The Incubus System

Chapter 81. Source of Power

83 Chapter 81. Source of Power

I came out of my hiding place as my hand lifted towards him.

'Demonic Spike!'

Twenty black lances appeared before me and flew at him. He turned to me and waved his hand. Fifteen venom spikes rolled out to counter my lances. Our attacks collided in the mid-air, while my hand controlled my remaining five lances to rush towards him, especially targeting his critical points.

The imp flew side to side, dodging my lances. While I opened my wings, creating the wind beneath my feet as I flicked it, flying towards him as fast as I could.

'Demonic Energy. Demonic Claw. '

[Demonic Energy has been activated.]

[Demonic Claw has been activated.]

[STR: 50 + 90]

[AGI: 50+ 90]

[Time remaining: 4:56]

In an instant, my movement accelerated and I was immediately able to close our distance. My claw on him and my eyes focused on the dark purple orb inside the largemouth on his chest. But then, dozens of green orbs appeared in front of him and flew towards me. Some of them crashed into my remaining lances and melted them.

Quickly, I flapped my wings to fly higher to dodge it.

-Shhh! -Shhh! - Shhh!

A loud Hissing sound was heard accompanied by smoke with acidic smell as the orbs hit the building behind me. I glanced over there and saw that the orbs had hollowed out the building, making it look like Swiss cheese.

I directed my hand at him again.

'Hell Thunder!'

Dark lightning came out of my hand and attacked the Imp. But he dodged upwards, while I glided at him as fast as I could.

But suddenly dozens of Venom Spikes flying towards me stopped me. I manoeuvred in the mid-air, dodging the spikes as my eyes glanced at the direction where the spikes were fired. Ten Foul Imp was standing on another building not far from me and a crack was behind them.

"Tch!" I clicked my tongue as I cast my Demonic Spike on them.

'Demonic Spike!'

Twenty black lances appeared in front of me and hurtled towards the orbs between their crotches.

[Critical hit!]

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 160 HP. ] X4

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 165 HP. ] X4

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 160 HP. ] X4

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 165 HP. ] X4

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 159 HP. ] X4

Five Foul Imp turned to ashes while the others fired their Venom spikes at me again. I flew up to avoid them, but from behind dozens of green orbs approached me. I turned around and manoeuvred skillfully, dodging the Nefarious Imp's attack and returning my gaze to the group of Foul Imp in front of the crack. I knew I had to get rid of those Foul Imps first.

'Demonic Spike!'

[Critical hit!]

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 160 HP. ] X4

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 165 HP. ] X4

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 165 HP. ] X4

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 160 HP. ] X4

As the remaining Foul Imps turned to ashes, the Nefarious Imp reached out to me. Fifteen venom spikes flew toward me. While I also immediately used my Demonic Spike skill to counter it. Twenty black lances appeared before me and stormed at him.

Our attacks collided in the mid-air once again as we glided with our claws ready to tear each other. I brushed off his claw as I swung my other claw at him. But he caught it. My eyes glanced at his mouth on his chest, I had to make him open it to attack the orb. His other claw swung at me and I caught it.

With our claws on one another, we pushed each other away. Then I moved my finger, my remaining five black lances flew behind him.

He noticed it and tried to dodge it, but I held his claws tightly, preventing him from escaping. He wagged his tail, brushed off my black lances but one of them managed to stab his back.

[You have shot a Nefarious Imp for 51 HP. ]

"Rrrrwwaaaarrrrrr!" a roar of pain escaped his mouth.

His mouth was wide open, revealing an orb with a purple glow in it. Not wanting to waste my chance, I stabbed my claw to it. But his tail suddenly moved at me, trying to stab me. Quickly, I released my other claw and raised it to block his attack.

- Clang!

The tip of his tail clashed with my arm, but he didn't manage to injure me since it was protected by my Demonic Claw. While I managed to hit him right on his orb.

[Critical hit!]

[You have hit a Nefarious Imp for 421 HP. ]

He swung his claws at me, but I didn't dodge. I wanted to take this opportunity to give him a direct hit since my hand was still in his mouth. My claw caught one of them as I let the other tear me.

'Hell Thunder!'

My dark lightning shot out from my palm that was still in his mouth, striking his body as he groaned in pain.

[Critical hit!]

[You have struck a Nefarious Imp for 331 HP. ]

Meanwhile, his claw also managed to rip my chest, piercing my father's suit and my flesh with three large diagonal marks. My blood soaked my clothes.

[Critical hit!]

[You have taken 321 physical damage.]

[Warning! You have been poisoned.]

[Your speed will decrease by 30%.]

[Your HP will decrease by 5 points per 2 seconds.]

[Your HP is under 50%.]

"Ghhh!" I swallowed my screams as intense pain pierced my chest, as well as a heavy feeling that made me feel like my body was being weighted.

