At 8 p.m. Korean time, Hajoon returned to Del Her and headed straight to the Hermes Guild.

Well, he wished to finish his business quickly and head back to the dormitory to rest, but there was still work to be done.

However, Lorelei seemed to intuitively understand the situation without him having to spell it out.

"You've done well. Leave the rest to me."

It was regarding the incident where top heroes of the Chinese Sura Guild were severely injured and hospitalized.

If Hajoon's predictions were correct, the leader of the Sura Guild, Wei Huan, would undoubtedly try to cover up the situation.

Given that they were ranked second amongst China's hero guilds, they might easily exercise media control.

Naturally, Hajoon wanted to leave this matter to Lorelei before heading back to the dormitory, but she appeared to have already grasped the situation and was acting accordingly.

"If they try to hide it, we can expose it. Can I use your name in this?"

By "your name," she obviously referred to "Irregular," not Kim Hajoon.

Hajoon nodded in agreement.

That was what he had wanted anyway.

Upon receiving Hajoon's consent, Lorelei began to smile broadly.

From her expression, it was somewhat clear what she was thinking.

Revealing this fact would also indirectly disclose that he was in a collaborative relationship with the Hermes Guild.

"But what about other guilds targeting the elixir?"

"Well, to be honest, not just guilds but also powerful nations and associations had their eyes on it. But with this revelation, they'll probably back off."


Hajoon tilted his head, looking puzzled, and asked, "All because of this?"

"You might not realize the weight the name 'Irregular' carries. Even the U.S. sees you as a considerable threat."

Is that so? Well, that aside, it seemed like the matter was resolved, and Hajoon wanted to leave.

Ah! Maybe he should buy a bed while he's here?

"I'll be on my way."

Slowly, Hajoon rose from his seat.

As he pondered the location of a nearby furniture store and was about to leave the guild master's room, she spoke again.

"Oh! Right. I think we might have a lead on that request you made."

Upon hearing that, Hajoon turned slowly to look at Lorelei.

He stared at her with a slightly incredulous look and asked, "You're telling me this now?"

"It's not confirmed yet."

"So, what's the information?"

"The location of the child in the photograph. We might have a rough idea."

The child in the photograph...

It was most likely the girl presumed to be Liber's younger sister, right?

"Well, I don't know the details, but I'll let you know once we find out."

Hajoon paused for a moment in deep thought, then nodded.

And he pondered inwardly.

What should he do if he does find Liber's sister?


Well, he'd think about it once he finds her. For now, Hajoon decided to head back to the dormitory and rest.

On that Sunday afternoon, Hajoon, who had gone straight to sleep the previous evening, stretched lazily as he woke up around 1 PM.


His first thought upon waking was whether to eat or go back to sleep.

Well, there's really nothing to do, maybe I should just sleep some more?

At that moment, the buzzing of his phone caught his attention. It was a message from the student council president, Lee Joohee.

[Lee Joohee: Kim Hajoon, can you come to the student council office now?]


Looking slightly annoyed, Hajoon got up from his bed. After a quick wash-up, he made his way out of the dormitory and headed to the student council office.

Why is she suddenly texting me?

Soon, he arrived at the student council office of Rokia Academy. Without hesitation, Hajoon knocked on the door, waiting for the president's response.

-Come in.

Upon hearing her, he slowly opened the door and entered. Lee Joohee was busily looking over various papers on her desk. Seeing Hajoon enter, she greeted him with a faint smile and motioned for him to take a seat on the sofa.

"Sit here first. We need to talk."

Yawning widely, Hajoon took a seat on the central sofa of the office. Shortly after, she also took a seat opposite him, handed him a cup of coffee, and began to speak.

"I called you here to discuss club activities."

"Club activities?"

"Yes, I noticed you haven't submitted a club application form."

Ah… I forgot about it. Originally, I had planned to create a club, so I didn’t mention it.

"That's why I called you, to make an offer."

"…What offer?"

"How about joining the student council?"

Hajoon's eyes widened in surprise. The unexpected proposition had snapped him to full attention. Without a second thought, he shook his head in refusal.


"Hmm... I thought you'd be a reliable addition. A shame."

Why would she think that? From my behavior, what gave her that impression?

And for some reason, her statement felt like it meant more than just asking him to join as a member.

"Well, I sort of expected that response. So, what are your plans for the club activities? The application period has passed, so you might be randomly assigned."

"I'm thinking of founding a club."

"A club?"

Lee Joohee looked at him with interest, resting her chin on her interlocked fingers.

