Chapter 30: The risk was diversified

“Waaa-, I thought I was gonna die!”

Razé suddenly sat upright and complaint to herself. She lifted up her clothes and saw that her stabbed wound had been healed with magic.

Harlens, who had dropped by to see her, looked at her with fascination.

It was 20 minutes after the incident. She had woken up pretty fast. h

Harlens: “You’re awake?” h

Razé: “Blayne-sama! My apologies for my rudeness!”

Razé felt bad for showing a pitiful look in front of the emperor’s brother. She hurriedly sat up straight[1] on the bed.

Harlens: “… You look lively.” hg porihw lcndfwhpnsdnfwkjrg heu*&3

Razé: “Yes, sir! I’ll get back to my duty immediately!”

Harlens let out a sigh of relief after seeing her brimming with health and vitality.

Harlens: “What actually happened? Thord Lynn Tennys also woke up right after the incident but it seems that he has no memories of the past few days.”

Harlens pulled the chair by the bed and sat down. Razé was wondering how to explain, but it seemed that this incident could prove Carna’s precognition ability, so she decided that it was time for her to report about it.

Since someone with forbidden magic had appeared, she couldn’t act nonchalantly thinking that ‘this is a fun world of otome game!’

Razé explained to Harlens as simple as she could; that Carna could predict the future, and that she herself almost lost her life because the enemy thought that she was getting in the way as she wasn’t supposed to exist. Harlens growled when he heard her story. k

Harlens: “… I could understand why you hesitated to report. But you almost died! Didn’t I tell you to rely on me if you have any trouble?” kd

Razé: “I- I’m sorry.”

It was the first time for her to get scolded by Harlens. She bowed down her head.

Harlens: “Raise your head. I hope you can learn to treat yourself well.”

Razé raised her head and saw Harlens’s worried face.

Harlens: “The enemy is using forbidden magic. That’s tough. What if they target you again?”

Razé: “My friend managed to create a device that could nullify forbidden magic. There won’t be any problem.”

Harlens: “There’s such device?”

Razé: “Yes. Here it is.” k

The device that Razé took out was a normal looking pendant but it was actually something that was classified as state secret.


Harlens: “…How should I say it…That’s very impressive.”

Razé: “Yes. He’s very impressive. He’s the type that people would call the rare genius.”

Harlens was speechless. What he was trying to say was he was very impressed that Razé could easily took out such a precious item. He wasn’t praising the person who made the device.

Razé thought that Harlens was silent because he was doubting the device performance, so she said, “Don’t worry. This can be used in a fairly wide range.” Listening to her reaction made Harlens a little worried about her. k

Razé: “Considering that the enemy was using the forbidden time-stopping magic, she is most likely sent by Magenda. It doesn’t matter if I was targeted, but we have to make sure that Prince Ruben and the others will not be harmed. Can we increase the number of reliable guards?”

Harlens: “I understand. I’ll borrow a few knights from Gaius.”

Ugh. Knights …

Somehow Razé couldn’t get along well with knights but she couldn’t be picky now. She obediently followed Harlens’ decision.

But this way, if something happens, then it won’t be my responsibility alone!

Similar to crowd mentality, there was strength in numbers[2]. As long as there was no guarantee that Carna could avoid the tragic ending, it would be too risky for Razé to handle this alone. Razé preferred if she could explain the situation to Ruben so that he would protect Carna with more security. But it all depended if Carna was willing to share the secret with Ruben.

Razé: “Principal Harlens.”

Harlens: “What is it?”

Razé: “I’m sorry if I was out of line, but can we minimize interfering with the students so that Carna-sama, Prince Ruben and the others could enjoy their school life normally?”

Harlens was dumbfounded when he heard her words. She is also a student herself. Won’t she get tired worrying about things that adults should do?

Harlens: “I understood. That’s why you were enrolled into this academy. Perhaps this is a trial given by God. I’m sure those kids will get through this.”

Razé: “You’re right!”

Harlens: “If you’re fine, then go and see your friends. I couldn’t let them in here because it would be dangerous. Luckily, Tennys’ specialty is illusion and yours is movement magic. It helps to explain why the audiences couldn’t see the match. We have announced that you were injured in the abdomen and was sent to the infirmary. Be sure to keep that in mind.”

