Sweet Beauty

Chapter 1003: I Want To See Who Will Protect Her Now

Chapter 1003: I Want To See Who Will Protect Her Now

Wei Xiaoqing just stared blankly at Yu Meilin, who was being helped by the housekeeper.         


It was only when Yu Meilin's figure completely disappeared from her sight that she fearfully retreated a few steps and finally let herself fall onto the sofa.     

"I... I almost killed someone..." The fear in her heart made Wei Xiaoqing's hands tremble. She muttered the words over and over again as if she was being hypnotized.     

Suddenly, as if she was thinking of something, she held her stomach and ran out the door, driving the car to Jiang Huifang's house.     

With such a big incident, the only person Wei Xiaoqing could think of to protect herself was Jiang Huifang. Wei Guowei was still in prison. He did not have time to care about her. Even if he got out, he might want to kill her instead of helping her. How could he protect her?     

Now... Wei Xiaoqing only had Jiang Huifang to rely on.     

Jiang Huifang had just finished shopping and went home. She was sitting on the sofa, happily browsing through the things she had just bought. Suddenly, the door was violently pushed open from outside.     

Jiang Huifang thought that she had been robbed by robbers. With such great strength, wasn't it like someone entering a house to rob?     

Unexpectedly, what she saw was Wei Xiaoqing's face. She sighed with lingering fear in her heart. "Xiaoqing, what are you doing? Are you trying to scare me to death?"     

After saying that, she flipped through the things she had bought again.     

"Mom..." Wei Xiaoqing stumbled into the living room. With a thud, her body fell limply at Jiang Huifang's feet. "I... I... I'm in trouble..."     

"What do you say?" Jiang Huifang quickly put down the dress in her hand and suddenly looked down. She immediately saw that Wei Xiaoqing's hand, which was holding her coat, was covered in blood.     

"Oh my god..." Jiang Huifang was so surprised that her eyes opened wide. "What happened? Your hand. Your hand..."     

"No...it's not me..."     

Until now, Wei Xiaoqing's voice was still trembling, just like her hands that held the steering wheel on the way here.     

When Wei Xiaoqing did not say anything for a long time, Jiang Huifang was so anxious that she shouted, "What's wrong with you? What really happened? Did the Hou Family bully you again? Or was it Hou Yingyi? Did he beat you again?"     

"No... no..." Wei Xiaoqing shook her head and grabbed Jiang Huifang's hands. She said in horror, "I... I used a knife to injure... Yu Meilin..."     


Jiang Huifang could not help but shout. "You hurt her? Is it serious? Is she going to die?"     

Her voice was sharp and shrill. Even the housekeeper in the room could hear her.     

Wei Xiaoqing quickly raised her hands to cover Jiang Huifang's mouth and said in fear, "Keep your voice down! I-I only hurt her hand. It was just her arm. It should... shouldn't be a big deal."     

"Aiya..." Jiang Huifang took a deep breath and smiled as she pushed Wei Xiaoqing's hand away. "It's just an arm. I thought something big had happened. Look how scared you are. If people who don't know the truth see you like this, they'll think you killed someone!"     

"No! No!" Wei Xiaoqing grabbed Jiang Huifang's hand again as if she wanted to draw strength from her. "Yes, it's just an arm, but there was a lot of blood! Mom... The Hou Family will definitely not let me go. You... you must protect me!"     

Jiang Huifang can also be considered a simple person. She felt that no matter how much trouble Wei Xiaoqing had caused, she would not cause much trouble.     

Besides, Wei Xiaoqing might have been scared, so she exaggerated the matter.     

Maybe Yu Meilin's arm was just scratched and the wound was just a small cut. The doctor only needed to bandage it. In fact, it was a wound that was no big deal.         


"Xiaoqing, it's not a big deal. Don't worry."     

But when Jiang Huifang saw Wei Xiaoqing's bloodied hands, she suddenly changed her mind.     

How much blood did Yu Meilin lose?     

"Mom, don't be like this! You have to protect me!"     

Wei Xiaoqing's cry startled Jiang Huifang. She immediately stood up, held Wei Xiaoqing's hand, and helped her walk upstairs. "How about this? You hide in your room first. I'll keep watch downstairs. When the people from the Hou Family come, I'll ask how Yu Meilin is doing first."     

"No, mom!" Wei Xiaoqing, who was dragged by Jiang Huifang, said desperately, "If they come, you must say that I am not at home. Hou Yingyi will go berserk, and he can really do anything for his mother!"     

"I know, I know." Jiang Huifang just wanted to hide Wei Xiaoqing and replied casually, "You hide first. Don't open the door until I call you, okay?"     

"Okay!" Only then did Wei Xiaoqing feel calm. After Jiang Huifang pushed her into her room, she locked the door from the outside.     

Jiang Huifang went back downstairs and told the housekeeper to hide Wei Xiaoqing's shoes and also clean the blood stains on the floor.     

On the other side, in a hospital...     

As soon as Hou Yingyi received a phone call from Nanny Huang, he immediately rushed to the hospital. Then, he saw a gaping wound on Yu Meilin's arm.     

"Mom, what happened? How did you get such a serious injury?"     

"Ask the girl you married!"     

A doctor was currently treating Yu Meilin's wounds. Since the wound was so deep and the bone was visible, she still needed to receive several stitches.     

Whether it was because of the pain or because she was angry, Yu Meilin gritted her teeth as she spoke.     

Her answer immediately made Hou Yingyi lose his mind. "Was it Wei Xiaoqing who injured you like this?"     

Yu Meilin turned her head away and cursed through clenched teeth. "Who else but her? If your Aunt Huang didn't pull her at that time, her knife would have definitely stabbed my chest!"     

"Good!" Hou Yingyi smiled coldly and nodded. A bright light shone in his eyes. "Very good! She dared to go against heaven and tried to kill you! I want to see who will protect her now!"     

After Hou Yingyi said this, he immediately ran out in a hurry.     

Nanny Huang looked after Hou Yingyi's retreating back and said anxiously, "Madam, you have provoked the Young Master. What if... What if the Young Master does something rash and really hurts Wei Xiaoqing? It was just a small thing, but what if... what if someone really dies later?"     

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