Chapter 147: Has Death Come?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Song Qingshu had never expected that the subordinate whom he had sent out just to conduct surveillance would come back in such a state. After the latter had been struck by a tricycle, he had been pursued over eight streets while he was suffering a concussion, and in the end, he had fallen directly off the motorway due to intermittent brain shock... Song Qingshu thought that things like this only happened in the f**king Final Destination 1 series!

This tall man in a suit was called Fang Yan. Little Fang had worked for Song Qingshu for a very long time. Thus, as soon as Song Qingshu had found out that Little Fang had been injured, he had immediately used his connections to arrange for Little Fang to have an operation as soon as possible by dispensing with the complicated registration process... on occasion, saving time could really save a life! If they waited to go through the registration process, Little Fang might really die!

But even with this, Little Fang still missed the golden window for treatment.

After the meeting of specialists, Song Qingshu stood by the door where he had been waiting for Director Li the whole time. Some of the old specialists behind Director Li shook their heads and knitted their eyebrows as they sighed and left — they had been unable to come up with an effective way to cure Fang Yan in their discussion meeting.

The moment he saw Director Li, Song Qingshu immediately came up to him and gripped his hand. "Hello Director Li, did you come up with anything new in the discussion?"

Director Li shook his head regretfully. "No... we have nothing at the moment. Frankly, Mr Fang's brain disorder is far more serious than we had anticipated. The probability that he will become a vegetable is imminent..."

"If it's still a probability, doesn't that mean he hasn't completely become a vegetable yet? Doesn't that mean it's still possible to save him?"

"Mr Song, you misunderstood me..."

Director Li glanced at his watch, then looked solemnly at Song Qingshu as he said, "What I mean is that Mr Fang just lacks a diagnosis report from the specialists. As of one minute ago, the specialists have confirmed that Mr Fang is now in a vegetative state."


Song Qingshu: "Isn't there any other method we can try? Acupuncture with golden needles! Medicated baths! Money's not a problem!"

Director Li: "Mr Song, you need to understand that the brain's physiology is quite complex. Cultivators might be able to use some means to accelerate the recovery of visceral organs and skin trauma. However, a brain condition, especially where the neurons are concerned, is hard to cure once the brain is injured, for both cultivators and ordinary people... acupuncture with golden needles and medicated baths are from cultivation novels, how could they possibly work!"

Song Qingshu: "..."

Director Li: "The hospital once received a Nascent Soul patient with a cerebral haemorrhage. We were prepared to perform a surgical craniotomy, and we operated for eight hours. In the end, we couldn't even cut his damn head open!"

Song Qingshu: "..."


After Great Saint, Second Saint and the defector Third Saint, Song Qingshu had lost yet another trusted subordinate just like that. Although Little Fang was just an assistant, he had indeed helped Song Qingshu solve a lot of problems.

The most critical thing was that, even if he wanted revenge, he felt powerless to do anything, since that tricycle belonged to Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal and that youngster...

Why?! Why did the tricycle have to belong to precisely these two people?!

Song Qingshu felt he really shouldn't have made a move to provoke them! If it hadn't been for his instructions, Little Fang wouldn't have become like this.

After being occupied the entire morning at Second Hospital, he returned to the office in the afternoon after he discovered that he had a heap of petty things to deal with. He had received a message on his wristwatch from the Lady of the Castle. She was the Lord of the Castle's personal secretary who had worked for him for many years. Things that the Lord didn't want to handle, important or otherwise, would be left to the Lady.

There was one thing worth mentioning, however, and that was this Lady of the Castle was very mysterious. Even experienced personnel like Song Qingshu who had worked for Mo Immortal Castle for many years had never seen her face. The only thing that he knew about her was that her strength was far beyond his.

Song Qingshu even thought that the Ten Saints might not necessarily be her match.

Now, seeing this message from the Lady, his feelings were actually very complicated.

After Third Saint's defection, the Lord of the Castle had continued to be unsatisfied with his work. Previously, the Lord would still talk about work with him on the phone, but recently, he had left it all to the Lady to handle. Song Qingshu knew that he was now in a very dangerous situation. The usual end for a person in Mo Immortal Castle who was considered to no longer have value was death.

Over the years, Song Qingshu had helped the Lord to deal with some of these "worthless people"; he would never have expected that he would one day be in the same boat...

In Mo Immortal Castle, worth was everything and there was no place for feelings. The Lord hated to make a loss.

With trepidation, he opened the message from the Lady. Its content was very simple: she was asking about the "Mo Immortal Water" trial.

This thing was the potion that had caused mutations and mental disorders in three Foundation Establishment high school students.

Song Qingshu was well aware that this was his last shot... whatever happened, he had to handle this matter perfectly.

After thinking about his wording, Song Qingshu quickly replied, "Rest assured, Lady, everything has already been arranged. I have dispatched people to covertly promote the Mo Immortal Water."

Shortly after sending his message, the Lady of the Castle used her "single for thousands of years" speed 2 to instantly reply. "That's good. This time, there is a lower risk of mutation with the improved Mo Immortal Water. But we still need human test subjects. What is the condition of the three students whose bodies developed issues?"

After thinking for a while, Song Qingshu in the end didn't say anything about Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal and that youngster as he replied, "Don't worry, Lady, I've given their families hush money and also arranged for them to stay in the separate hospital compound, so this matter shouldn't be exposed."

The Lady promptly replied, "I know everything that you've been doing. Yesterday, there were people who visited the hospital and found out about those three students, is that correct?"

"..." When Song Qingshu saw this message, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

The Lady sent yet another message: "You don't need to be nervous. As long as the media hasn't caught wind of it, you're still safe for the time being. As long as the Mo Immortal Water trial is carried out perfectly, this will completely offset your previous blunders. The Lord still trusts you, which is why he hasn't immediately gotten rid of you..."

Song Qingshu: "Thank you, Lady... I have already contacted a school and promoted the Mo Immortal Water in the name of our education institution."

Lady of the Castle: "No need to thank me. Right... what is the name of this school? You can ask someone to feel it out first, to avoid any mistakes."

Song Qingshu: "It's No. 60 High School; it's the lowest-ranked high school in Peiyuan district, I don't think there should be any problems!"

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