Chapter 1479  Exam I

Lex raised an eyebrow. He was given the ticket by the governor, who had inadvertently exposed Lex to his aura outside of the Inn. The man, or rather the Henali, had taken many precautions at the time to ensure Lex came to no harm as a result of his aura.

Even if he had left some traces, it only made sense that the man should have expected the Innkeeper to take care of it. But perhaps making arrangements to have Lex cleansed of any lingering effects of his aura himself was a way of appearing respectful of the Innkeepers staff.

It was too difficult to guess the extent of his planning and intentions, but Lex had to admit that his impression of the governor had improved somewhat.

“What does that include?” Lex asked Licanderoth, noticing that the murals were now changing. Instead of showing the history of the resort, they switched to showing the longstanding friendship between the Seraphim and the Phoenixes. Beyond the fact that the Seraphim offered them protection, the fact that they both seemed to have bodies made of glowing light made them quite similar and thereby likely to form a friendship. The difference was that the Seraphim seemed to be made of pure light, while the Phoenixes looked like they were made of flames.

Now, however, the murals were changing once more to show massive structures and powerful figures. Lex had a feeling that instead of showing Dao Lords, the murals just showed vague figures which carried a heavy aura. That is how Orithenor, Aurelion and Xanderath had been shown at least.

Now, though, dozens of such figures seemed to appear in the mural, drowning Lex in their powerful aura. Fortunately, despite communicating the depth of the aura, the auras were all actually quite gentle, so Lex was not affected by them.

“Here, at the Seraphim Resort, we have extensive experience dealing with the aura of Dao Lords, and have everything and anything relating to them. To begin your decontamination, first we need to evaluate the depth of your contamination to begin with – if it exists at all. Even if it does not exist, or is immeasurably small, you will experience the most basic decontamination acupuncture and body readjustment.

“However, should it be discovered that there is any measurable contamination on your body, then there will be a specialised plan based on the extent and type of contamination. This is actually quite an immense process, so should we discover any contamination, the cleaning period will not be counted as a part of the two weeks you have here.”

Based on the flow of time, two weeks here was six weeks in the Origin realm and eighteen weeks in the Midnight realm. That was a very long time as it was. But this was all important, not to mention that Lex already had a very good idea for the first thing the Inn could add.

Lex was fairly confident that the Inn was better at isolating auras than most, if not all other such places where Dao Lords and others could mingle. If Lex could utilize that to cleaning aura contamination, however it worked, then that could count as one of the additions to the Inn.

“The initial exam is conducted by a Demi-Dao Lord,” Licanderoth continued. “If there is a basic level of contamination, then a part of your cleansing process will also be conducted by a Demi-Dao Lord, although our standard procedures have allowed us to streamline the process so much that much of it can be done without supervision. If the contamination is of a higher level, then the procedure is entirely different.”

“Well then, let’s get started with the exam,” said Lex. “Unless there’s something else that we need to do first.”

“No, the Dao contamination exam is the most important service we provide to non Dao entities, and precedes every service we provide. There is no need for a special check in either, since your coupon for the resort was linked to you, and cannot be used by anyone else.”

That was also a pretty good idea. Lex could make dedicated keys to the Inn that could only be used by specific people. For those keys, there didn’t need to be an area restriction for teleportation and could be used from anywhere in the universe. This would be highly useful whenever he shut down the Inns teleportation.

These were such basic ideas, but he could already see how their implementation could improve the Inn.

Licanderoth escorted Lex to another room. Although it looked like they had exited the building and entered an open area, Lex could tell that the surroundings were being manipulated by the same power that changed all the murals around him previously. He was still inside that first building.

“Please lie down on the bed,” Licanderoth said. “I will attach a few body scanners, and the examination will begin shortly. Your exam today will be conducted by Demi-Dao Lord Irizmia, who has extensive experience in medicine as well as power control, so you do not need to fear being accidentally infected by her aura.”

Lex lay down in what looked remarkably similar to a hospital bed, wondering if he should take off his blazer. Yet Licanderoth did not seem bothered at all, and instead started to attach countless wired nodes all over Lex’s body, making him look like some kind of alien.

The Seraphim was quite thorough, and attached over a thousand nodes all over his body, checking and rechecking to ensure they were in the correct place. It was only once he was done that he took a step back, and sent a signal for the examiner to come in.

The room looked like an open garden, as if he were in a tamed forest. It was an unusual concept for a room, but it was quite relaxing so he didn’t mind.

After a small wait, another Seraphim entered into the room, and this one was larger than Licanderoth in every single way. 

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