The First Order

Chapter 1252 - 1252 The final battle

1252 The final battle

The 6th Field Division led by P5092 arrived at the defensive line as scheduled.

When he arrived, a lot of people were looking at him strangely.

There seemed to be some judgmental gazes and envy in their eyes.

Ren Xiaosu welcomed him outside the command center and got straight to the point. “Commander Zhang has already conveyed his intentions to all the commanders for you to take over all defense efforts along this defensive line. As such, you became the highest-ranking military commander of the Northwest Army the moment you got here.”

P5092 was stunned for a moment. He finally understood why everyone was looking at him like that.

He wondered, “Is this in line with protocol? I don’t even have an actual appointment in the Northwest Army yet, so isn’t it somewhat of a joke to let an outsider like me be the highest-ranking military commander?”

But at this moment, Zhang Jinglin walked out of the command center. “Human civilization is at stake. If we still stick to past practices at a time like this, that’s being irresponsible to everyone. The facts have proven you’re the most suitable person for this role. I believe you’re qualified.”

P5092 only kept quiet for a few seconds before suddenly saying to Wang Yun, “Gather information about the various fighting forces and summarize it for me. You know what I need.”

With that, P5092 walked straight towards the command center. “All combat staff officers, report to me. After that, link up with Wang Yun and keep him in the loop of your work progress.”

When he entered the command center, he nonchalantly took off his dirty and tattered jacket and sat down at the head of the table in the conference room.

He sat down very naturally as though this had been his seat for decades.

P5092 did not decline, act pretentiously, or waste any time. It only took him a few seconds to quickly get into the role.

The others in the command center looked at each other and did not know how to react. It was not that they did not want to cooperate, but that P5092 had gotten into character so quickly that they were at a loss.

At this moment, P5092 looked up coldly at the combat staff officers. “What are you all standing there for?”

When he said that, all the combat staff officers quickly sorted out the information P5092 needed and handed it to Wang Yun to process.

To P5092, nothing was more important than winning this war. Since Zhang Jinglin was willing to let him be the highest-ranking military commander, and since he was also most suitable for this role, there was no need to decline.

Perhaps some people would feel uncomfortable with his attitude of not declining the offer, but it didn’t matter to him. P5092 believed the future commander would handle that for him.

Outside the command center, many people looked at Zhang Jinglin in silence. They wanted to see how he would react after P5092 had rudely “seized” his authority.

However, Zhang Jinglin said with a smile, “You’re indeed the most suitable candidate.”

What the Northwest Army needed now was someone whose mind was focused on winning to lead them to victory.

Other than that, there should not be other distractions.

Wang Yun quickly processed the data of the various fighting forces. The ratio of veterans, recruits, ages, and allocation of armaments and equipment were all summarized in his mind.

With all this information, it would allow them to quickly compare which troops were the most proficient at waging war, which could be used to overcome difficulties, and which could be deployed in specific positions.

Wang Yun only needed a glance at this vast sea of data before he quickly sorted it out in his memory palace.

And all of this was what P5092 needed the most.

The Northwest Army did not have the powerful computing power of the artificial intelligence, not even with Wang Yun on their side. However, he could still try to fill that role somewhat.

When Qing Zhen, Luo Lan, and the others heard that P5092 had taken over command of the military, they also came to the command center to watch the commotion.

When they entered the command center, they happened to hear P5092 ask Wang Yun, “What’s the historical weather data for this period during the past ten years?”

Wang Yun answered, “For the upcoming seven days, historically, it will a 100% be sunny with no rain on the first day, 80% sunny with a 20% chance of rain on the second day, 70% rainy with a 30% chance of clear weather on the third day…. It seems that it will soon be the autumn rainy season. The cold front in the north is heading south, and heavy rain will be arriving.”

P5092 nodded. “We have to be prepared to fight the war on rainy days. How long will the rain last?”

“There’s a high chance it will last for three days,” Wang Yun said.

P5092’s command style was actually a little similar to the artificial intelligence’s. They both began with the details and were equally calm and ruthless.

Off to the side, when Qing Zhen heard the data that Wang Yun had compiled for P5092, he suddenly said to Luo Lan, “If I had such talent by my side, the Li Consortium and the Yang Consortium would probably have fallen even faster back then.”

At some point, Qing Zhen even felt a little envious of P5092 for having such support.

Suddenly, P5092 looked up and said to Ji Zi’ang, “Zi’ang, I need you to join up with the 129th Engineering Battalion to lay a minefield at Position 317. That location is of utmost importance. You must ensure the enemy troops who pass through there suffer heavy casualties.”

The artificial intelligence had the ability to identify minefields. It only needed to take a look at the soil on the ground to determine which areas had been excavated before.

But it was different if Ji Zi’ang was the one who laid the land mines. On one hand, he did not even have to excavate the soil with his own hands and was able to perform the task extremely efficiently. On the other hand, Ji Zi’ang was fully capable of passing off the excavated ground as untouched earth.

