duties, leaving Andrea with a sense of hope for redemption and a renewed commitment to making amends for her past actions.

"It's time to leave," Andrea muttered.

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