Chapter 76 Developments on the Volunteer Forces

At 3:00 PM, Richard stood attentive, observing the civilian forces at the training camp in quadrant 2 of the Oriental Military Camp. They were lined up, ready to receive their JLTV Oshkosh mobile units after three weeks of extensive weapons training. Each civilian volunteer, though inexperienced, had shown significant progress and resilience during the initial phases of their training.

Ryan, the Chief of Staff for Training and Education, held a megaphone and began instructing the civilian forces on the technical aspects and operational procedures of the JLTV Oshkosh. He was straightforward and focused, ensuring that the information was clear and concise to facilitate quick learning.

"The JLTV Oshkosh is equipped with an enhanced suspension system, offers superior mobility, and is armored for maximum protection," Ryan explained, his voice amplified to reach every ear present. "You will learn to operate, maintain, and utilize this vehicle effectively for various military operations."

Richard scrutinized the volunteers as they listened intently. The transition from civilians to military personnel was apparent in their disciplined stance and attentive demeanor. They had been instilled with basic military skills and ethics; now, the addition of vehicle operation to their training was essential.

The specifications of the JLTV Oshkosh were relayed in detail. Ryan emphasized its off-road capabilities, the integrated communication systems, and its adaptability to various combat scenarios. The volunteers took notes, and asked questions, and gradually, groups were formed for a hands-on introduction to the vehicle.

Richard noted the seamless transition. There were challenges, of course, gaps in knowledge and experience that still needed to be filled. But the process was underway.

The vehicle training was scheduled to last two weeks, during which the volunteers would be assessed on their ability to operate and maintain the JLTV Oshkosh under various conditions. Richard was well aware that mastering this vehicle was pivotal; it would play a crucial role in transport, combat, and communication in the anticipated military operations.

The volunteer forces were given a chance to explore more of the JLTV Oshkosh. Some entered the vehicle, familiarizing themselves with the cockpit, switches, and controls. Others examined the exterior, trying to understand the design, the armor placement, and the storage compartments.

Two hours later, at five o'clock in the afternoon. The introductory briefing was concluded and the volunteer forces exited the parking spaces of the JLTV Oshkosh.


Lisa rushed up to him, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. "I can't wait to drive the car that you always drive."

Richard stroked his sister's head gently, the faintest hint of a smile forming on his lips.

"I don't need a driver's license to drive it right?" Lisa jokingly asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"In this world? I don't think so. Traffic officers ceased to exist in this apocalyptic world," Richard chuckled and added. "So, each mobile unit has four members…"

"Ah that…it's my classmates. Lisa, Angela, and Denis," Lisa interrupted, her voice brightening at the mention of her friends. "We're lucky to be assigned to the same unit."

Richard feigned shock as he had made some backroom manipulation on the assignments. He trusts that her friends will take good care of her, and the same goes for Lisa to her classmates.

"Is that so?" he replied, raising an eyebrow with playful innocence.

Lisa sighed. "It's good that there aren't any zombies threatening the camp."

"You are right," Richard said as he gazed over at the horizon. It has been peaceful since the wave, only a pocket number of zombies approaching the Oriental Military Camp were swiftly dealt with. Mutated zombies are rarely seen, giving him and his army the time they need to fortify the military camp.

He knew that this peace was not going to last long, but he hoped it would last for a month or two. That way, any forms of mutants, Flyers, Alpha Hunters, and even Goliath won't break through the Oriental Military Camp.

Of course, being in peace meant that his level would stagnate. He's still level 25 and the gold coins were slowly being reduced for the maintenance cost of the military hardware, and the miscellaneous he bought from the systems.

That said, it doesn't mean that they aren't doing anything. They were still actively scouting the surrounding areas for resources and survivors. Helicopters conducted reconnaissance on the nearby districts with the help of the military vehicles on the ground. But their luck of finding survivors was getting slim.

He believed that there were still survivors hiding in the area, they were just scared to make their presence known, possibly because of the imminent threat of zombies and other mutated creatures that now roamed freely.

Wait, speaking of survivors, they just admitted four survivors earlier in the morning. Perhaps they might have some information about the location of other survivors. After all, rescuing survivors meant more gold coins.

"So brother, I think I'll spend my time hanging out with my classmates in the evening. So I'll return late to my unit. But don't worry, it's all girls. There's nothing you should have to worry about."

Richard offered Lisa a warm yet scrutinous gaze, the protective older brother ever-present in his demeanor. "Look, it's okay for you to socialize with boys as long as they are not creepy like—"

"Like?" Lisa tilted her head to the side, wondering what he was about to say next.

Richard didn't want to complete the sentence as it might bring up traumatizing memories to her.

"Never mind," he said quickly, brushing off the moment with a forceful chuckle.? "Just stay safe, okay?"

Lisa nodded, the unsaid words hanging in the air between them, yet understood. She reached up, touching his arm. "Good luck with whatever work you have left, brother."

After saying that, Lisa left and joined her classmates. Richard has worked to do so.


A familiar voice called out to him, it was Mark, holding two cones of ice cream. "You want one sir?"

"Thank you," Richard said, accepting the mango-flavored ice cream, and licked it.

"So what's your plan, sir?"

"I'm thinking of visiting the four survivors that we admitted in the morning," Richard said. "I want to know something."

"Ah that's a great opportunity, sir," Mark grinned.

"A great opportunity for what?" Richard arched a brow.

"Why don't you invite Sara to come with you and together, talk with the survivors?" Mark suggested. "You just have to make an effort if you want to end up with her."

Richard hummed aloud, considering Mark's suggestion. Ever since morning, there has been a distance between them, like it was awkward. After he asked about the radio, their communication concluded. He wanted to have more chances of speaking with her.

"Okay. I'll do that."

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