Chapter 72 The Intimate Moment

"No, what you need right now is to return to the Oriental Building and get some sleep," Richard said, genuine concern in his voice.

Sara's response was a jumble of slurred words and giggles. "Nooo, Rich-ard, I'm fiiine. Don't wanna go hooome." She swayed slightly in her chair, almost knocking over her glass.

Richard leaned in closer, trying to make sure she could hear him clearly. "Sara, you've had enough to drink. It's not safe to stay here like this. Let me take you back."

Sara shook her head vigorously, her blonde hair swaying in all directions. "Noooo, not home. Wanna be alone with you, Rich-ard."

Richard blinked, surprised by her words. "Alone? Sara, you're not in any condition to be alone right now."

Sara pouted and attempted to look serious, but her giggles betrayed her. "I'm perf'ctly, per-fer-fec'ly fine, Rich-ard. Jus' take me some-plaace where we can be alone."

Richard sighed, realizing that it would be a challenge to reason with her in this state. He couldn't help but smile at her persistence, despite her slurred speech. "Okay, okay. We'll go somewhere more private, but you have to promise me you'll take it easy and get some rest afterward."

Sara's eyes lit up with a drunken sense of victory, and she nodded vigorously. "Promise, Rich-ard. You're so sweeet."

Richard helped Sara to her feet, steadying her as she wobbled. He knew he had to keep a close eye on her to ensure she didn't stumble or fall. As they made their way out of the bar, his former Chief of Staff of Special Force, Graves, and the other three Chiefs of Staff noticed them walking out.

"Already leaving, sir? It's not even past ten," Graves called out.

Richard turned toward his former Chief of Staff, trying to keep Sara steady as she swayed beside him. "Yeah, Sara's had a bit too much to drink. I'm taking her somewhere quiet."

Graves, Mark, Philip, and Stephen exchanged amused glances before Graves gave Richard a hearty pat on the back. "Ah, somewhere else quiet huh? I see, I see, where this is going."

"What do you mean?" Richard tilted his head to the side.

"Oh never mind that sir," Graves giggled.

Richard chuckled, shaking his head at Graves' playful teasing. "You're incorrigible, Graves."

Mark chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Well, you two have a good night. Take care of Sara sir, and please be easy with her. It's her first time."

Richard chuckled as he heard Mark's comment. "You are the worst, guys."

Philip gave a friendly pat on Richard's back. "Don't worry, we trust you to handle the situation, Commander."

Stephen added with a grin, "Just remember, she's in your hands now, sir."

With that, Richard and Sara made their way out of the bar, leaving behind the cheerful atmosphere and the curious glances of their comrades. As they stepped into the cool night air, Sara started to get heavy as she couldn't support her own weight anymore. Richard quickly caught her in his arms, preventing her from stumbling to the ground.

"Sara, are you alright?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Sara's eyelids drooped heavily as she mumbled incoherently. She was clearly beyond the point of being able to walk or even speak coherently. Richard knew he couldn't just leave her out in the open like this.

With gentle care, he hoisted Sara up into his arms, carrying her bridal style. She nestled against him, her head resting on his shoulder, her breath warm against his neck.

His heart raced as he held her close, feeling the warmth of her body against his. Despite the awkward circumstances, there was an undeniable intimacy in this moment. Sara's soft breaths against his neck, her occasional murmurs, and most importantly, her soft lips brushing against his neck as she shifted in her sleep, sent shivers down Richard's spine. He couldn't deny the flutter of emotions stirring within him as he carried her through the waiting JLTV Oshkosh that just pulled up in front of him.

The valet stepped out of the vehicle and headed over to Richard and handed him the keys.

"Here's the keys sir," the valet said.

"Would you mind opening the door for me," Richard asked, trying to maintain his focus on Sara in his arms. The valet nodded and quickly opened the back door of the JLTV. Richard carefully maneuvered Sara into the vehicle, laying her down gently in the backseat.

The JLTV Oshkosh is not built for comfort, the chair was hard and unforgiving. Richard couldn't help but worry about Sara's comfort, given her current state. He adjusted her position as best as he could, ensuring she was lying as comfortably as possible.

