Chapter 96 Mark vs The Boss

Earlier, three minutes before the standoff. Mark received a specific order from Richard.

"The Boss, I want him taken to the Blackwatch," Richard said.

"For what reason, Actual?" Mark asked curiously, wondering why would he let a psychopath individual in their camp.

"We are not progressing on our research about the pill," Richard began explaining. "What we know is that the pill strengthens an individual like Andrea. But what if we were to have a human consume it? What would happen to them? Would they receive the same metahuman abilities like Andrea? We can't use innocent individuals in this experiment so we must get someone who is irredeemable should things go awry."

The implication settled in, and a chill ran down Mark's spine. "Human experimentation. You're thinking of using him as a test subject." It wasn't a question.

"Exactly. If something goes wrong, the world won't shed tears for the Boss." Richard's voice had an edge to it now. "Do whatever it takes. And don't let him think for a second that he's our guest."

"Understood, Actual. I'll see to it," Mark replied, ending the transmission with a heavy sigh.

Fast forwarding to the standoff...

The tension in the air was palpable as Mark and the Boss locked eyes. Under the stern gaze of the soldier, the Boss tried to gauge the sincerity of the threat. Mark's intent was clear, but the Boss's mind raced, trying to piece together their true motive.

Why would they want him? Was it out of mercy or did they have ulterior motives? The idea of Blackwatch extending a hand of genuine aid seemed laughable to the Boss. He had always thrived in a world where trust was scarce and betrayal lurked around every corner. And yet, as he met Mark's unyielding stare, a sliver of doubt crept in.

"You are a mysterious organization I must say," the Boss said. "But no, I won't go down here. I don't think you are being sincere enough with your words. If you are truly genuine, it would have been a choice not a demand. So, yeah, I think I'll choose the body bag. I'd rather stay here and become the King and not be subservient to your commanding officer."

Hearing that declaration, Mark glanced at the Boss's militia and they looked apprehensive and nervous. They knew to themselves they can't defeat the Blackwatch militia. Even if they are trained like active troops, the gap in technology and training is evident. Blackwatch had state-of-the-art weapons and equipment.

Mark let out a brief sigh. "Your Boss has declared his stance. He will fight us. But it doesn't mean you won't have a choice. You can either join him or us. But let me be clear, should you try and oppose us, we will not hesitate to exterminate threats. Are you really going to die for this man? Think about it."

Mark's taunting worked on the underlying fears of the Boss's militia. Many of them began shifting uncomfortably, exchanging uncertain glances amongst each other.

One of the militia members stepped forward and dropped his gun. "This is not what I signed up for, so I'm leaving Boss."

"Me too as well," another said, dropping his weapon as well.

More members began to murmur among themselves, and a few more tossed their weapons to the ground. The Boss looked increasingly isolated as his militia began to fragment.

The Boss, visibly frustrated, shouted, "Anyone who walks away now is considered a traitor. That's an absolute rule in my camp. There is one absolute rule in my camp, death to all traitors!"

The Boss, eyes focused on the gun aimed at him by Mark, decided to take his chances. With a sudden burst of speed, he lunged forward, aiming for the weapon. Using his strength and agility, he swatted the gun out of Mark's hand, redirecting its trajectory and causing a misfire. The bullet ricocheted off the nearby walls, creating a deafening echo in the silent standoff.

Mark, taken by surprise, had only seconds to react. He swung a hard right hook, aiming for the Boss's temple. The Boss leaned back, narrowly avoiding the blow, and retaliated with a swift kick to Mark's midsection. Mark grunted as the wind was knocked out of him, but he recovered quickly.

The Blackwatch soldiers aimed their guns at the Boss but Mark raised a hand. "Don't shoot, I got this!"

Mark rushed forward, closing the gap between him and the Boss. He attempted a low sweeping kick, aiming to knock the Boss off his feet. But the Boss was quicker, hopping over Mark's extended leg and lunging in for a grapple. The two men locked arms, each trying to overpower the other. Their faces were inches apart, sweat dripping, and veins bulging from the sheer exertion.

With a grunt, the Boss managed to push Mark back and followed up with a quick jab to Mark's face. Mark's head snapped to the side, but he didn't falter. He countered by grabbing the Boss's wrist, using his momentum to throw him over his shoulder. The Boss crashed to the ground, but rolled swiftly, coming up into a crouch.

Mark didn't give him a moment to recover. He charged again, landing a solid punch to the Boss's ribs. The Boss groaned, feeling the impact, but retaliated by elbowing Mark in the chest. The force of the blow winded Mark, and he staggered back, gasping for air.

Seeing an opportunity, the Boss lunged, going for a chokehold. But Mark saw it coming. He grabbed the Boss's arms, trying to prevent the choke, but the Boss was relentless, pushing him backward. The two men tumbled, rolling on the ground, each trying to gain the upper hand.

Dust flew up around them as they grappled, the world around them blurring into chaos. The Boss managed to pin Mark for a brief second, aiming to land a decisive blow, but Mark twisted his hips, throwing the Boss off of him.

They both scrambled to their feet, fatigue starting to show. Mark's face was streaked with sweat and dirt, a small cut above his eyebrow bleeding. The Boss wasn't faring much better, with bruises forming and his breathing ragged.

With one last burst of energy, Mark decided to end it. He feinted a left hook, drawing the Boss's attention, then landed a solid right punch to the Boss's jaw. The impact sent the Boss reeling, and before he could regain his balance, Mark moved in, grabbing him in a firm headlock.

The Boss struggled, but the fight had been drained out of him. Mark's grip tightened, and slowly, the Boss's resistance weakened until he was limp in Mark's grasp.

It was over.

Mark released the Boss, who slumped to the ground, defeated. The surrounding Blackwatch soldiers lowered their weapons, some of them visibly relieved. The remaining militia, seeing their leader defeated, dropped their weapons in surrender.

Catching his breath, Mark looked down at the Boss. "You should've just come quietly," he said, signaling for the Blackwatch soldiers to secure the area.

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