The Commander cast a longing look at the weapon in the hands of the Clerics, but everyone knew that he wasn’t getting that one back. He had gotten to test it, but they would be taking it back to the temple as part of their research project, where it would be subjected to weeks or months of scrutiny before being filed away in the Library as an exhibit, or evidence of a theory.

They also knew that Karl could make another, as they had gleaned that much information from the ramblings of the Clerics, but asking an unknown Monarch, who might be one of the nation’s hidden assets, to make them a new weapon was an expensive proposition.

Neither of them knew Karl, but he was a Monarch already, so he was probably older than he looked, and deliberately hidden from the public.

That was the logical conclusion for any Elite when they met a powerhouse that was not in the public eye. The idea that Karl simply advanced too fast to make a public reputation for himself didn’t even cross their minds.

"Thank you both for your time. We will keep you updated with the progress of this project, and put you first in line when additional units become available for distribution, as a reward for your assistance." The lead Cleric informed the volunteers he had called.

"Thank you, Librarian." The warriors responded in unison, using the Blue Dragon Clerics’ preferred honorific.

They left the training area, and the clerics gathered around the two weapons, comparing notes to ensure that there was nothing overlooked before they returned to the apartment to continue their studies.

At this rate, they would probably end up making multiple attempts at new weapons during the day, which would greatly slow their progress rate at reading and transcribing the book. However, the outcomes and new knowledge gained from practically testing the lessons was so much more valuable than the efficiency.

Knowing that the lessons worked on the mass-produced weapons they already had was going to revolutionize the arming of soldiers once they had enough craftsmen.

"Now, what does it tell us to try next? This was a wonderful success, so there should be a next step up, right? Perhaps we could obtain some real silver silverware to test the runes on." The lead cleric noted.

Karl smiled and tried not to laugh at the thought. A Royal Ranked combat butter knife was possibly the most excessive and unnecessary item that he could imagine.

Though, he could reshape it into a throwing knife or a dirk with his fingers before enchanting, as the silver was so soft compared to his strength, and a barrier would protect his hands.

But the clerics had a better idea. There were ceremonial silver daggers in the Cathedral, and they had a large supply of them. The White Dragon’s healing clerics carried them at all times, as they were used in wedding rituals and to open holy water during burial rituals.

The metal was supposed to be great for the purpose of Runecrafting, so they requested that a half dozen be delivered to the apartment for testing.

That naturally brought even more clerics who were wondering what the Blue Dragon adherents were up to, and then they brought acolytes to help them take notes, until Karl’s apartment was packed with blue and white robed researchers.

"Should we move this to the training centre downstairs?" Karl suggested as he realized that he would be working on a metal plate placed on the kitchen table, surrounded by clerics.

"That would be less convenient. It is customary to let others work in and not monopolize the space, as there are limited time slots available. I promise, we won’t bump you or interfere with your work." One of the new arrivals informed him in a gentle, musical tone that immediately put Karl on guard.

Her voice was lovely, but there was something about it that was triggering his danger response. Karl turned to look at the speaker, but she appeared to be an ordinary Ascended Rank Priestess. Cute, in a girl next door sort of way, and very approachable in appearance.

For a moment, he was going to shrug off his concern, then she smiled and spoke again.

"I am part Siren. You can likely feel the lingering magic in my voice. I don’t take offence, all the stronger Elites notice it right away." She explained softly, her voice too low for the vast majority of the room to hear.

That gave Karl a great idea.

"Do you have a metal instrument on you?" He asked.

She nodded, then handed him a small silver flute with the mark of the clergy on the end cap.

Karl picked up his tools and carefully engraved the strengthening runes on it, skipping the elaborate bits of insult, and the wrapped format, which would interfere with the keys.

He was sure it was possible to work around that, or include them in the design, but he hadn’t read that far yet, and he had no idea how it would work.

But with a simple Runic phrase meaning beautiful music added to the strengthening runes, Karl slowly added mana until the runes vanished, then turned gold.

There was no restriction that he could feel, so he went one step further, and brought it to Royal Rank, where the runes turned amethyst purple.

"Do you know any magic that uses music?" Karl asked as he finished.

The cleric nodded. "There is an area healing song that all the white dragon clerics know. I can perform it with the flute, but it’s not a strong magic. Mostly, the church uses it to have people leave feeling refreshed and a bit less sore after a sermon."

Karl nodded slowly, and realized that he knew the song. They played it at the end of every sermon at the church at home. He just hadn’t realized that it was magic. Or it might not have been magic in a place as rural as the Lithium mines, but it could be magic when the right Cleric was doing it.

"Please, play the song for us, and tell the Librarians if there are any differences in the outcome."

The happy tune from the flute had all the clerics swaying along and humming the words as the Siren played. Karl could feel the healing magic seeping into his bones, and see the weariness of some of the older clerics fading away as the tune progressed.

That was real magic, of the sort any bard would be envious of.

It wasn’t in the book, at least not the parts he had read, but magical instruments for the bard classes might help them regain a bit of respect from the other Elites, who mostly viewed them as comedy relief, or a sideshow.

The song finished, and the clerics all clapped for the performance.

"Thank you for your assistance. I am certain that your blue dragon following kinfolk have many questions for you, and you can negotiate when you will meet with them."

The white robed girl giggled. She would be playing her flute all day and night for them, just so they had a large enough sample for their studies. But it was a lot more fun for a cleric who was part Siren to play music than to study healing herbs and poultice techniques that saved on mana use.

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