The Incubus System

Chapter 661: Anger and Uncertainty

The Incubus System Chapter 651. Anger and Uncertainty

The news left me with a complex mixture of emotions. On one hand, I was filled with a sense of relief. After so many attempts of searching for her, finally hearing that she had been found was a weight lifted off of my shoulders. But on the other hand, I was also filled with a deep sense of anger and betrayal.

My mother had left me and Celia, taking with her all of my father's compensation money. It was a wound that had never fully healed, and hearing of her capture brought back all of those old feelings of abandonment and hurt.

I couldn't help but wonder what could have led her to be caught. Had she been living a life of luxury, spending all of that money on herself and her new husband? The thought was a bitter one, and I couldn't shake the feeling of resentment that was building inside of me.

As these thoughts and emotions swirled inside of me, I found myself torn between anger and a deep sense of uncertainty. I didn't know what the future held, but I was eager to find out.

"She wants to meet you and your sister," one of the officers said firmly.

The thought of my mother wanting to see me and my sister, to explain her actions and apologize, filled me with a confusing mix of emotions. Part of me was filled with a sense of skepticism, a deep-seated doubt that her apology could ever make up for the harm she had caused.

"Why would she want to see us?" I asked the officers, my tone tinged with a hint of bitterness. "Isn't it too late for that?"

The second officer, trying to calm me, spoke up. "She wants to explain her actions and apologize," he said firmly. 

But the thought of an apology seemed hollow to me. How could she possibly make up for all of the pain and suffering she had caused us?

I couldn't shake the memories of all of the struggles we had faced after she left us. She had left us with nothing. We had struggled to make ends meet, constantly worrying about our finances, and how we would pay the bills. The thought of her now, after all of these years, trying to make amends was too much for me to handle.

Painfully, I struggled to contain the emotions that were bubbling up inside of me. The anger that was raging within me was intense, and I could barely hold it back. I could imagine what Lord Damon would suggest if he heard the news. I knew that he would probably suggest killing her, to eliminate the problem once and for all.

But I wouldn't do that. Yet. I would find out why she did it and what she had done. I would listen to her side of the story and make a decision after that.

"What's your answer, Mr. Ethan?" asked the first officer. It broke my reverie.

"I will come. Just tell me when," I said, trying to sound confident and at ease, but my voice betrayed my uncertainty. The first officer's expression softened as he noticed my hesitation, and he reassured me that it was a simple request and nothing to worry about.

"This afternoon," he confirmed, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at how quickly the meeting was scheduled.

"That soon?" I asked, taken aback.

"It was her request," he said, his tone firm but not unkind.

I sighed and rubbed my temple, trying to make sense of my conflicting emotions. "All right," I finally replied. 'If Celia didn't want to see her or had other plans, I would go alone,' I thought to myself. I wasn't sure what the outcome of this meeting would be.

"Good," the first officer said with a nod. He pointed at the envelope. "That is our station's address," he said, his gaze fixed on me. "Just come after lunchtime," he added.

"Okay," I replied.

One of the officers patted the side of my arm. "See you later," he comforted me. After that answer, they left.

The quiet stillness enveloped me as I turned to face the door, my hand lingering on the door handle. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the tumultuous emotions swirling inside me as I gazed down at the letter clutched tightly in my hand.

I had read the letter a couple of times already and had no idea what I was searching for within its lines, but the act of reading it seemed to distract me from the turmoil within my chest.

With a sigh, I closed the door and made my way to the sofa. I sat down, my eyes fixed on the blank screen of the TV, my thoughts lost in a sea of uncertainty. My hand placed the letter on the coffee table. My mind tried to guess what I should tell her when I met her.

Should I spit on her and brag about my newfound riches? Should I tell her that I was doing just fine without Dad? That she meant nothing to us? Bragging that I own the Famous Sea Devil Club of Ledred and the Diamond University? The thoughts warred within me, and I struggled to find an answer.

Just then, the sound of my pets broke my reverie. I turned my attention to them, and a smile spread across my face as I saw them approaching. Buni, Red, Shadow, and Rave all snuggled close to me, each offering their own brand of comfort.

"Your Highness," Buni said, standing on two feet and placing his forelegs on my arm. His face was near my neck, and his whiskers tickled my skin.

"Why are you making such a face?" He looked up at me with his big, soulful eyes, as if trying to understand the turmoil that raged within me.

Red sat on the sofa beside me, while Rave perched on the cushions behind me and Shadow jumped into my lap, making it his extra bed.

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