The Devil’s love

Chapter 304 - Not Ready

Yitian quickly quickly got up when he saw Liying. Both of them kept on staring at each other without saying anything. The tension between them was evident, it wasn't hard for Ning to guess that something was wrong.

Smiling at Liying, Ning quickly invited her in. "Welcome, Yitian never told me you are coming." Getting up, she quickly excused herself. "You both should talk, I'll get some refreshments for you." ​​

Awkwardly clearing his throat, Yitian remarked, "You could have called me if you wanted something, why did you take all the trouble to come here?"

"It's alright." Giving him a book, she added, "You left your book in the cafeteria, I just wanted to return it to you."

"Oh." Taking the book, he stated, "You could have given it to me tomorrow, it wasn't that important anyway."

"Why? You didn't want to see me?" Without waiting for his reply, she added, "Don't worry, I'll leave soon."

"It's not like that, I—"

Cutting him off, she remarked, "I am sorry if I freaked you out today in the cafeteria, I didn't have the intention of saying it but I don't know what happened." Giving him a weak smile, she added, "I guess I spoke my heart out or maybe I thought even you—" Stopping midway, she looked at him.

When he did not say anything, she bluntly asked, "You do or you don't?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he answered, "I don't know, I think I am not ready for a relationship right now. And is it necessary to be in one? I mean, we can't just share a mutual feeling and see what happens in the future, right?"

She slowly nodded her head before looking down.

"So we are good right?" he inquired.

"Yes of course, I am sorry for making things awkward. I just didn't know we were not going down that path."

"But now you do and I am glad we discussed this, now we don't have any confusion." When she nodded her head, he smiled, "Let's go to your favourite ice cream parlour after college, okay?"

"About that, I won't be coming to college from tomorrow, I am going to my grandparents place."

"Oh okay, let's go after you are here again. When are you coming back?" he inquired.

"I don't know."

Scrunching his brows, he asked, "What do you mean? Internals are starting from next week."

"Dad already settled everything, maybe I will just come back to give the exams."

"What? Exams are almost four-five months away, how can you stay away for that long?" he frowned.

When she did not say anything, he tightened his grip around the book. Ignoring the sudden change in mood and emotions, he said, "Okay, since everything is already planned, you have to go. I will call you everyday and we can also video chat when—"

Cutting him off, she explained, "The network in that area is always low."

"Then how am I supposed to contact you?" he frowned, the irritation in his voice was quite evident.

Looking at him with teary eyes, she smiled, "I'll call you when the network is nice."

Just then Ning arrived along with the refreshments and snacks. "Here is your—" she stopped midway when she saw Liying wiping her tears. "What happened? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I will take my leave now. Thank you for calling me in." Without waiting for anyone's reply and without sparing a glance at Yitian, she rushed out of the mansion.

Tightening his grip around the book, Yitian ran upstairs, towards his room.


Three months later.

Looking towards Yitian's room, Yichan frowned, "Is he still sleeping?" When Ning nodded her head, he added, "What is wrong with him? I have noticed that he rarely comes out of his room and is skipping college too."

"Hmm I don't know what is wrong, did you try talking to him?"

"Yes I did, in fact I have tried several times but he always says it's nothing." Keeping quiet for quite some time, he asked, "Do you think he isn't happy here?"

Wrapping her arm around his, she sighed, "It's nothing like that, maybe he is stressed about college. I'll try talking to him later but first let's go for some grocery shopping. We have to buy so many things today."

Scrunching his brows, he complained, "Who told you to throw a dinner party on a Saturday? Weekend is our time, we are supposed to stay home and watch movies all day, not entertain guests."

"How was I supposed to know that the grandpa's will suddenly go for a trip? If not for that, I would have thrown this party long ago." Pausing for a while, she added, "Since they are back, we have to do it today. And you know sister Suyan won't be allowed to move around after sometime."

"Brother Bojing was telling me that sister-in-laws mood swings are really very awful and he had a really tough time coping with it."

"Are you scared?" she chuckled

"Of course not, maybe I would have been scared if I hadn't read those baby books but after reading them all, I feel like a pro," he proudly declared.

"Things are easier to be said than done. Didn't brother Bojing also read the books?" when she nodded his head, she added, "And he is still having a hard time."

"So what do you mean? You think I can't handle your mood swings or our baby?" he frowned.

"Let's talk when the bay actually comes, okay?" Without waiting for his reply, she rushed down.


Wang Corporation.

Rolling her eyes at him, Ziying scoffed, "I wasn't looking at you, I was looking at that painting."

"You are a very smooth liar but it's okay, I won't mind if it's you who is checking me out," Chen proudly stated.

"Why would I check you out? We are together almost every time, in fact I am tired of that face of yours and—" she yelped in shock when he suddenly pulled her closer and trapped her in between his arms.

"So you are tired huh? Tired of my handsome face already when I haven't even officially asked you out for a date."

"Ahh so you remember that? And here I thought you completely forgot about that." Giving him a forced smile, she snapped, "At least you have a little brain left in you."

"That was such a lame joke but I don't mind if you agree to go to Ning's party with me today."

Scrunching her brows, she stated, "But I am already invited."

"Yes I know but you have to go with me as my partner."

Fidgeting with the tip of his tie, she sighed, "How does that even make sense?"

"Come one Zi, at least agree with me on something. I always listen to you, I even ate so many sushi's for you even though I don't like it because I know it's your favourite. So can't you listen to me once? Please," he requested.

After returning from their short trip, Ziying and Chen had started hanging out and were seen together all the time. The closeness in their relationship was evident and they themselves never denied it. Though the relationship wasn't official yet, both of them knew that they shared a mutual feeling which was very strong.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pouted his lips and gave her a pitiful look.

Slapping his cheeks lightly, she sighed, "Fine now don't make that face."

"Great, now I want you to call Ning and tell her you won't be able to make it," he instructed.

Scrunching her brows, she retorted, "Why would I do that?"

"Just do as I say, please?" he requested.

Helplessly shaking her head, she remarked, "Sometimes I don't understand what you are thinking, you are weird."

"Hmm but you still love me," he grinned.

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed, "Who loves you? Geez don't think too highly of yourself."

"I know you do."

Just then someone knocked at the door.

Pushing him away, Ziying said, "Someone is here, let me go."

"Nope first tell me that you love me."

Trying to free herself from his embrace, she sighed, "Don't act like a small kid and don't you have work? What are you doing here at this hour?"

"Nothing's gonna work until you tell me that you do."

Left with no other choice, she sighed, "Fine, I love you."

Grinning from ear to ear, he let her go. "I knew you did."

Glaring at him, she instructed the person to come in. "What is it?"

"Boss there is a call from Jiang corporation."

Scrunching her brows, she inquired, "Jiang corporation? Why?"

"They were asking for Mr Chen, he has a very important meeting in twenty minutes and his presence is really important," the employee informed.

Placing her hand on her waist, Ziying glared at Chen who quickly grabbed his coat.

"I will have to go now but don't forget about our deal, okay? I will pick you up at six."


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