Chapter 175

On the eve of the coronation ceremony, the entire imperial palace was lit up all night. Jing Yan called Jiang Yuqing in the middle of the night: "Qingqing, are you asleep?"

Jiang Yuqing poked her head out from the warm quilt and picked up the call groggily: "What's wrong, are you nervous?"

Looking at the sky full of stars outside the window, Jing Yan said, "It's a foregone conclusion, there's no need to feel nervous. It's just that I feel the responsibility is as weighty as a mountain, somewhat overwhelming."

Jiang Yuqing comforted him, "All emperors in history have been overjoyed when ascending to the throne. The fact that you first thought of responsibility rather than the imperial throne is enough to prove that you will be a good emperor in the future. Have faith in yourself, you can do it!"

Jing Yan chuckled lightly on the other end: "Qingqing always has extra confidence in me."

Jiang Yuqing said proudly: "Of course, you are my fiance. I must! What's more, you still have me with you, what are you afraid of?"

Jing Yan instantly cheered up: "That's right, I still have you. My Empress!"

"Don't be silly..."

After being comforted by his beloved fiancee, Jing Yan's originally somewhat apprehensive mood strangely calmed down. He went to sleep peacefully and waited for tomorrow to come.

On the 9th day of the 11th month, an auspicious day. The coronation ceremony of the new emperor.

The new emperor went in person to worship Heaven, Earth, the Imperial Ancestral Temple, and the Da Xia Heroes Memorial.

Then he arrived at the Qinzheng Hall and changed into the five-clawed golden dragon robe for the coronation ceremony.

In the solemn music, the ministers knelt to welcome him as Jing Yan stepped onto the high platform along the red carpet.

The Retired Emperor personally awarded the Jade Seal of State Power to the new emperor, helped him sit on the throne, appearing every bit like a kind father and filial son.

Below, the ministers submitted memorials, performed three kneelings and nine bows, cheering ten thousand years, congratulating the new emperor on his accession to the throne.

After that, with the golden imperial edict and seal, the new emperor granted Consort Jiang Yuqing the title of Empress, and set the 8th day of the 4th month of next year as the auspicious wedding date.

The entire ceremony started at dawn and ended in the early afternoon, lasting almost a full day. It was joyous and magnificent yet tedious.

After the ceremony ended, the new emperor held a banquet to entertain the ministers, the whole country rejoiced.

At the palace banquet, Jing Yan directly got up and led the dressed up Jiang Yuqing to sit beside him.

Jiang Yuqing was also not pretentious, sitting down generously next to Jing Yan.

This made all the ladies and noblewomen below green with envy. But they could only accept it.

In terms of looks, she was recognized as the number one beauty in Da Xia. In terms of talent, achievements and capabilities, they were not even qualified to compare.

Not to mention, she and the new emperor were childhood sweethearts, their love was stronger than gold.

Haven't you seen over the years, countless young ladies and noblewomen of prestigious families rushed to pursue him but returned in failure after hitting a wall?

Some particularly unlucky ones even died before accomplishing anything, how tragic was that.

In short, the corners of other families’ walls were made of mud bricks that would collapse with a bit of heavy rain. But the foundation of the Empress’ family was made of the shiniest diamonds that would make you stumble badly if you tried to dig at it with a pickaxe.

While enjoying being hand-fed by Jing Yan, Jiang Yuqing playfully appreciated the eyes of the dancing maids below looking at Jing Yan through the gaps when they twirled.

Some were brazenly flirtatious, some were lovesick and resentful, some were shy...

Jiang Yuqing clicked her tongue and joked in his ear, "Look at how affectionate these beauties are looking at you. But when they look at me, they wish they could cut me into eight pieces. Why, just because you are the emperor, when I'm also very handsome!"

Jing Yan helplessly pinched his darling empress’s face and said, "Isn't your vinegar a little misplaced?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. No matter what the reason, they like you but not me, the outcome is the same anyway."

Jing Yan was somewhat amused, this was the first time he knew this idiom could be used like this too. Oh well, let her have her way, she's the darling after all.

After Jing Yan’s accession, the weather became colder by the day. By mid November, the first snow of the year fell.

In the Huan Medical Hospital, there was a large increase in patients with fevers due to cold and wind as well as falls due to slippery roads.

Jiang Yuqing was busy seeing patients with intern doctors, not having the awareness at all that she had become the empress of the country.

Jiang Yuqing was busy, and her mother Lady Lu was even busier. Now that her daughter's wedding date was set, and she was going to be the empress of the country, the dowry naturally could not be sloppy in the slightest.

Although Lady Lu had already started preparing many years ago, when it came down to it, she still felt that many things were missing.

Such as antiques and famous paintings and calligraphy.

These kinds of things required a certain amount of heritage and accumulation.

Although the Jiang family was of noble status, after all the time they rose to prominence was too short, this was a very big shortcoming.

There were two ways to solve this situation: exchange with others, or buy them expensively.

The Jiang family was not short of money, but famous calligraphic works of past dynasties that could be brought out for trade were not many on the market.

Even if there were some, their origins and channels were questionable, so the ones that could be bought were very limited.

Exchanging item for item was possible though. Jiang Yuqing’s Beauty Elixir, just taking out two bottles, would drive the ladies and noblewomen of the capital crazy.

Therefore, Lady Lu managed to exchange quite a few nice items with the inferior grade Beauty Elixirs her daughter gave her.

Actually, Jiang Yuqing herself didn't really care.

The things she personally possessed, including knowledge, ability and capabilities were invisible assets, far exceeding the worth of those items.

