Chapter 50: Into the Breach! III

A few hundred miles away from Carthage.

Inside of a bustling City Fortress that was filled with roars of Beasts and the timid gazes of Humans that stayed within their homes for the most part.

“What? The Branch Leaders took a majority of the forces stationed here to take over a City Fortress of a Mortal Branch? How stupid are these humans?”

A voice booming with authority echoed out within the center of this city- inside a Command Center of the Mortal Branch of the Galanis Bloodline!

The voice stemmed from a humanoid entity, and yet they held the wild aura of a Beast of Corruption. Your next chapter is on

They were adorned in white garments, and one could see long pointed ears on their heads along with two horns sprouting on their forehead.

They held a sense of beauty and devilish charm that could not be easily ignored, their eyes crimson in color as their hair shone with the vibrant verdant hue of life.

On their chest, a vibrant alignment of Five Gem Sockets could be seen!

They looked feminine even though their body was muscular, and to their left and right were two others similar in form, but their chests shone with Four Gem Sockets.

They were shockingly Elven Beasts of Corruption.

High tier ones at that!

“Elder Dadarius, this was a waste of our time. We do not need extra hands to complete our mission.”

The Tier 4 Elven Beasts of Corruption beside Elder Dadarius spoke with pride and arrogance dripping in her words.

Her beauty and devilishness were just as enticing, with her chest blessed and her waist being stroked by the free hand of Elder Dadarius freely.

The other one nodded in acceptance as they all looked towards the Elder for affirmation!

In front of them, a green white Caladrius Aerial Beast that looked very similar to the one under the banner of Alexander had its beak bowed while waiting for orders.

The Elven Beast of Corruption, known as Elder Dadarius, stroked his chin as his white garment shone with a light of brilliance.

“Mmm…we were told to gather as many Tier 4 Gem Masters as we can for the assault of a major human stronghold, and so we simply follow orders, nothing more. They went towards…Carthage, you say? Just a single Mortal Branch City of the Asmodeus Bloodline. They set their sights low…why?”


The Caladrius had eyes of hesitation after being asked this, but it replied as it couldn’t handle the heavy aura of power from the Tier 5 Beast before it.

“They…received the knowledge of a newly Awakened Five-Link Gem Master within Carthage. They went to retrieve her.”


The eyes of Elder Dadarius shone as he scoffed out.

The two Tier 4 Elven Beasts of Corruption looked towards each other with a light of greed when they heard this.

“Haha, they were actually hiding such a thing? Good? We may need to go ourselves.”

The eyes of Elder Dadarius shone with power as the Caladrius before them sighed internally.

But at this moment…


The cry of a bird echoed out as the Caladrius recognized it right away.

“Ah, that should be my Sister, Elder Dadarius. She should be returning with the forces of the Galanis Bloodline now, along with the prize of the newly Awakened Five-Link Gem Master.”

The cry came from the Breach a few miles away within this very City.

They had recently opened another gateway within that breach to connect to another Breach close to the City of Carthage- and their forces should now be returning!

“Very well, I will accept the Blueprint of that Five-Link Gem Master as a gift with open arms.”

The eyes of Elder Dadarius twinkled with brutality and power as they stepped out.

They were not entirely wrong that right now, the newly Awakened Five-Link Gem Master was coming to this City.

But she was not a prisoner, nor would she be a gift to anyone!

After crossing through the gateway that was known as the Den of Corruption, they stepped through another gateway that was an Unnamed Tier 3 Breach opened within the City Fortress of Anan belonging to a Mortal Branch of the Galanis Bloodline.

Alexander was on top of the Caladrius as they crossed a snowy landscape filled with coldness.

It was like they were in another world entirely, with Beasts and Humans of the Galanis Bloodline scattered within this Tier 3 Breach they were in as they neared its exit which would lead into the City of Anan.

Alexander stared ahead at the distant opening and the outline of tall buildings made of bricks and metal as he prepared himself.

The words of his father and the Caladrius rang out in his mind.

Him…a Conqueror?

He didn’t think of himself as such, but it was true that he needed to obtain more power.

For his revenge, and for surviving the dangers to come.

For this, he would do what it takes.

“The world is filled with monsters…we have to also become monsters in order to survive.”

He spoke these words almost as a whisper to himself, but Claire heard them clearly beside him as she fell into deep thought.

Alexander felt the heavy winds batting his face as he turned his attention below.

“Which Beasts remain in the City of Anan?”

“Within the City of Anan should be my brother and two additional Tier 4 Beasts- another Lightning Sparrow and a Flame Crow. Ah, and to make things easier, the Ascendant Master can call me Nueire. Since my brother and I are of the same Lineage and look exactly the same, I ask the Master to spare him or bind him if possible. He is dumb, but he is still the only one that came with me into this world.”

Alexander’s Minion, Nueire, spoke such words as they crossed the white snowy plains of the Breach and crossed into the City of Anan!

Behind them, four titanic Tier 4 Minions augmented by Alexander’s Gem Recipe followed behind, slightly remaining out of sight!

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