With Sara settled in the backseat, Richard climbed into the driver's seat once more. He started the vehicle and carefully drove out of the bar. The drive back to the Oriental Building was a quiet one, with Richard stealing glances at Sara in the rearview mirror from time to time.

As they entered the underground parking garage of the Oriental Building, he couldn't help but feel relieved that they had made it back safely. He turned off the engine and once again lifted Sara into his arms. Her head rested against his shoulder, her breathing steady as she continued to sleep soundly.

With gentle steps, he carried her up to her unit, which was precisely on the thirty-first floor room 31C. He fumbled for the keycard in his pocket and managed to slide it into the slot, unlocking the door.

Richard carefully stepped inside, ensuring not jostle Sara as he moved. He made his way to the bedroom, where he gently laid her down on the comfortable bed. He took a moment to tuck her in, making sure she was warm and secure. Sara let out a contented sigh in her sleep, her fingers curling around the edge of the blanket.

Richard couldn't help but smile as he looked down at her. She looked beautiful, damn, he is just realizing it now, with her features softened in slumber, a serene expression on her face. He had seen her in various professional settings, but this was an entirely different side of Sara, one he hadn't expected to witness.

He brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his touch feather-light.

He knew he couldn't stay the night, as much as he wanted to watch over her.

With a final, longing look at Sara, he turned to leave the room.

As he reached the bedroom door, he heard a faint, sleepy voice behind him. "Richard?"

He froze, turning back to see Sara's sleepy, half-lidded eyes looking at him.

"Where…are…you…going?" Sara's voice was a sleepy murmur, her words slurred by the remnants of alcohol in her system. Her gaze was unfocused, and she blinked slowly as she tried to comprehend her surroundings.

Richard stepped back toward the bed.

"I was just... I thought you were asleep," he replied softly.

Sara's lips curled into a small, drowsy smile as she reached out a hand towards him. "Don't go, Richard."

His heart skipped a beat at her words, and he couldn't resist her plea. He moved closer to the bed, taking her hand gently on his own.

"Richard…thank…you…for taking me back…to my room."

"You are welcome," Richard whispered.

Now it's really time for him to leave and return to the bar and enjoy the night of celebration. But, as much as he wanted to, Sara's hands were firmly entwined with his.

"Sara…you can let go now," Richard said.

Yet Sara smiled as she spoke unexpected words. "Richard~! Sleep with me."


Before he could even protest or understand her request, Sara's forceful tug pulled him gently towards the bed. Her grip was surprisingly strong despite her intoxicated state, and Richard found himself on top of her.

This position is too much for someone who doesn't have experience in this type of situation.

"Sara, I don't think this is a good idea," Richard stammered, trying to maintain his composure.

Sara giggled softly and spoke softly. "Don't be such a gentleman, Richard. Why? Are you shy? How cute~!"

Her fingers traced a tantalizing path up his chest, sending shivers down his spine. Richard's resolve wavered, and he knew he was treading on dangerous ground. He had always been a disciplined and principled man, but there was something undeniably tempting about Sara's advances.

As Sara's hand slid up to his neck, her lips sought his in a hazy, alcohol-fueled kiss. Her mouth was warm and inviting, and Richard found himself leaning into the kiss despite his internal struggle. For a moment, he allowed himself to be lost in the sensation of her soft lips against his, the taste of alcohol mingling with her sweetness.

That's it, his first time kissing a woman. So this is how it felt like? So blissfully addicting.

Sara's hands moved from his neck to his shoulders, pulling him closer to her. Her body pressed against his. He could feel his body warming up under her touch, his shaft standing up.

But then, like a bolt of lightning, a surge of guilt and reason washed over him. He pulled away abruptly.

Sara tilted her head to the side, confused. "Why?"

"This is wrong on many levels," Richard said. "You are drunk and it doesn't feel right. It feels like I'm taking advantage of you and I don't want it."

"Then~! How about…you…sleep with me tonight…and tomorrow…we…we…we," Sara's eyelashes fluttered as she struggled to form coherent words, and then seconds later, she fell asleep!

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