Chapter 86 Gullible

At ten o'clock in the evening, Graves and Maria, the young woman he had just rescued, found themselves in the opulent but eerie corridors of World's Resort Manila. The plush carpets underfoot contrasted sharply with the stern atmosphere. An armed escort led the way, his boots thudding softly against the floor, echoing ominously through the silent hallways.

Maria was quiet, the evening's traumatic events still casting a long shadow over her delicate features. Graves, meanwhile, remained vigilant, his senses heightened and attuned to every movement and sound around them.

Three hours earlier, Graves had cleared Maria's debts and, in the ruthless logic of this new world order, 'bought' her. But in his eyes, Maria was no property. She was a person - a human being to be treated with dignity and respect.

As they reached the room that Graves had procured for Maria, the armed escort swiped a key card. The lock beeped and clicked open, unveiling a nice room. The interior was simplistic, yet elegant, better than having to sleep in the hallway.

"She's only available to stay in this room for a week," the armed guard said. "After that, you or she will have to pay to continue sleeping in that room. Do you understand?"

"I understand," Graves replied politely.


The armed escort made a swift exit, leaving Graves and Maria standing at the threshold.

Graves inspected the room before allowing Maria to enter. He was methodical and thorough, checking every corner and potential hidden cameras or listening devices. Satisfied that the room was secure, he gestured for Maria to enter. She hesitated for a moment before stepping inside.

The room was adequately furnished with a bed, a dresser, and a small seating area. Graves noted the cleanliness and orderliness of the space. It must be good that there's still someone within the camp maintaining the appearance of a hotel in an apocalyptic world.

"I don't know how to thank you…Sir Graves. You have helped me a lot, how could I ever repay you?" Maria said, her voice shaky but sincere.

"No need for formalities, Maria. Just call me Graves," he replied, glancing around the room one more time. "As for repayment, you don't have to."

"But you have spent a lot of chips for me. Are you really not expecting something in return?"

Maria's question hung in the air, a tangible expression of the trust issues the new world had instilled in every survivor. Graves turned to face her, his expression serious yet empathetic.

"Maria, I saved you because it was the right thing to do," Graves said firmly. "Not for compensation, or for any form of indebtedness."

Maria's eyes searched Graves's, looking for any sign of insincerity. But all she found was honesty, a trait that seemed rare in their current environment.

"But in this world, nothing is free," Maria protested softly.

"You're right, nothing is free, especially in the circumstances we find ourselves in. But your gratitude is enough payment for me," Graves responded, maintaining eye contact to reinforce his sincerity.

"You are so very kind sir. Even though this is the first time we saw each other, in an embarrassing situation…" Maria stammered.

"Well, Maria, I am a gentleman," Graves winked. "So, do you need anything before I leave? I can buy you some food in the cafeteria…I heard that they are open twenty-four-seven. Good grief, just knowing that makes me feel that a zombie outbreak didn't happen."

Maria chuckled at Graves' attempt to inject some humor into the situation. "No, thank you. I think I just need to rest for now," Maria responded.

Graves nodded. "Alright then. If you need anything, just give me a call. I'll be in the next room."

"Okay sir," Maria said.

Just before Graves could exit the room, he realized something.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Graves said, walking over to her, his voice was in a whisper, as if not wanting anyone to hear what he was about to say.

Maria was slightly taken aback by Graves's sudden shift in his demeanor but she stood firm. "What is it, Graves?"

"Do you want to leave this place?" Graves asked, his tone serious.


Maria's confusion was visible, her brows furrowing. The abrupt shift in the conversation caught her off guard.

Graves took a step closer, his voice lower. "Maria, this place... it's not safe, not for you, not for anyone, like you."

"I would love to but this is the only safe place on the planet right now. It has guards that can keep out the zombies, foods that last for six months—"

"What if I tell you that there is a safe place not far from here where it is also protected by armed guards? And they are not like the men guarding this camp."

"Is there such a place?" Maria's eyes widened, a mix of hope and skepticism in her voice. The existence of another sanctuary was a revelation, but trusting in this possibility required overcoming deep-seated fears and doubts.

"Yes," Graves affirmed. "It's a place where you won't be treated as property, where humanity still means something."

Graves could sense her internal struggle and sought to reassure her. "I understand if you're hesitant, Maria. But I've been there. No, I came from there."

Maria's brows furrowed. "What do you mean you came from there?"

"Just exactly what it meant," Graves said.

"Then why are you here?" Maria asked.

"I was sent here by my superior to check on this camp. We have someone from here that is in our custody. They told us about this camp, everything from the good and bad. They say this place is notorious and I can confirm that it is the case."

"Wait so…you are a spy?" Maria looked into Graves' eyes, a mix of astonishment and confusion etching her features.

"In simpler terms, yes. But not for any malicious intent. We just want to gather information and help those who are trapped in places like this," Graves clarified.

Well, it's part of the plan to tell someone like her that they'll be rescued by the Blackwatch. He needed someone that he could trust and it seemed as though Maria was a perfect candidate for that. Not only is she sincere in her emotions but also transparent with her thoughts. It would be easier to work with someone like her in the course of their planned escape.

"I need your help, to spread the word and reach out to those who have the same situation as you. Men, women, children, anyone. But we have to do it subtly, like keeping it among ourselves. Only reach to those who are genuinely scared to live in this place, and want an out," Graves explained further.

"Are you an American soldier, Graves?" Maria inquired.

"I am."

"That explains a lot about how you were able to knock down two armed guards without flinching," Maria said, piecing the events and information together in her head.

"So, what is your decision? Are you in or out?" Graves asked, his gaze fixed on Maria, trying to read her emotions and thoughts.

"I...I'm in," Maria said without hesitation.

"Okay, we are going to invite people in the next two weeks. In two weeks, my men will come here and extract us," Graves instructed.


"You'll see," Graves grinned. "We will start tomorrow. Get some rest and prepare yourself for the days ahead. It won't be easy."

Maria nodded. "Thank you, Graves. For everything."

Graves gave her a reassuring smile and headed towards the door. He returned to his room and locked it.

Graves sat on the bed and put on his earpiece.

"This is Specter-1. Operation is a go, duration two weeks. If you don't hear from me after two weeks, that means my cover is compromised. That's all, Specter-1 out."


A day later, Graves and Maria covertly and carefully began identifying and approaching individuals within the camp who they believed were in a similar situation to Maria – vulnerable, exploited, and desperate for an escape. The operation had to be conducted with utmost secrecy to avoid arousing suspicion. Graves used his military training to devise a plan, ensuring that each step was meticulously planned and executed.

Over the course of a few days, they managed to identify a group of individuals, sharing with them the promise of a safer haven away from the harrowing confines of the World's Resort Manila. The escapees were informed of the plan and were instructed to be ready for the extraction day.


August 28th, 2023.

At the Boss's office, there was a knock on the door.

The Boss removed the cigar from his mouth and exhaled a cloud of smoke. "Come in," he said, his voice gruff and impatient.

The door creaked open, and a woman stepped in.

"Oh look who it is, my favorite sniffer of traitors," The Boss exclaimed softly. "Tell me, girl. How is the recruitment process going on?"

The woman, in her late teens, approached the boss's desk and spoke coolly. "He is gullible, and believes that I was a damsel in distress."

"Maria, you really are a cunning woman, aren't you?" The Boss chuckled, a sinister tone lacing his words.

Maria had played her cards well, her appearance of being innocent, weak, and vulnerable nothing more than a clever ruse.

"I knew it from the start, there was something off with that man," The Boss said. "Well, he'll have his reward for making a fool out of me."

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