I ignored the announcement in front of me and a sharp pain pierced my body.

'Hell Thunder!'

Once again, my dark lightning struck his body as he groaned in pain.

[Critical hit!]

[You have struck a Nefarious Imp for 332 HP. ]

"Argggg!" The Imp turned to ashes, leaving me alone in the mid-air.

* Cough! *

As I coughed, my blood came out of my mouth, my breath was getting heavier, my chest felt tight. Even my wings felt difficult to move.

'Dispel, Dark Healing.'

[Dispel skill succeeded.]

[The poison effect has been neutralized.]

[Dark Healing has been used.]

[Your HP has restored 100 points.]

The pain in my body started to disappear but it wasn't enough, so I used my Dark Healing skill two more times.

[Dark Healing has been used.]

[Your HP has restored 200 points.]

But again, dozens of Venom spikes rolled towards me. I manoeuvred again to avoid the spikes as my gaze shifted to the attackers. Another ten Foul Imps were already in front of the crack. I flapped my wings, hurtling towards them as fast as I could as I continued to dodge the spikes. I had to close the crack as fast as possible before another demon came out of it.

'Demonic Spike!'

[Critical hit!]

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 160 HP. ] X2

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 165 HP. ] X2

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 160 HP. ] X2

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 165 HP. ] X2

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 165 HP. ] X2

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 159 HP. ] X2

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 160 HP. ] X2

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 165 HP. ] X2

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 165 HP. ] X2

[You have shot a Foul Imp for 159 HP. ] X2

Their screams of pain echoed into the sky as my black lances pierced their bodies and I took the opportunity to finish them off one by one with my Demonic Claw, smashing their orbs with my claws.

It only took two minutes to turn the entire Foul Imp to ashes. I walked over to the crack, my hand towards it.

'Dark energy!'

The dark aura emanating from my hand covered the crack. A few seconds later, the crack was closed.

[The crack has closed.]

[You have used up 10 DP. ]

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. But a second later, I noticed that no announcements had appeared yet, which meant that my fight was not over yet. I swept my gaze around me looking for another demon.

-Shhh! -Shhh! - Shhh!

Loud Hissing sounds accompanied by smoke with acidic smell could be heard not far from me. I turned to the direction where the sound was coming from and saw another Nefarious Imp throwing his acid bomb at the building Emma was in. Meanwhile, Emma struggled to avoid the Imp's attack, her hand still clutched her chest.

Gasping in surprise, I flew there as fast as I could as I cast my Demonic Spike.

'Demonic Spike.'

My black lances stormed at him. He noticed my attack and flew away to evade. I stood in the mid-air with my back facing the building where Emma was. Behind me, Emma ran to find another hiding place. She realized that with her current state and her power, she would not be able to face or help me against the Imp.

My hand moved, controlling my lances after the Imp. While the Imp continued to fly avoiding my lances which were flying at him alternately from all directions.

Annoyed that I kept attacking him, he turned to me angrily and lunged at me. He even let some of my lances stabbed him.

[You have shot a Nefarious Imp for 51 HP. ] X5

Meanwhile, his Venom Spikes countered my remaining Demonic Spikes, creating small explosions around it.

He continued to glide at me with his claw pointed at me, and I did the same. We exchanged blows, our claws tearing each other. My Demonic Spikes and his Venom Spikes were flying, gliding and countering each other. Almost all the buildings around us were full of holes due to his Acid Bombs and explosions from my Hell Thunder.

Pain and soreness came from wounds all over my body. The blood that came out of it soaked my shirt, painting it in red.

As if on cue, we jumped backwards to create distance. Our eyes stared at each other and our breaths were panting.

[Warning! You are bleeding.]

[Your HP will decrease by 5 points per 2 seconds.]

[Your HP is under 50%.]

[Demonic energy time remaining 00:00]

[Demonic energy has been cancelled.]

I glanced at the status above the Imp's head.

[Name: Nefarious Imp]

[Level 38]

[HP: 509/1012]

[DP: 56/259]

'I only need two more critical hits.'

I used my Demonic Energy and Dark Healing skills twice.

[Demonic Energy has been activated.]

[STR: 50 + 90]

[AGI: 50+ 90]

[Time remaining: 4:56]

[Dark Healing has been used.]

[Your HP has restored 200 points.]

And glided at him again.

Dozens of green balls appeared in front of him and I was ready to counter it with my Demonic Spike. But then he grinned. My Demonic Spike shot at him but he threw his Acid Bomb in another direction.

I startled when I realized all the pillars on the building where Emma was hiding had been shattered by our attacks, exposing her clearly despite her attempt to hide. Whereas in her current state she couldn't move too much.

Quickly, I flew at her. While my black lances were turning, chasing after that green orbs. I passed the orbs and pulled Emma into my arms before flicking my wings to fly away from the acid bomb.

