
The ground trembled with a massive impact, and a thick haze of dust rose all around.

The wall Lain had been leaning against split apart, leaving a huge crater at its center and scattering debris everywhere.


Suddenly, sirens began to blare throughout the city of Barbadon.

It was only natural, given the aftermath of their battle.

Soon, the city's guards, including heroes, would converge on this location.

Before getting embroiled in that chaos, Hajoon decided to finish off Lain.

The dust gradually settled, revealing Lain. She was battered and bleeding from her forehead.

Yet, she was still breathing.

The dragon scales Lain wore protected her body.

However, those scales that had shielded her were now shattered, cracked, and fragmented, falling away from her, unable to withstand the force of the attack.

She was now utterly defenseless.

Hajoon raised his hammer once more, while Lain, gasping for breath, looked up at him, realizing that despite giving her all, she couldn't defeat him.

He still seemed so composed.

When she realized this, a newfound fear surged within Lain.

Her eyes trembled as she looked up at the boy, the distance between them feeling impossibly vast.

"Ah, no!" A scream mixed with complex emotions escaped Lain's lips.

The absolute being that Leanon had spoken of in the past was about to strike her down with that hammer.


That was the emotion Lain felt in that very moment.

'I can't... I can't die yet.'

She still had promises to keep, goals to achieve.

Tears streamed down her face, her eyes filled with terror.

Then it happened.


It was Leanon's voice.

A rift began to form right above Lain, and from the deep darkness within that rift, a dragon's eye slowly opened.


The dragon with whom Lain had formed a pact gazed down at her, expressing, "How foolish."

The moment that voice echoed in Lain's ears, her eyes started to close involuntarily.

Even though she lost consciousness, Hajoon's hammer swung down without hesitation.

But as he struck with his hammer, time froze. When he released the pause...


Hajoon's hammer was abruptly stopped by something.

It didn't seem like she had any protective barrier when he started the swing.

Narrowing his eyes, Hajoon closely examined Lain and noticed a thin shimmering barrier enveloping her entire body.

Of course, it was just the same protective barrier.

Despite the challenge, Hajoon thought it would be best to eliminate her now and readied his hammer once more.

Then, the unexpected occurred.

Lain, whom he assumed had fainted, opened her mouth.

"You've made a pact with Maharazu, Transcendent."

Lain had spoken.

However, it wasn't Lain's voice.

A voice that seemed to echo through space.

Before him, a pair of enormous eyes.

It was the voice of the dragon.

"Never thought a new king would be born in this world. Unfortunately, you lack the mana to use the power of 'Annihilation'."

It spoke in the human language.

Was it borrowing Lain's body?

While Hajoon could now understand its words, unlike in the past, he had no intention of engaging in conversation.

Ignoring the piercing gaze of those massive eyes, Hajoon readied his hammer to strike at Lain again.

Then, the creature addressed Hajoon.

"Transcendent, I bear no ill will towards you."

"What do you mean?"

"It means exactly what I've said."

Hajoon, with a puzzled expression, glared at the creature.

Its intentions were unclear.

Was it trying to buy time?

After a moment of contemplation, Hajoon rested his hammer on his shoulder, awaiting the dragon's next words.

Time was something Hajoon had in abundance.

He thought it best to hear out the creature completely before making a decision.

Soon after, the creature said, gazing at Hajoon,

"You could easily shatter this barrier. However, I have no intention of opposing you."

"If you have no intention of opposing,"

Hajoon interrupted, locking eyes with the creature.

He then let out a sarcastic laugh and said,

"You shouldn't have interfered in the first place."

"...Isn't that right?"

For a moment, there was silence.

The dragon momentarily closed its mouth, its subdued eyes looking down upon Hajoon.

After a brief, tense silence, it began to speak slowly.

"I promise, from now on, I won't act against your wishes."

"Can I trust-"

Hajoon was about to say 'Can I trust that?' but he was suddenly cut off.

A quest notification suddenly popped up before his eyes.

It was the red quest he had previously acquired due to a mistake.

Upon seeing this, Hajoon's eyes widened in surprise.

[Main Quest]

Eligible Character: Kim Hajoon (Liber Laphilton Phil Ehrman)

Objective: Graduate safely from Rokia Academy with your allies.

● Han Siyoung (On Hold)

● Anna Elizabeth Hartel (On Hold)

● Haruna Ruel (On Hold)

● Liam Martel (Progress 45%)

Failure: Death


There had been a significant change in the red quest notification.

A progress bar, which had always been labeled as 'On Hold' for the playable character, now appeared.

'Why now of all times...'

Lost in thought, Hajoon remained silent for a moment.

Was the dragon's word sincere?

If not, there wouldn't be such a sudden change in the once dormant red quest.

It seemed clear enough what the progress rate meant without delving too deep into it.

It's probably referring to the story progression of Liam Martel.

Does this mean the progress rate increased because of what the dragon just said?


Hajoon lost himself in thought.

What would happen if he tried to kill Lain now?

As soon as that thought crossed his mind, an event occurred.


A residual current started flowing through Hajoon's body.

It was a faint zap, just enough to sting, but Hajoon was familiar with this sensation.


Hajoon's brow furrowed slightly.

To be honest, even Hajoon couldn't understand what was happening right now.

He knew that the red quest was the main quest and therefore had the power of compulsion, but he hadn't had any thoughts that went against the quest.

Of course, that was just Hajoon's perspective.

The system seemed to think differently.

For instance...

'If Lain dies...'