"What kind of club?"


Hajoon hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to explain. How should he put it?

Honestly, the club Hajoon wanted to create didn't have any specific activity set in stone.

Was it simply a club I formed for leisure, or perhaps to join the kids in their club activity episodes?

Hajoon tried his best to describe the club in a manner pleasing to her, given she had all authority over club establishment.

"It's a hobby club to help students relieve stress."

"All clubs are formed with that intention, Hajoon."

"Uhm... it's just a travel club?"


Lee Joohee looked at Hajoon with a puzzled expression upon hearing this. Hajoon continued to explain.

"It's a wholesome club where we plan dates to travel."

Lee Joohee made a questioning face at that vague description.

"But there's already a club like that, isn't there? Called the 'Travel Club'."

Hajoon was aware.

After all, Anna was a member of that club.

However, what Hajoon had in mind was not only about Anna but also joining club activities with other kids. At least if he established a club and became its president, he could freely engage in activities.

"Then, how many members do you have?"

"I've secured one person. It's your younger sister."


Upon hearing this, Lee Joohee revealed a knowing smile.

Hajoon looked at that mysterious smile, and soon after, the president's response came.

"Alright, I permit it. However, with just two members, the support funds won't be much."

"Yes, well, that's okay."

In the end, it was a simple matter he could solve with his own money.

Having resolved the straightforward matter of the club, Hajoon was on his way back to the dormitory.



Surprised by the sudden call, Hajoon pulled out his phone with a puzzled expression.

The caller was Chairman Kim Jeongyong.

'So many calls today.'

Feeling somewhat annoyed for no particular reason, Hajoon picked up the phone. Soon after, the kind voice of Kim Jeongyong came through.

-How have you been, student Hajoon?

"Ah, yes, well... What is it you wanted?"

-It's nothing much, I just wanted to give you a small gift.

"A gift?"

Hajoon scratched his cheek in confusion.

Chairman Kim Jeongyong continued.

-Your home was destroyed due to the villain terror incident last time, wasn't it?

"Wait... you don't mean?"

-Yes. Would you like to come and take a look now, if that's alright with you?

Upon hearing that, the corners of Hajoon's mouth turned upwards in delight.

What an unimaginable gift.

"I'll head over right now."

-Alright, then I'll wait for you in front of the academy.

Five minutes later, Hajoon exited the Academy and was en route to the house the principal had bought for him, traveling in the principal's car.

"You shouldn't need to worry too much about the incidents from before; the house has multiple security measures in place."

"Is it an apartment?"

At that question, the principal responded with a gentle smile and a shake of his head.

"No, it's a house. I believe you'll find it to your liking."

Relieved, Hajoon smiled. After all, if it had been an apartment, there might have been a risk of another hostage situation like before.

"But is it safe for you to travel alone like this?"

Considering the principal's status and with villains running rampant in Korea, Hajoon wondered if it was wise for him to move around alone.

To this, the principal looked at Hajoon in surprise and replied, "Why wouldn't it be? After all, you, Hajoon, are right beside me."

At that, Hajoon chuckled, amused.

After about 30 minutes of driving, the principal commented, "We're almost there."

The house seemed to be closer to the Academy than Hajoon had expected, a convenience he guessed the principal had considered for him.

"But, it seems there's a fire nearby? I can see black smoke rising."

"Yes... It does seem like a rather big fire."

Suddenly, the principal's face tensed.

What could be wrong?

The principal then sped up the car, heading straight towards the source of the smoke. All the while, Hajoon looked on with a puzzled expression as the principal's face grew grimmer, sweat beading on his forehead.

Upon reaching the blazing house, they found nearby residents gathered, staring at the inferno. The principal's face went from tense to sheer shock as he took in the scene.

"How can this be...?"

For a moment, he just stood there, gazing in dismay at the burning mansion. Hajoon, sensing the principal's reaction was out of the ordinary, asked, "What's going on?"

The principal hesitated, visibly flustered by the situation. Catching onto something wrong, Hajoon's face contorted into a realization.

"Don't tell me..."


"This is my house?"

The principal could only lower his head in response, at a loss for words.


Speechless, Hajoon stared at his house, now engulfed in flames, an incredulous expression on his face.

"I truly don't know what to say."

With his head bowed, all the principal could do was apologize to Hajoon. Yet, at that moment, Hajoon seemed not to hear him, his gaze fixed solely on the burning structure that was once his home.

To think, he had rushed to witness a house fire, only to discover it was his own home.

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