Razé: “Yes…I’m very sorry for the trouble-”

Harlens: “You don’t have to apologize. We didn’t cancel Battle Fiesta to avoid chaos, and also to leave the suspect at large[3]. I’m counting on you.”

Razé: “I understood.”

After Harlens left the room, Razé changed her clothes. She greeted the medical officer before leaving the infirmary.

Normally, after an injured patient was healed using magic, they won’t be able to move immediately as their body needed time to acclimatize to the repaired parts. But Razé recovered within a few minutes as if she had never been injured at all. The medical officer, Meryl Yun Ferir stared at the door after Razé had left.

“Could it be that the kid got injured so many times that her body acclimatization after healing had become faster?”

No way, how could that be? Meryl shook her head.

― ― ―

Razé: “Luckily I wasn’t wearing a borrowed clothe.”

As Meryl had speculated, Razé Orphan was injured too many times before, but she didn’t know that her fast recovery was not normal.

As she was running to get back to her position, she bumped into Adis along the way. She wondered why he was standing alone in a dark and deserted place, but she brushed it off and continued to run.

“Huh?!” Adis did a double take when he saw her running by. He instantly caught her arm when he noticed that she was not going to stop.

Σ( ̄□ ̄lll)Woa-

She let out a weird sound out of surprise. Her body almost fell backward but was caught by Adis.

Razé: “Wha- What is it?”

Adis: “What are you doing here? What about your injury?”

How can she move around like nothing’s wrong? Did she sneak out from the infirmary? Adis stared at Razé with a doubtful look.

Razé was annoyed, so she lifted up her shirt and said, “See? I’m fully healed. I’m fine.”

“What the hell are you doing?!” Adis was startled for a moment before he immediately pulled down her shirt.

Razé: “It’s just a scratch. You don’t have to worry. Oh, congratulations on winning the first round. Your opponent was a 3rd year student, right? That’s amazing. I was knocked out and lost my first match. Hahaha.”

When dealing with high-ranking people, one should speak depreciatingly of their own merit, and praise the other to the sky.

Hearing Razé’s words, Adis pushed her to the wall and hovered over her.[4]

“Huh? Err, Zars-sama?” Razé was anxious because she couldn’t see his expression that was covered by his hair. Being intimidated without a word felt a bit intense.

Adis: “… How dare you lose to someone other than me?”

Looking at the well-proportion face up close, Razé gasped and hold her breathe. His somber countenance made her stunned.

Oh, he’s angry. The Prime Minister’s son is angry! And why is he standing so close?! k

She froze as the silver eyes shot her a glare. The arms that he grabbed felt hurt, and his eyes were scary. She really wanted to ran away immediately. d

“I- I’m sor-”

Razé thought that she somehow had made him mad, so she wanted to apologize but Adis suddenly pinched her cheeks with one hand.

Adis: “Why bother to apologize when you don’t even mean it?”

Razé: “…”

Razé thought that her face must looked awful. She stared fixedly at him and her eyes were saying: “Let me go”.

Adis was unable to hold back his laugh. “Hahaha. You are not cute at all.”

“Yes, I’m well aware of that. You are surrounded by fans because of your good-looking face. I’m so jealous.”

Once he let go of her arm, Razé quickly escaped from him and walked towards the arena. As Adis watched her left, his face turned serious for a moment, but it immediately returned to his usual look. Then, he chased after her.

Razé knew that he was following her. But she thought it would be better to ignore him, so she silently returned to the audience seats.

[1] 正座Japanese style proper sitting. Wiki page here. ↩

[2] The author use 赤信号は皆で渡れば怖くない. It was a common joke in Japan. The literal meaning: if everyone crosses at the red light(jaywalking), then there’s nothing to be afraid of. ↩

[3]犯人を泳がせる(lit. let the suspect swim): to purposely leave the suspect at large so that the authority can monitor their movement ↩

[4] Was it a kabedon? I don’t know ┐(´ー`)┌ ↩

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