On a Monday morning, the warm sunlight filtered in.

Having fully rested over the weekend, Hajoon sat in his classroom.

"Ah... I want a break..."

Could it be because he had such a packed weekend? Hajoon already missed the feel of it.

Next to him, Anna looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Anna remarked, "You just had a relaxing time at the hot spring hotel."

Hajoon chose not to respond. After all, diligent individuals like Anna could never truly grasp his feelings. About 30 minutes passed in this quietness.

Suddenly, a thought struck him.

Typically punctual, Instructor Han Eeseul was unusually late for the attendance check. Such occurrences often meant something was wrong at the school...

At that moment, the door swung open.

Around five minutes later, a rushed-looking Instructor Han Eeseul burst in, his gaze flitting over the students until it settled on Hajoon.

Instructor Han Eeseul said, "Kim Hajoon. There's an urgent matter. Head to the principal's office immediately."

"Me?" Hajoon replied, puzzled, but he rose from his seat.

Upon reaching the principal's door, he gave a gentle knock twice and waited.

Soon after, Principal Choi Jungwon's voice came from within, "Come in."

Obeying the summons, Hajoon entered the office. Inside, sitting opposite Principal Choi Jungwon on a couch and sipping tea, was a woman.

She had shimmering silver long hair and wore a serene smile.

Noticing Hajoon's entrance, Principal Choi Jungwon greeted him warmly, "Ah, you're here. I know you're busy with classes, so I appreciate you coming."

"Yes, well, what is this about?"

"This lady here wanted to see you," Principal Choi Jungwon said, gesturing to the woman.

She turned her head slowly towards Hajoon. Although her eyes were closed, it felt as if she were truly seeing him. She then began to smile gently.

With a satisfied nod, she softly said, "I've been eager to meet you, Student Hajoon."

Extending her hand for a handshake, Hajoon couldn't help but wear an annoyed expression, though he recognized her.

After all, her face was globally renowned.

"I'm Joa Elliot. Pleased to meet you."

Joa Elliot, ranked fifth amongst the world's heroes, was extending her hand towards Hajoon.

The reason the United States was known as a superpower country was clear.

It boasted countless heroes and held both the first and fifth spots in the world rankings. Among them, one named Joa Elliot possessed a unique ability.

"I apologize for intruding during such a busy time. I, too, am pressed for time right now," she said.

Across from her, sitting on a sofa, was Hajoon, listening intently.

He asked with a calm demeanor, "Why have you come to see me?"

"I have a request for you, Irregular," she replied.

At that, Hajoon slowly turned his gaze to Principal Choi Jungwon. However, Choi Jungwon just responded with a gentle smile and a nod.

"I didn't mention anything," Choi Jungwon clarified. "But considering her abilities, her request isn't too surprising."

A puzzled look crossed Hajoon's face.

He looked back at Joa and asked, "Did you see a future related to me?"

Joa Elliot's renown stemmed from her ability. Her ability, 'Future Vision,' allowed her to see a snippet of the forthcoming events. She nodded in response to Hajoon's question, "Yes, and it's a future that involves me as well."

Hajoon didn't exhibit any discernible reaction. He pondered for a moment, deciding to hear her out further.

"What is it?" Hajoon questioned.

As she began to speak, Joa slowly opened her vibrant eyes, which glittered like amethysts, and looked directly at Hajoon. "In a few weeks, the American Heroes Association will make a request to you, Irregular. Will you accept it?"

"A request?" Hajoon recalled a previous contract with the American Heroes Association.

Three tasks annually, with the choice being his. And a guaranteed reward of one million dollars. Remembering that contract made Hajoon slightly uneasy.

His unease was simple.

If it was in a few weeks, it would undoubtedly coincide with his school vacation. Moreover, considering she personally came to ask, it couldn't be a regular task.

"What's the request about?" Hajoon probed.

Joa responded, "I'm not sure about the specifics. But I can tell you this - your decision will significantly alter the future."

"What future are you referring to?" Hajoon asked directly, growing increasingly impatient.

However, Joa just shook her head gently. After pondering for a moment, she wore a bitter smile and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't disclose that. It could change the future, after all."

Hajoon's eyebrows furrowed, and he looked at her intently. Yet he could sense a slight change in her demeanor, a hint of anxiousness maybe? That slight hint of anxiety behind her bitter smile made Hajoon realize what she might be asking of him.

"So, the time has come."

Hero Joa Elliot.

She's known as the fifth-ranked hero in the world, but she wasn't a significant character in the game.

Most importantly, only a few months after starting the game, she mysteriously disappeared.

The American Hero Association seemed to know the reason behind her disappearance, but they were keen on keeping it under wraps for a while.