Position 317 was the main route leading to the core area of the defensive line. If the Wang Consortium’s mechanized troops arrived, they would definitely have to pass through there. Only then would they be able to get into firing range of the defensive support points at the rear of the defensive line.

But if Ji Zi’ang were to plant anti-tank mines there, it would probably be very difficult for any mechanized troops to get near in the short term.

There was no need to completely seal off that path. All P5092 needed was to stall for time.

Ji Zi’ang replied, “Alright, I’ll report to the 129th Engineering Battalion immediately. You have my guarantee that the mission will be completed.”

Ever since Ji Zi’ang got here, even the construction of the defensive line was sped up by quite a bit.

Ji Zi’ang had not slept for 19 hours now, but he still perked up and carried out the mission when P5092 gave the order.

After Ji Zi’ang left, P5092 suddenly said to Zhou Qi, “I’ve heard from the future commander about your power. Please move to Position 141 while you await an opportunity there.”

Zhou Qi raised an eyebrow. “Are you ordering me? I’m not a member of your Northwest Army…”

“Is there a problem?” P5092 asked.

Zhou Qi curled his lips and backed off a little. “Whatever…. But you should at least tell me what I’m needed there for, right?”

“It’s just better to be prepared.” P5092 said, “I also hope there won’t be a need for your expertise there. As for what I need you there for, you’ll find out when the time comes.”

Zhou Qi shouted, “Wait, where’s Position 141?”

Zhou Qi took a look at the sand table. Then he immediately grumbled, “Position 141 is right at the second echelon of the defensive line. Based on the speed of the AI’s assault, I’m afraid the position will get mowed down in less than two days. How dare you order me to go to such a dangerous place?”

P5092 said in seriousness, “I have my reasons for asking you to go, of course.”

Luo Lan laughed and said, “Come on, Zhou Qi, I’ll go with you.”

“That’s more like it. Even if I die, I have to drag someone down with me, right?” Only then did Zhou Qi agree.

A moment later, P5092 said to another staff officer, “Construction of the defensive line is now complete. Relay my orders immediately. Forcefully evacuate the civilians working at the defensive line. They must leave by tonight. Otherwise, we’ll be slowed down by them when the defensive line collapses.”

“We won’t be able to defend this place?” the Great Hoodwinker asked.

“Mhm.” P5092 nodded. “But if our goal is only to hold them off for seven days, I reckon we still have a chance.”

At this moment, no one doubted P5092. Everyone was thinking that if even P5092 did not think they could defend it, it could only be true.

P5092 said, “The biggest problem we’re facing now is that we’re still unsure of how the enemy will fight…”

As his words trailed off, Qing Zhen got Xu Man to hand over a thick stack of battle reports. “This is the information the Qing Consortium’s troops risked their lives in exchange for at the Three Mountains defensive line. Every word written inside is extremely precious.”

If they wanted to win the war, they would naturally have to know themselves and know the enemy. Qing Zhen knew the Northwest was the last line of defense for human civilization. Therefore, even at the expense of the Three Mountains defensive line’s collapse, he still had to ensure enough data was gathered and brought to the Northwest without a missing detail.

During the battle at the Three Mountains defensive line, no matter how busy it got, he would still request Qing Yi to compile the battle reports. All that he did back then was for this moment.

Only then would the Northwest Army take fewer detours.

At this moment, an officer ran over to Ren Xiaosu. “Future Commander, an old man has arrived outside the defensive line with some refugees. He said he’s an old friend of yours and would like to see you. But it’s quite strange. He brought with him a large group of older children.”

Ren Xiaosu, who had been listening in on P5092’s battle deployment, was stunned. “An old friend of mine?”

“Yes, he said his name is Hu Shuo. He has something very important to tell you,” the officer replied.

“Bring him over quickly,” Ren Xiaosu said.

Ever since Hu Shuo left Luoyang City, he had stayed very elusive. Very few people were aware of what he was up to.

Very quickly, Hu Shuo walked over taking large strides. He got straight to the point. “I’ve collected some intel here that might be useful to you all. The Qing Consortium in the southwest has already been completely defeated, and the AI-controlled horde there is rushing over in two groups. The horde from the Central Plains has also split into two groups, one of which will be dealing with the Northwest Army that y’all sent out while the other is heading straight for this defensive line. Xiaosu, we won’t be able to defeat them. For that dense sea of people, it will only take a few days to overwhelm this defensive line.”

P5092’s eyes lit up. Hu Shuo had brought him very useful information. At the very least, he now knew from which direction the enemy would arrive and how many routes they were approaching from.

“By the way, where’s Li Shentan?” Ren Xiaosu asked Hu Shuo.

Hu Shuo muttered, “It’s nice that you still remember him. It hasn’t been in vain that he regards you as a friend. He recently ventured into the forest further south of the Zhou Consortium. I met him a few days ago, but he didn’t come to the Northwest with me.”

