Chapter 12: The Jungle Grounds! II

The words of Gem Master Todd were harsh, but the situation was just that serious.

The moment Gem Master Todd finished speaking, the three circular Gems on his chest flashed with a brilliant blue light.

And in the next moment, a dazzling blue bow of lightning appeared in his hands- Alexander recognizing its features right away as such a bow could only be formed by following the recipe of [The Lightning Archer]!

Most of those who followed Branch Leader Axel, Claire’s Father, tended to stick with Ability Gems geared towards lightning.

Gem Master Todd was no different as moments later, similar bows of Lightning appeared on two others, while the Two-Link Gem Masters around them raised black metallic shields that soon became reinforced with crackling Lightning.

Defenders and Attackers.

At the same time, a woman with three Sockets raised a weapon that looked like a staff attached to the skull of an Unknown Beast of Corruption- and yet it shone with a radiant white hue.

The staff in her hands pulsed as it formed two pure white wings of light on the skull- Alexander recognizing the features of this Ability to stem from nothing else but the Gem Recipe of [Light Acolyte Healer].

Some with the rare Ability Gem of [Life Force Rejuvenation] could actually heal themselves and others to an extent.

Defenders, Attackers, and Healers.

Branch Leader Axel truly wanted to ensure the safety of his daughter as this lineup was something that would rarely even be formed when going into the Tier 3 Breach- the Den of Corruption.

And yet here they were at a Tier 1 Breach!

Whether Alexander’s father knew this or not, he sent Gem Master Azazel and his squadron to ensure Alexander’s safety.

Azazel who at this moment released a fiery red light- visible red flames beginning to swirl around him as his body radiated a terrifying pressure of a one-man army.

Those behind him burned with a similar brilliance as they showed their [Barbarian Blood] to the fullest.

“Let’s go.”

The Breach was right ahead of them.

Gem Master Azazel nodded towards Alexander, and beside him, Claire stood close by!

Around them, cautious Awakened Gem Masters moved along with hints of fear and excitement as they moved towards the tear in space ahead of them.

Was it truly akin to another world? Was it a simple separate space?

Fear and anticipation were abundant as after walking across the tightly guarded Outer Barracks that showed many Gem Masters moving crates of Resources and load them towards Airships, Alexander and dozens of other newly Awakened Gem Masters entered a Breach for the first time.

How could the sensation of entering a tear between the skies and earth even be described?

When Alexander was right in front of it, he could see vibrant green vegetation and trees within this tear in space, but his senses could not enter it to sense everything yet.

It was only after he followed the procession of Gem Masters and stepped foot from what he knew to be Ephesus and entered an entirely different place did the diameter of his senses expanded wildly again as he was able to sense everything around them for a mile away.

The instant he stepped into the Breach, he felt his Enneagram pulse as the constant spinning that the Six Gems had been doing ever since he socketed them in…became just a little faster.

And he noticed something unique as the speed of the spinning increased.

Based on his own perception.

Based on how these circular gems were when he socketed them.

Did they not seem…smaller right now?


He had never heard of Main Ability Gems or Support Ability Gems becoming smaller over time!

Why were the Gems in his Enneagram becoming smaller, and what end result were they going towards?

Alexander couldn’t confidently answer this yet as his focus was forced to come out into the lands around him.

The air.

The atmosphere.

The grass at his feet.

All of it…felt so beautiful that it creeped him off.

This was a Breach? A place filled with terrifying monsters?

So why did it give this unique sensation of an abundance of life?

Why was the air here…so rich with life force?

Before he could answer any of these questions…

“Who can tell me what Beasts of Corruption we can expect in these Jungle Grounds?”

Up ahead, within this silence, the voice of Gem Master Todd echoed out.

It was silent as everyone followed one of the first rules given to them.

Do not speak or make conversation unless you were asked to.

In the back, a young girl wearing green battle garments along with three Life Sockets that gave her the confidence she had chirped up to answer.

“The Emerald Tree Boas, The Eight Eyed Tarantulas, and the Poison Dart Frogs are among the most frequently encountered ones, sir!”

Her voice seemed filled with respect and excitement as Alexander recognized her to be Rachel Asmodeus- a girl from a distinguished family on the side of Branch Leader Axel.

Gem Master Todd nodded as he turned his head to nod towards Gem Master Richard- the one who mapped out and knew the few dozen miles nearby like the back of his hand as he beckoned everyone forward while speaking calmly.

“The first area we will head to is where there are the last dangerous lot- the Emerald Tree Boas.”

They began moving towards the left.

Their pace was a quick one as another rule among the many they were given was to always move fast.

If you stayed in one place for too long within a Breach, you had to either be stupid or very assured of your strength.

Many of those escorting them were strong, but even they didn’t wish to be conceited even in this Tier 1 Breach!

Beasts of Corruption had instilled this much fear in them.

So they went deeper into the Breach.

Ahead, larger trees and foliage arose as Alexander knew within seconds, all of them would be covered by the shade of these tall trees.

They would freely enter the jungle!

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