Sweet Beauty

Chapter 873: Liang Jiaying Has Gone Missing VI

Chapter 873: Liang Jiaying Has Gone Missing VI

Qin Shanyuan stood up quickly, a proud smile playing around his lips. "I will ask them to leave, but brother-in-law....Hehehe..."         


Qin Shanyuan's unruly smile made Liang Mingyu's scalp go numb. "What do you want?"     

The guards outside disappeared without a trace after one phone call. The nurses looked at the man on the bed and asked, "Do we have to leave too?"     

"Yes." The man's deep voice showed a hint of determination, "I'll handle it myself. You two are just little girls and never have to deal with such a den of wolves. If you follow me, not only will I be unable to protect myself, but I will have to protect both of you too. Do you think I have three arms and three legs?     

Two nurses: "..."     

How could such kind words be so detestable when they came out of his mouth?     

The two nurses just packed their own things and didn't stay any longer. It's like a burden for them to stay inside the room any longer.     

As soon as the nurses left, the room became quiet. The man pulled up the mask on his face, revealing only his two eyes, and lay down on the bed with a tired face. The clock kept ticking, but the man's heart gradually calmed down.     

Suddenly, the door of the ward was kicked open from the outside and two men dressed in black rushed in. They looked at the patient on the bed with watchful eyes. "Liang Mingyu, why are you wearing a mask?"     

Liang Mingyu slowly raised his eyes, there was a hint of contempt in his eyes. "I have a cold, can't you see?"     

The other men wasted no more time by asking questions and lifted the blanket from Liang Mingyu's body.     

These men had never seen Liang Mingyu before. They only knew that Liang Mingyu was seriously injured. The man who lifted the blanket looked at Liang Mingyu's patient uniform and narrowed his eyes slightly before rolling up Liang Mingyu's pants.     

Liang Mingyu immediately cried out in pain. "What are you doing? Stop it!"     

The pants were rolled up and thick gauze was wrapped around Liang Mingyu's leg. There was still some blood on the gauze. The man squeezed Liang Mingyu's gauze-wrapped leg, and he immediately screamed. "Ah! It hurts! Let go!"     

The look of pain on his face made the man smile.     

"All right, stop messing with him. We'd better get a move on. Our boss is waiting for us."     

After confirming Liang Mingyu's identity, the two men wordlessly pulled him out of the hospital bed. They held Liang Mingyu's hands tightly, and his weak feet dragged across the floor. He was dragged out the door by them like a dead dog.     

Along the way, Liang Mingyu screamed in pain. The men were very annoyed by his constant screaming, and one of them raised his hand and knocked Liang Mingyu's head hard. "Shut up or I'll kill you!"     

"It hurts! Can you slow down?"     

"Shut up!"     

Liang Mingyu blinked and bit his lips, not daring to make another sound anymore.     

From entering the hospital to dragging Liang Mingyu out and getting into the car, these actions were going very smoothly.     

The nurses on duty weren't even to be seen, it was like no one else in the whole hospital except Liang Mingyu.     


The driver immediately started the engine. He did not dare to delay for a second and drove off. The two men who dragged Liang Mingyu out kept having a feeling that something was wrong. They had done so many bad things before but never had their missions gone as smoothly as today.     

One of the men kept looking over the mirror and to the rear, saying to the driver in front of him. "Leon, be alert and see if anyone is following us."         


"Don't worry, Keller! I'm an experienced driver, how could I not know if someone is following us?" Leon said confidently, then whistled cheerfully.     

Keller thought about it and found that Leon was right.     

But no matter how experienced driver Leon was, he still did not realize that there was a car following him.     

When the car was a kilometer away, a black Bentley suddenly came out of the hospital parking lot. The car was driving so fast, like it was a black panther running in the night.      

When the driver was about to catch up with the car that Liang Mingyu was in, he suddenly slowed down. Looking at the navigation tracker inside the car, he pursed his lips slightly.     

An hour later, Leon finally parked the car outside the abandoned factory.     

Keller dragged Liang Mingyu out from the back seat.     

Liang Mingyu once again screamed in pain. "Can you please be gentle? It hurts!"     

Eric, another man, kicked Liang Mingyu. "Cut the crap! Shut up!"     

Keller put Liang Mingyu's arm around his shoulder before saying to Eric, "Eric, help me. We can't let the boss wait for us."     

"Okay." Eric immediately helped Keller bring Liang Mingyu inside.     

Leon, meanwhile, leaned against the front of the car and pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He took out a cigarette and lit it. Under the moonlight, his eyes shone like an eagle's. He stared around him.     

Keller and Eric dragged Liang Mingyu into an abandoned factory, and when Ryan saw them, he immediately stood up and kicked his chair, signaling them to put Liang Mingyu on that chair.     

"Ryan, should we tie him up?" A man next to him asked cautiously.     

Keller laughed and kicked Liang Mingyu's leg. Liang Mingyu immediately screamed in pain. He looked like he was going to die. All the men inside laughed. "Do we still have to tie him up? He can't even walk."     

"Just put him there and let him sit." Ryan instructed. Keller and Eric put Liang Mingyu on a chair and it was at that moment, Liang Mingyu saw a woman tied up on a chair ten meters away from him. The woman had something stuffed in her mouth and was staring at him with her watery, big eyes.     

"Jiaying!" Liang Mingyu immediately got up from the chair despite the pain he was feeling. Ryan raised his eyebrows and teased, "Look at that. You two really have a good sibling relationship, and this bond makes me jealous."     

"Earlier, when we dragged him out of the hospital, he was screaming in pain, but now, after seeing his sister, he's standing up on his own!"     

As soon as Eric finished speaking, Liang Mingyu's legs suddenly went limp and he fell straight to the ground.     


When the men saw Liang Mingyu's cowardly appearance, they all laughed out loud.     

Even after falling to the ground, Liang Mingyu did not give up. He crawled towards Liang Jiaying with difficulty. He looked at her with pain in his eyes and kept muttering her name. "Jiaying...Jiaying..."     

Keller spat on the ground and stomped on Liang Mingyu's back hard. "You can crawl. Not bad, kid!"     

"Ah!" Liang Mingyu screamed in pain. His forehead was sweating from the pain. He struggled a few times before tearing himself away from Keller's legs and continued crawling toward Liang Jiaying. "Jiaying, don't be afraid. I am here."     

Ryan and the rest of his men looked at each other and they immediately understood his command. Together, they ran toward Liang Mingyu and surrounded him.         


Liang Mingyu raised his head and looked at the men around him. He was so scared that he stuttered. "W-w-w-what are you going to do?     

"What do you think we are going to do?" Keller stroked his bottom lips with his thumb in a bloodthirsty manner and smiled arrogantly. "Following our boss' orders, we are going to beat you up until you beg for mercy and let you watch us play with your sister with your own eyes!"     

As soon as he finished speaking, several men raised their legs and kicked Liang Mingyu at the same time. Liang Mingyu screamed in pain and he could only watch as the legs kicked him.     

"Big brother!" Liang Jiaying cried out in despair and sorrow. Her body struggled as hard as she could. The ropes were tightly tied around her hands and feet, and her struggle had inflicted too many shocking wounds.     

Liang Mingyu used his hands to protect his head from the men's critical blows. He almost threw up a mouthful of blood. He really could not stand this kind of fight. Suddenly, he shouted at the top of his lungs in Mandarin, "Liang Jiahao, if you don't come inside now, I will be beaten to death!"     

As soon as he said that, the door of the abandoned factory was kicked open with a powerful kick and two tall figures walked in under the moonlight.     

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