The probable reason? They believed her sudden absence—or more accurately, her death—would significantly impact the crime rate in the United States.

And Hajoon had a rough idea of what she might request.

It's probably related to her recent disappearance.


Hajoon let out a weary sigh.

Seeing him, she flashed a bittersweet smile and continued.

"I am aware that any request made to an Irregular like you might seem presumptuous.”

“Yes, well…”

“Nevertheless, I implore you.”

With that, her smile faded, and she bowed respectfully toward Hajoon.

For a moment, Hajoon calmly looked at her, after which she spoke up again.

“Please, grant my request.”

Afterward, Joa Elliot left only those words behind and departed for the United States through the gate. Within the principal's office, only Hajoon and Sage Choi Jungwon remained.

Sage Choi Jungwon then gazed at Hajoon with a warm smile and spoke.

"You're still contemplating."

Hajoon sighed deeply in response.

He hadn't readily answered her request.

Hajoon needed time to ponder as well.

To be honest, even Hajoon wasn't sure about the implications of this matter and felt the need for caution in his decisions.

"I need some time to think."

"I understand... However," said Choi Jungwon, his gentle gaze unwavering.

He continued, "I will respect your decision."

Choi Jungwon observed Hajoon with a somewhat enigmatic smile. In response to his words, Hajoon nodded with a hint of irritation.

He might not have given her an answer yet, but he was already leaning toward accepting the association's request.

Hajoon sighed again.

Chuckling, Choi Jungwon remarked, "By the looks of it, you've already made up your mind."

"Well, sort of."

It didn't feel right to refuse someone who came all this way to humbly ask for help. Even if he wasn't sure of the circumstances, saving those he could would sit better with him.

In the end, although it was bothersome, Hajoon decided to grant her request.

The potential penalty of altering the future due to his decision weighed heavily on him, but he tried to push it from his mind.

"I'll be on my way."

"Heh, very well."

With that, Hajoon slowly rose from his seat and exited the principal's office.

Left alone in the room, Sage Choi Jungwon quietly watched the departing Hajoon, a faint smile playing on his lips.

That evening, at 6 pm, Anna sat calmly on the floor of her quarters, hands together, meditating.

Closing her eyes, she felt the spread of magic within her and, sensing a peculiar tingling sensation, slowly opened them.

"How peculiar."

Anna felt a strange disconnect with her own growth. Had her magical power suddenly grown stronger? Moreover, her mind felt clearer, and her sage's vision seemed more vivid.

Perplexed by this anomaly, Anna slowly rose from her spot. Surely someone here would understand such a bizarre growth.

Step by step, she made her way out of her room, heading toward the principal's office.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Anna gently knocked on the door.

Every meeting with Sage Choi Jungwon was still a tense moment for her. However, just as she knocked:

"I've been expecting you."

His voice emanated from within, as if he knew she'd come.

Feeling a mix of surprise and curiosity, Anna opened the door and stepped inside.

There, seated on a sofa with eyes closed in a serene posture, was Choi Jungwon, awaiting her.

"Have a seat."

Anna simply nodded in response and took a seat on the sofa. She felt somewhat uneasy.

The principal's current demeanor felt notably different from usual.

The deep blue magic emanating from him used to frighten her, but now it felt oddly comforting.

"Heh, how does it feel?"


"Doesn't it feel peaceful?"

With that, Choi Jungwon offered a kindly smile. Anna, still in a daze, nodded.

Choi Jungwon continued, “I should've looked after you more. I apologize for not being able to do so.”

“No, it’s alright,” Anna replied.

Choi Jungwon simply responded with a warm smile. Although she knew of his renowned character, his current aura was mysteriously different.

"You must've felt something, which led you here."


"And you probably have many questions."

She nodded slowly in response. Yet, instead of answering, Choi Jungwon simply lowered his gaze.

"There's no need to push yourself to find the answers. No need to ask either."

"What do you mean...?"

"You're still an incomplete sage. Just like me."

At that, Anna looked at Choi Jungwon with confusion.

"So, when I become a complete sage, I'll understand?" she asked.

"Exactly. And about that..."

Reaching out slowly, Choi Jungwon extended his hand towards Anna.

At that moment.


Anna was taken aback by the phenomenon occurring to her.

She looked at Choi Jungwon with wide, surprised eyes. However, Choi Jungwon simply returned her gaze with a gentle smile, slowly opening his eyes.

"Time will resolve it."


The tranquil power emanating from Principal Choi Jungwon.

It was slowly being absorbed into her body through the principal's hand.

"If you ever feel this way again, come here."


"This process will proceed calmly."

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