Chapter 89 The New Mission

After hearing the demands of the Boss of World's Resort Manila, a notification alert popped up in front of him.

A floating interface, only he could see, has a text written on it. It reads:

[New mission: Rescue Graves

Mission detail: One of your valuable assets is in danger at the hands of the Boss's militia. Extract him out by whatever means necessary and get rewarded.

Mission rewards: One spin on the Wheel of Fortune.]

After reading the notification alert, Richard went into a pondering mode. Even without the system giving him a mission to rescue Graves, he would still rescue him. The reward however is tempting. One free spin for the Wheel of Fortune, now that made the rescue all the more enticing.

But he has to talk with this Boss first.

"What makes you believe I can readily provide guns, ammo, medical supplies, and food?"

"Don't feign ignorance, Eagle Actual. It's a given for a military camp to be equipped with such resources," the Boss countered.

"And if I decline, you'll execute my man and the survivors who chose to stand with him, is that correct?"

Richard's mind was racing. From a strategic standpoint, acquiescing to the demands could be viable. Each survivor rescued was translated into five thousand gold coins on the system side. With 300 survivors, the sum was significant.

His silence prompted the Boss to lean in, his tone laced with sinister satisfaction. "Every tick of the clock is a countdown to their end, Eagle Actual. I suggest you begin to pack."

"How can you guarantee their safety if I meet your demands?" Richard interjected his voice steady yet laced with an underlying tension. The trade was inevitable, but assurance was paramount.

A brief silence followed before the Boss replied, "You have my word. Deliver the supplies, and they will be unharmed."

Richard knew that the Boss's word was as fickle as the wind, yet he was left with no other option. Every second wasted was a step closer to the execution of Graves and the survivors.

"Expect the delivery within five hours," Richard asserted, ending the call abruptly. He was not in the mood for further discourse; actions would now speak louder than words.

Richard turned to his subordinates, his expression hardened.

"Prepare the supplies, and ensure everything is ready for transportation within the next two hours. We're on a tight schedule."

"But sir, are you really going to comply with their demands? We don't negotiate with a psychopath," Mark protested.

"I know, but what choice do we have if the lives of 300 people and Graves are on the line? I can't afford to take any risks right now," Richard replied, his tone firm. He was as repulsed by the idea of negotiation as Mark, but the lives in the balance made this a unique situation.

"I understand that sir. Then how about a suggestion," Mark said. "Once we have delivered the supplies and left the site, why don't we blow them up?"

"That's a good suggestion Mark, but you failed to account that there are seventeen hundred people residing in the camp. Not all of them are innocent. The three hundred Graves and his partner coerced were probably about ten or thirty percent of those who were actually innocent. The rest could be workers or affiliated with the militia in some way," Richard explained.

Mark was speechless for a moment, he had indeed failed to account for the innocents amongst the camp's residents. Now it looked shameless and despicable of him to suggest such a thing.

Richard noticed the shift in Mark's demeanor and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. As he was doing that, an idea struck Mark.

The interaction with the Boss, as sinister as it was, opened up a possibility that hadn't existed before - the concept of an exchange. If the Boss was willing to trade lives for supplies, there might be a way to extend that to secure more civilians.

"Sir," Mark began. "If we're already trading supplies for lives, why don't we extend the bargain? We can offer additional supplies in exchange for more civilian releases."

Richard paused, considering the proposal. It was a logical extension of the current situation, a way to turn a forced hand into an opportunity. They were already giving away valuable resources; maximizing the return on that unavoidable investment made sense.

After all, returning back to the calculation. Three hundred survivors is equal to one million and five hundred thousand gold coins. Should there were able to extend that to a thousand, that would be five million gold coins.

Richard could buy a lot with that amount of money, and he wouldn't even hesitate.


"There is just one problem, what if the Boss refused to entertain the proposal?" Richard mused.

"There is no way he would decline such a good deal," Mark said. "Imagine giving them military vehicles, not the ones like the M117 or the LAV or the Bradleys. Transport vehicles such as the JLTV Oshkosh."

"We'll see about that," Richard said. "In the meantime, let's hurry and pack their demands."

"What are we bringing?" Mark asked.

"Hmm, the 50 M4 Carbine, 10,000 rounds, two weeks worth of food, and…I don't know how to quantify medical supplies," Richard pondered.

"I suggest we pack a comprehensive range of medical supplies enough to treat common injuries and illnesses for around a month. Include antibiotics, pain relievers, bandages, antiseptics, and necessary surgical tools," Mark advised. His knowledge of military logistics came in handy at times like this.

Richard nodded. "Good idea. Proceed with that, and make sure everything is ready as soon as possible."

"Now as for the military hardware we are using, what would it be?" Mark asked.

"Let's bring in the Apaches and the AC-130 for a show of force and a Chinook for survivors transport. As for the land team, we'll bring in Ten JLTV Oshkosh, two, two M117 Guardians, two LAV-25, and M939. That should be enough to neutralize zombies that come our way towards the World's Resort Manila."

"Very well sir, I'll have it prepared immediately," Mark affirmed, noting the combination of air and land forces Richard intended to deploy.

The team worked diligently, and within the stipulated time, the convoy of vehicles, both armored and transport, along with the air units, were ready.

Richard was in the command center, he didn't have to be physically there for a negotiation. He appointed Mark for that job.

He would watch the operation from the cameras and give instructions when needed.

"All stations are Eagle Actual. I don't have to remind you all how important this mission is. So I want no mistakes. Our main objective is to secure Specter-1 and the other survivors. I'll be with you on comms. Now are we good to get some?"

"Yes sir!"

"Not loud enough, I said, are we good to get some?"

"We are, sir!" The response was deafening this time.

"Alright, let's go."

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