Chapter 6: Guilt

Inside the mansion.

"Ughh. Hic .. hic. Mom, I am sorry, I will do it correctly. I am sorry!"

Poor Alberto was crying on his bed alone in his room. His leg was broken and also a broken hand. His face was also messed up.

He was in so much pain but no one came to give him medicine.

He was treated poorly.

Suddenly something was knocking on the window.

Tik tik tik.

"May I come in ?"


He was so exhausted that he was unable to talk loudly.

"It's me Viktor. "

"Viktor? What are... you doing here?"

He hushed but Viktor could listen to every would from afar.

"I am here to see you."

"Can.. you go away, I am not in a good shape. "

"I will tell you a story. "

Viktor was sitting outside the window of the 3rd floor.

"A story?"

"Yes, but I need to come inside in order to tell you."


He slowly opened the window and saw a boy in a bad shape, laying on the bed without any proper medical treatment.

He came close to his bed and took a seat beside him.

"Then, I will tell you something funny"

He started to tell a story from his past life, it was the story of the fast rabbit and the slow turtle.

He knew this story doesn't exist on earth.

This is how he wrote the settings of the world. So many common things that exist on earth, didn't exist here.

So he told him how the fast rabbit lose the race and the slow turtle won the race. He laughed a little with his messes-up face. He was relieved that someone was staying by his side.

As he was telling the story to him, he peeled the red apple he bought from the dining hall and cut it into small pieces to feed him.

Even if he was in a small body of a 14 years old boy, he was still a man in his 29. Taking care of a boy who's only 12, also his favourite character was bound to happen.

"Can you sit up?" Asked Viktor.

"My leg is so numb, I can't move because it's so painful," he said.

"Ok then, I will feed you. Say aa!!"


He refused.

"See? I am not poisoning you or something."

He ate his first piece and offered him a second one.

"Ok then. "

"How is it?"

"It's super sweet."

"I am honoured that you liked it."

Viktor smiled.

"My mom, dad, and my two elder brothers don't even pay attention to me.

In their eyes, I am always lacking. I couldn't even make a sword aura.

Hic... hic... I am so bad at everything!!waaaaaa!!!!!!"

He started crying.

Viktor saw his past self in him and he felt sorry and guilty.

It was he who wrote his life like this. A small little boy with no one to take care of, not even single touch of warmth and love from a person, he became a cold-hearted murderer of his own family.

'Can I at least change his life?' Viktor thought.

He put his right hand on his head and said,

"Everything will be all right little brother."

A golden light emitted from his hand and it spread all over his body. His wounds were disappearing and broken bones were fixing too quick. Alberto felt a warm hand on his head for the first time in his life, so he fell asleep after the pain lifted.

"He's sleeping now. I will leave this room, and this apple, he seems to like the apple with my mana infused in it. "

Well, there was no water nearby, so he had to clean the apple with the purification magic he gained from his holy crest.

He was the type of person who wash a banana before eating it.

He jumped off the window and used lightning magic to run away quickly. Because no outside stable worker was allowed in the main house.

At 11 AM.

I cleaned all the weeds off the stable.

Because there was good herb in it. From the holy crest, I could feel which plant is good and which one is bad.

I collected about 55 small plants of plyxion and 30 dry cap mushrooms. But, where can I find small glass bottles to store the potions which I am going to make?

He thought about it for some time and suddenly remember, there is a small shop in the city near the market area. They sell empty bottles for medicine.

So he took 20 silver coins from his monthly pay and left the worker house.

"This is the second day of my new life, now I am heading to the city!!"

He walked the way to the city that he wrote about a lot. A huge city, with a population of 200 thousand. A wooden house that is high as 6 story building, big long roads with so many shops here and there. The huge fountain in the middle of the city was as beautiful as he mentioned in his novel.

"There is it, the potion house."

*Ding!* a little doorbell rings when he opened the door.

"Welcome!!" An old man says.

"Oh, hello. "

He walked inside the shop and saw so many herbs hanging here and there all over the wall and shelves.

"What do you need young boy?"

"I need about 30 or 40 vials. "

"Hmm, about 40, yes I have it in my stock, but boy, are you thinking about making a portion without proper knowledge?"

The old man asked.

"Don't worry, you have a keen eye for potion right? If I am able to make a potion, I will come straight to you so that you can check on it."

He talked while looking at the other things in the shop.

"Hmm, you can do that, I also buy portions from other people if it's safe. "

"Old man, how much is this beaker for?"

"That's about 20 copper. With 40 vials, I can give you a discount and you can take it all for only 1 silver and 5 copper. "

"That's too much! Make it 50 copper!"




"Ok make it 60"


"No, 65. No more!"


"Ahh!!! Ok ok, 69, here's your money! Now I am leaving!!!"


He left the shop with his things.

Now, wait, I will make him drool over my medicine!!

He laughed loudly and left the city with a long big bread in his arm he bought from the shop beside the potion shop.


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