Grabbing her hand, Ziyi added, "I know we have failed as parents but always remember that we love you and we will always be there for you no matter what happens."

"Your mom is right, you and Chen are all we have. I know I am not a perfect father and I have never done anything for you but I want to fix that. I want to make up for all the years I wasn't there for you." The guilt of not being there with his daughter when she needed him the most, made Weilong feel very restless and heartbroken. Even though he was late now, he wanted to fix things and make up for the lost years with Ning as much as possible. ​​

"I don't resent you both anymore but I haven't accepted you completely. I also don't want to pretend just to make you feel that everything is normal when it's not. I want all of us to be true with our feelings because a relationship with pretentious acts never works," Ning stated.


Outside the room.

While Ning, Weilong and Ziyi were talking, grandpa Yang was waiting outside. He had arrived not too long ago but he decided to stay outside when he heard the trio having a serious conversation. He didn't want to interrupt them.

No one would be as happy as grandpa Yang if his beloved granddaughter got all the love she deserved from her parents. Though he had always loathed her with gifts and love, he knew that nothing could be compared to parental love that everyone deserved.

Now when everything was sorted, he didn't want to keep any hard feelings either. This is why he decided to resolve things with his son as well. He didn't want to spend his last few years with soreness and resentment in his heart.

Grandpa Yang was happy with whatever that was happening, Yihong was also very happy for his friend.

"They look very happy," he commented. Yihong had arrived not too long ago and was waiting outside along with grandpa Yang.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, grandpa Yang sighed. "Things would have been so different if you both hadn't acted so recklessly. We could have worked together and dealt with it in our way. But both of you chose the wrong path and ruined so many lives."

Looking at Yihong, he added, "And what you did was way worse. You left everything without a word just because a worthless woman left your side. I am not trying to mock you son but you tell me, was that worth it?"

"Both of you abandoned everything and started a new life without thinking about the people you left behind. Forget about your parents or family, you both even left your own flesh and blood behind," he snapped.

"Weilong had a genuine reason—"

"What about you? Do you have one as well?"

"There hasn't been a day I haven't regretted it uncle Yang," Yihong sighed.

Hitting him with his crane, grandpa Yang hissed, "Standing here and regretting is not going to fix things. There are so many people you have disappointed, you need to make up for all the disappointment."

"Do you think Yichan will even listen to me? He doesn't even want to see my face," he scoffed. "But I don't blame him, I deserve it."

"I know Yichan will never listen to you, that is almost impossible. But do you know whom he always listens to?" Pointing his chin towards Ning, grandpa Yang further explained, "You need to change your way if you want your son back."


Cutting him off, grandpa Yang stated, "I am not doing this because I feel sorry for you, I just want everyone in my family to be happy. Since Yichan won't talk to you, let Ning do the talking. But for that, we need to be honest with her. Ning is very observant and is good at judging someone's sincerity. If you are honest with her, she will understand your feelings. I am sure she will never support what you did but she will help you correct your mistakes."

"I am sure if things will never get back to normal between you and Yichan but the situation will definitely change once he doesn't mind your presence in his life anymore," he added.

"You think I have a chance?" Yihong asked with a little hope in his heart.

"Things are not gonna change overnight, you have to work hard to make things right. For so many years you have been running away from reality but now it's time to face it," grandpa Yang remarked.


Liying's grandparents place.

Living room.

"Where is Yitian?" Grandma Wang asked.

"He is in his room, I asked him to freshen up first."

"He must be very tired," grandma Wang sighed.

"Since he came all the way here, it's your responsibility to show him around. He is new to this place and there are so many things to do." Taking a sip of his cup, grandpa Wang added, "Your father told me he is here for a week, he will leave after that."

Scrunching her brows, Liying asked, "Only for a week?"

"Well, that is what your dad told me."

Just then Yitian arrived.

"Grandpa, I'll take Yitian out for a walk in the nearby park," Lying informed.

"Alright but come back before dinner."




I took my first covid vaccination shot a week ago and have been down with side effects since then.

Sore arm, body ache, fever, headache...I had to deal with everything which wasn't pleasant at all. I tried to write but couldn't push myself so I had no choice but to take a short break.

I feel a lot better today. The side effects are wearing off and I am almost back to normal.

Despite everything, I am glad that I at least got my first shot. Please take the vaccine whenever you get a chance, don't miss it.

I hope everyone is doing well :)

Stay safe, Stay healthy ♥


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