Would Liam fail to graduate from the academy if Lain were killed?

Hajoon knew Liam Martel's story and the reason why Lain intended to kill Liam Martel.

Therefore, in Hajoon's opinion, main villains should be eliminated at all costs.

They are the main antagonists that appear in playable character episodes, representing pure evil.

Moreover, they pose a direct threat to the playable character's life.

However, this recent event made Hajoon reconsider.

For Liam to graduate... No, to be precise, for him to live, Lain needs to stay alive.

'How troublesome...'

Hajoon clicked his tongue in irritation.

After all, the inevitable decision had already been determined.

With a visibly annoyed expression, Hajoon warned the figure sternly.

"Remember this. If I see Lain's face again, she's dead."


With that, Hajoon turned away nonchalantly.

He could see the heroes coming forward to protect Barbadon.

"Hey, let's go."


Hajoon spoke to Liam, who was blankly observing the situation.

However, Liam looked up at Hajoon with a stunned expression before finally regaining his composure and replying.

"Do we not need to capture that guy?"

"The heroes will take care of him."

At least Lain might survive, but it was evident the heroes would recognize and apprehend Lain. Given her current condition, even if her allies arrived, they wouldn't be able to rescue Lain.

"Right, we should go back and get some treatment first."

With that said, Liam tried to slowly stand up but lost his balance and plopped back down.

Then, with an awkward laugh, Liam said to Hajoon,

"Haha, I can't seem to muster any strength. Can you help me up?"

Hajoon tsk-tsked and helped Liam to his feet.

"We should go and enjoy the parade then."

"Huh? Haha, yeah, let's do that."

Should Hajoon be relieved?

He heard that Lain, the leader of Villante, was arrested in the underwater city of Barbadon, but no news regarding the Irregular came out.

It made sense that the circumstances weren't clear since the conflict took place in a secluded location without CCTV.

Regardless, Hajoon had no intention of boasting about capturing her.

He initially didn’t want to draw attention to himself. If he did, he might have to deal with the hassle of explaining the situation.

"Is that Hajoon on TV?"

The next morning, at their lodging, the kids were watching breaking news on the TV. Anna stared at Hajoon with wide eyes, asking that question.

The looks in the other kids' eyes, except for Liam, were the same.

It was clear from the circumstances that Hajoon was the hero who captured Villante's Lain.


Hajoon nonchalantly replied, then calmly laid on the bed and started watching MewTube on his smartphone.

Anna sighed at Hajoon’s indifferent response and turned her gaze from him to Liam.

"Hey, tell us."

"Well... Hajoon saved us yesterday. He fought with Villante's Lain."

"It did seem odd when you returned last night with both a broken left and right rib," Yoo Seolah commented.

She had been surprised when Liam, injured badly that evening, had come in. Using her powers, she had healed him, but he fainted right after, so she hadn't gotten the full story.

"I had no choice. Those guys suddenly attacked our lodging."

"Thankfully, it worked out."

"Your timing was impeccable, Hajoon."

"Huh? Yeah."

Hajoon casually responded to Yoo Seolah's remark, scratched his back, and went back to watching MewTube. The kids stared at him in disbelief.

Their eyes then shifted to Elaine, and representing the group's curiosity, Anna quietly asked her, "Has Hajoon always been like this?"

"Well... He wasn't this odd before."

Elaine felt the same as the other kids. How had her brother changed so much in the time they'd been apart?

Having witnessed the reality of the most famous hero of the current era, Elaine stared at her giggling brother, who was still lying on the bed, with mixed emotions.

Then, a call came in on the smartphone Hajoon was using to watch MewTube.

With a slightly irritated look, he picked up. The caller was Andre Heut, the president of the American Hero Association.

"I saw the breaking news today, Irregular. Did you capture Villante's Lain?"

"Yes, why?"

"You really have done us several favors, Irregular. Thank you."

"It's alright."

Despite President Andre's praise, Hajoon humbly responded. He hadn’t done it for recognition, and he doubted someone of the president’s stature would call just to express gratitude.

Did Hajoon's prediction come true?

After expressing gratitude, the association president subtly approached Hajoon with a request.

-"Um, so, at the World Hero Association, we're considering awarding you the Hero's Medal of Honor. What are your thoughts on this?"

Hero's Medal of Honor.

It represents the pinnacle of honor for a hero, and only a handful of heroes globally have ever received it, irrespective of nationality.

It's a prestigious medal bestowed only upon those heroes, from the great legends who resolved past turmoil to those currently ranked among the top five in the world, who have prevented major global threats.

Hajoon responded without hesitation to the association president's offer.

"No, I decline."

-"Pardon? Why would that be?"

The tremble in the president's voice betrayed his astonishment.

Hajoon, of course, had his reasons.

When he thought of the privileges that came with the Medal of Honor, none of them seemed particularly beneficial or necessary to him. He didn’t feel the need for the extra attention it would bring.

Hajoon stated, "It's all right, really."

-"Are you certain?"


-"Understood. If you ever reconsider, please reach out."

With that, the association president ended the call. Elaine, who overheard the conversation, stared at Hajoon in disbelief.

"Brother, did I just hear them mention the Hero's Medal of Honor? Did you decline it?"

She recalled hearing the words 'Hero's Medal of Honor' and thought her brother had declined with a simple 'no'.

She asked Hajoon in disbelief, but his response left her stunned.

"That's right."

At his admission, the other children in the room gazed at Hajoon, dumbfounded.

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