“Where did he go?” Ren Xiaosu wondered.

Hu Shuo said, “I don’t know where he went either. He only said he should be able to fulfill his promise to you this time.”

The Northwest Army’s defensive line was established along the defensive support points of Mt. Linxia, Mt. Jishi, Mt. Yongjing, and Mt. Xigu. As they were in a rush for time, no one had even named this defensive line yet.

While P5092 was busy with the deployment of the troops, Zhang Jinglin started discussing this matter with Ren Xiaosu.

“Let’s call it Dawn,” Ren Xiaosu said.

This was the darkest moment for human civilization, but it was here that they were going to wait for the light to shine.

Zhang Jinglin immediately understood Ren Xiaosu’s intent. It was darkest before the dawn, but as long as they could survive this moment, the light would shine.

“Then let’s name it the Dawn defensive line.” Zhang Jinglin nodded.

The civilians at the Dawn defensive line were forcefully evacuated. Those evacuees from the Northwest who had stayed behind to aid in the construction shouted they would perish together with the defensive line and refused to leave. In the end, it was Zhang Xiaoman who forcefully chased them away.

By 10 PM that night, there were almost no civilians left on the entire defensive line. Only the Northwest Army remained to fight the war here.

In the darkness, the enemy seemed to be getting closer and closer. Meanwhile, everyone’s breathing started getting heavier.

A group of auxiliary troops had just arrived at Position 317, the first echelon of the defensive line, after receiving P5092’s deployment order.

The 1st Division stationed at the defensive position had received their orders in the afternoon. They silently opened up the rear gate to welcome their friendly forces.

“Welcome.” The brigade commander of the 124th Infantry Brigade under the command of the 1st Division said, “We were informed in a hurry that you all were coming and needed our cooperation. However, they didn’t mention your purpose here.”

The officer who was ordered to assist in the defense thought for a moment and said, “I’m sorry, but it’s confidential.”

To everyone’s surprise, a hawk was circling above the defensive position and hunting down unknown birds from time to time.

The sky above Position 317 had become a no-fly zone.

Just before midnight, a mortar suddenly dropped from the sky at Position 317. As the mortar round made its way inward, there was a sharp whistling in the air like an alarm.

A moment later, a machine gun nest at Position 317 was blown up.

The vicinity of the machine gun nest was filled with bunkers and trenches. However, this mortar round flew over parabolically through the sky and avoided all the defensive embankments.

The accuracy of these mortars was inexplicable and stunning.

But as soon as that mortar round exploded, the auxiliary troops that had just arrived at Position 317 immediately started moving.

They set up mortars behind the defensive position and launched the first round of bombardment at the forest outside Position 317.

There was no need to aim. All they needed to do was adjust the mortars to fire at their maximum range.

Before coming here, Wang Yun had already relayed an order to them on behalf of P5092. “The AI is extremely good at firing mortars at extreme ranges. But this also means the distance between us and them is fixed.”

They fired back mortar rounds one after another. However, this time, they were white phosphorus mortar rounds.

After the white phosphorus rounds exploded, the phosphorus, which was a pale yellow in color, quickly started burning and the temperature instantly reached a 1,000 degrees Celsius.

Moreover, white phosphorus was very difficult to extinguish. Disregarding whether the artificial intelligence’s troops had any means to extinguish the fire, even if they really did have other tricks up their sleeves, they would not be able to deal with a terrifying weapon like white phosphorus munitions.


Amid the loud explosions, a huge wildfire started burning in the forest and quickly spread east.
After the second round of mortar bombardment, the Northwest Army’s troops actually gathered their mortars and turned around to retreat.

The wildfires five kilometers away kept spreading and formed a natural fire barrier outside Position 317.

If it didn’t rain, the wildfire would probably take more than ten days to extinguish.

Meanwhile, it would probably be very difficult for the first group of artificial intelligence troops in the forest to survive.

The auxiliary troops were here because P5092 said that if the artificial intelligence chose the most optimal plan of attack, taking down Position 317 would be the most beneficial to it. That was because Position 317 was in the first echelon of the battlefront and taking it down would have the greatest impact on the entire defensive line at the rear.

Therefore, P5092 was considering the weaknesses of this position from the perspective of Zero. From there, he would turn those weaknesses into an advantage.

If he were Zero, he would definitely choose to attack Position 317 first.

Of course, this strategy could only be used once.

But when it came to a contest like this, it was always better to take advantage of every possible situation they could.

As for whether the white phosphorus munitions were overly cruel to use, that was not among P5092’s considerations.

Since the forest outside Position 317 was suitable for white phosphorus munitions to cause the most damage, they should use it to form an incendiary barrier.

At this moment, P5092 was standing in the command center when he received the good news from Position 317. He looked at the sand table without saying a word.

What he needed to do was not celebrate this triumph with the others but think about what Zero would do next.

The final battle had begun.

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