
Part of the plan.

Alexander looked into the eyes of Charlie and Rachel- Scions of their Mortal Branch who both held Three-Link Gem Sockets.

Powerful future combatants, and the only one who may be up to the task.

He saw their determination mixed with fear as he continued.

“Because they didn’t know about me, they sent someone that would have done the unthinkable to Claire with this Breach inside a Breach. The less knowledge they have, the better. If you both wish to protect Claire- the future Five-Link Gem Master of our-”

“I’ll do it!” Charlie nearly yelled out.

The young man who was always filled with envy towards Alexander and held a level of infatuation towards Claire.

He was on board as beside him, Rachel clenched her fists as she nodded as well.

“For the Bloodline.”


Claire stared at the two of them with a sad expression as she sighed.

She went forward to hug Rachel as she whispered something in her ear, while Charlie looked at Alexander without saying a word.

He was working through too many emotions right now.

So he could only ask.

“What will you two do?”


Where would they go? What would they do?

Alexander turned towards Azazel as he smiled.

“We will initially remain in the Barracks of these Jungle Grounds. I want to see if I can sniff out any traitors here. I’ll be in constant communication with Uncle Azazel for any changes.”

As he spoke, Gem Master Azazel handed him a small device that actually had a Primal Life Gem embedded in it.

It was a Gem Messenger Device, and Azazel handed it over with a gaze that was stern as he spoke.

“Messages will take longer to reach you the further the distance, but it shouldn’t be too drastic. Are you sure about this? When Branch Leader Axel hears you kept behind his only daughter with you, he will explode.”

Azazel asked carefully.

And Alexander only shook his head dismissively as he replied.

“Better his daughter be alive and safe than anything else. Any rage he has, my Father will calm it. And even when it comes to me…don’t reveal too much information. Just tell my father that I fully believe I can protect Claire- even if another Four-Link Beast of Corruption appears.

Nobody else needs to know anything else about me. Let’s collect information first, see who is behind everything, and go from there.”

Alexander’s eyes shone sharply as he outlined a plan for how they would move.

Looking at his figure, Azazel nearly sighed to himself as he felt like he was back to the time when Branch Leader Julius was commanding them in battle, never expecting the same disposition of leadership to come from his son when he was so young.

He always looked at him as just a young boy even after he Awakened.

Had the time truly come to consider him a man?

Gem Master Azazel sighed as he gazed towards the far, far distance where the Breach within a Breach that had appeared was already closing- almost as if the skies were healing themselves from a wound.

He then turned around resolutely as he spoke out.

“Let’s do this.”

Charlie and Rachel followed behind him. They were shrouded by multiple layers of clothes that somewhat hid the configuration of the Life Sockets on their chest- where even if one looked closely, they would only see a singular dim glow of light and nothing else.

Alexander and Claire wore the hooded green robes as they became entirely covered, too, their faces being shrouded unless someone looked at them head-on.

Covertly, they trekked back towards the nearby Barracks.

“Make way for Lady Claire and prepare to set off at once!”

A booming shout echoed out as in the Barracks, the figure of Gem Master Azazel was burning with a hint of blood around him as he carried the body of a young female Awakened Gem Master in his hands.

Gem Master Todd and others tasked with protecting her changed their expressions and came over.

“How bad are her injuries? Is she-”

“MAKE WAY! Ensure the safety of the other Kids and get them on another Airship right away!”


His shout was inviolable as all others stopped in their tracks, seeing the urgency and anger in Gem Master Azazel’s eyes as he stepped out of the Breach and went towards one of the few airships ready to deploy.

Behind him, a hooded figure of a young man followed as Azazel turned to urge him.

“We must hurry back to Carthage, Young Master Alex.”

His tone was that of urgency as while others recuperated from battle, they watched the scene of Gem Master Azazel entering an Airship with an injured Claire whom he held in his hands, and a hooded Young Master Alex who followed in tow.

Within seconds of their boarding, the vibrant shouts of Gem Master Azazel continued to whoever was controlling this Airship, and within moments…the blue wings on its sides began to buzz as it lifted off.

Gem Master Todd and others looked at this scene while gritting their teeth, Todd looking around and beginning to gather all the injured and uninjured remaining newly Awakened Gem Masters and get them ready for departure too.

“We are on high alert until further notice. Make sure all walls are manned!”

A cacophony of activities ensued.

The bodies of the dead Black Furred Gorillas were looted and subsequently assessed for viability of consumption.

Opinions differed, but there were those who looked at the bodies of Beasts of Corruption entirely as resources- utilizing all parts of them to better the Human Lineages as some even looked at the meat of Beasts of Corruption as nutrients that were considered conducive to the growth of Life Force.

The Airships utilized in Carthage had the wings of a relatively powerful Tier 4 Beast hunted by one of the Branch Leaders in the past as because of them, Carthage could have fast and smooth air travel!

The possibilities were many when it came to Beasts of Corruption, and it only depended on how far one was willing to go in their utilization!

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