"Ghhhh!" I gritted my teeth and grimaced in pain as two acid bombs managed to land on my back and wing. Meanwhile, the other Acid Bombs have been successfully countered by my black lances.

[You have taken 54 Acid damage.] X2

[Warning! You are in an acid burn effect.]

[Your speed will decrease by 10%.]

[Your HP will decrease by 1 point per 2 seconds.]

A sharp pain burned my back and my wing accompanied by a hissing sound. I endured it as I continued to move my wings to fly away.

"Damian ..." said Emma in difficulty. Her worry was clear from the tone of her voice.

"I'm fine," I said in a heavy breath. But she could tell from my face, my torn clothes also from my wounds, I couldn't possibly be fine.

I lowered her on another building's rooftop.

"Hide yourself." She immediately did as I said.

'Dispel, Dark Healing.'

[Dispel skill succeeded.]

[The acid burn effect has been neutralized.]

[Dark Healing has been used.]

[Your HP has restored 100 points.]

My eyes swept around me, looking for the Imp but I couldn't find him.

'Where is he?'

His Venom Spikes came from above and hurtled towards me like rain. I glided to dodge. His spikes stuck to the ground and let out hissing sounds. Suddenly he lunged from above with his claw pointed at me.

'Tch!' I raised my arms and crossed them over my head to block his attack.

As his two claws and the thick black armour covering my arms collided, I brushed off his claws, pushing him away.

'Demonic Spike!'

My black lances appeared in front of me. While he was immediately using his Venom Spike, to counter it. We rushed forward as our spikes followed beside us like a troop following their commander into a battle.

I brushed off his attack. While my spikes and his collided and exploded in the mid-air. Quickly, I grabbed two of my spikes with my hands and thrust one of it into his shoulder.

[You have hit a Nefarious Imp for 63 HP. ]

"Graaahhhh" He roared in pain, his mouth wide open. I immediately stabbed the orb with the spike in my other hand.

[Critical hit!]

[You have hit a Nefarious Imp for 421 HP. ]

I grinned since I was able to confirm my victory. But suddenly I could feel something stabbing my stomach.

[You have taken 151 physical damage.]

[Warning! You are bleeding.]

[Your HP will decrease by 5 points per 2 seconds.]

[Your HP is under 50%.]

Glancing down, I could see his tail had stuck in my stomach. I returned my gaze to him and he grinned evilly before turning to ashes.

*Ting! *

[All enemies have been defeated!]

[Level Up!]

[You are now Level 25.]

[You have 27 unused stat points.]

[You have 2 unused skill points.]

[Demonic Claw has been cancelled.]

I staggered backwards and fell to my knees. One of my hands was on the ground to support my body while the other was holding the wound on my stomach. My breath was panting against the pain that stabbed me. My blood flowed from my mouth again.

'Dark Healing. '

[Dark Healing has been used.]

[Your HP has restored 100 points.]

The pain in my body started to disappear but my wounds were not fully healed.

Meanwhile, seeing the Imp had lost, Emma came. She fell on her knees in front of me and held my shoulder to support me.

"Damian ..." Her pale face and worried tone were clear. Her breathing was heavy because she had been under the Demonic Curse for too long.

Realizing her state, I raised my hand weakly and clenched it.

'Devil Space Deactivated.'

The sky above us broke like glass and uncovered the real sky. All the damage caused by my previous battle suddenly disappeared. The strong gusts of wind swept across our face, ruffling our hair.

"You're seriously injured, we have to go to the hospital now," she said, trying to get me up, but I held her hand.

"It will only get me into trouble." Even if I returned to my human form or incubus form, but I was sure the blood that was flowing in my veins was different and the doctor would recognize it soon.

She returned to her knees and stared at my wounds in panic and worry.

"What should we do now?"

"I can heal myself." My breath sounded heavy. The pain from my wounds pierced my whole body.

"Then heal yourself, quickly."

I shook my head side to side.

"My Demonic Power runs out. I can't use my skills." My remaining DP was only 39. If I used it, I would trigger my incubus rage. At least I had to find a woman who would do it before it. Even though my injuries looked severe, my HP was still over 50% and my bleeding had stopped, so these wounds didn't endanger my life.

"How to fill it?" she asked.

"By having s*x," I answered.

Her eyes widened in shock.

I chuckled by her reaction, but a second later I grimaced in pain since it made the wound in my stomach hurt even more.

"I told you I'm a lust demon. I eat by having sex, as well as turning it into my power," I said as I could make my voice. My harsh breath mixed with it.

Emma fell silent. It seemed like she was starting to realize that no matter how good I was, I was a demon. Of course there were several things that differentiate me from humans. I thought she would find me weird and start to fear me again but her next words took me by surprise.

"Then ... I don't mind being your source of power," she said, looking at me deeply.

In an instant, my heartbeat fast.

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