Therefore, no matter when, her confidence was always full. Even marrying into royalty, she would not become a subordinate.

But she would not reject her family's good intentions either.

At the beginning of the twelfth month, news came from the Liaohai Prefecture in the northeast that the Wo Country occupied the entire Liju territory, and the Liju King escaped with his favorite consort and most beloved son to parts unknown.

Large numbers of Liju refugees crossed the border between Da Xia and Liju and swarmed into Da Xia territory.

The Governor of Liaohai, Baili Jia urgently petitioned the court, asking whether it would settle these refugees.

After discussion in court, it was decided to settle them. Nowadays in Da Xia, there was no shortage of land and food, only a lack of population.

The arrival of these Liju refugees happened to be timely. They would be dispersed and settled in Liaohai Prefecture.

With the unique inclusiveness of the Central Plains culture, they would be assimilated in just a few years, becoming Da Xia commoners through and through.

As for the Wo Country, hopefully their brains would be clearer. If they didn't invade, that would be fine for now, they could spend this year temporarily undisturbed. But if they invaded.... heh heh......

It turned out that the current leader of the Wo Country still had some brains. For one, they knew that the current Da Xia had a strong military that was not to be trifled with.

Plus, they had just conquered Liju, and the Liju affairs were still unclear, naturally they could not spare any troops to invade Xia.

If they didn't invade Xia, would Da Xia spare them?

As the ancestors said well: how could one sleep soundly with enemies by their side? You were just a small island country, yet you've killed your way onto the mainland now and destroyed my neighbor too.

If I let you develop and grow stronger today, I would be the next one destroyed.

New year. The new emperor changed the year to Zhenghe, meaning to conquer the barbarians and unify the country.

On the 18th day of the first month of Zhenghe Year 1, Da Xia decisively dispatched troops into Liju to launch an all out attack on the Wo Country’s forces.

At the same time, Jiang Yuqing also led a batch of medical personnel who were temporarily transferred from Beijing, Huan Medical Hospital and Tian Medicine Valley to form a temporary medical team to follow along the troops heading east.

This was to ensure that Da Xia’s officers and soldiers could receive the fastest and best medical treatment after getting injured.

The brave and adept Da Xia troops, with sufficient logistical support and the Thunderbolt as a powerful weapon,

Killed over 30,000 of the Wo Country troops after just one skirmish.

The Wo Country Commander-in-Chief Yamada Hirotake vomited blood in anger.

He thought that the Da Xia people had mild temperaments, and as long as one didn't provoke them there wouldn't be any issues, hence he did not take extra precautions against Da Xia.

He never expected the Da Xia people to be so ruthless, directly killing him in a blitz attack that caught him unprepared.

Yamada Hirotake hurriedly organized his troops to resist, but it was too late by then.

Also because he carried out a “three lights” policy (loot all, kill all, burn all) in Liju, the ordinary Liju people hated him to the bone. Hearing that the benevolent Da Xia troops had invaded, many even actively guided the way for them at the front.

The soldiers pursued in victory, morale was high, and they killed the retreating Wo Country troops like a landslide toppling a mountain.

In just a short month, the remaining few tens of thousands of Wo people were driven into the sea, retreating back home in defeat.

At this time, the long disappeared King of Liju suddenly popped out, criticizing that the Da Xia troops should not have occupied Liju’s territory.

Saying that Liju belonged to the Liju people, and the Da Xia people should withdraw from Liju’s land and return the country to them.

For such trash, Da Xia would not even want to give him a glance, let alone suffer the eyesore.

Jing Yan directly ordered to kill Liju King and all the royal sons without mercy.

A cowardly weakling who only knows how to run away, a failed ruler of a lost state, what face does he have to talk about conditions with them?

Or it could be said, the moment he abandoned his Liju people and fled, his ending today has already been doomed.

After taking care of Liju King and the remaining old and young of Liju, this land that once made the Da Xia Emperor choke with frustration, finally in the third month of the first year of Zhenghe, officially merged into the territory of Da Xia.

From now on, there is no more Liju in this world.

After some discussion in the court, according to geographical location, Liju's entire territory was divided into three prefectures, named Liju East Prefecture, Liju North Prefecture and Liju South Prefecture respectively, while officials were sent out at the same time to take over daily governance and educate the common people.

Jiang Yuqing did not stay long in Liju.

After the battles ended, she immediately set off back to the capital city.

She had to go back, as a certain person's messenger talismans came three times a day, urging her to the point her head almost exploded.

Such as "Qingqing, the swallows under the eaves have returned, why have you not come back?"

And "The flowers in the Imperial Garden have bloomed, there are your favorite sweetclocks, it's the best time to pick them now for tea."

And also: "The wedding dress is ready, you still have not tried it on."

In summary, urged to return in all sorts of ways.

This guy used to be quite aloof and indifferent, why has he become more and more clingy now?

Or is it that a man's brain will also become abnormal when in love?

Bai Xiaoshi for once spoke righteously for him: "It is him who is normal.

Unlike you, other than being a bit better looking, having a better figure, your temperament does not resemble a woman at all.

You don't know how to act coquettishly, have no clue what romance is. You are completely a steel straight woman, the kind that even a hydraulic press can't bend.

Only that blind Jing Yan could take a fancy to you, yet you do not know to cherish it, instead wandering outside all day never going home.

If one day, he finally can't stand you anymore, and comes to like another beauty, Benlu would not feel it strange..." blab la bla.

Jiang Yuqing's fists clenched with cracking sounds, her facial features all twisted, gritting her teeth and saying: "Bai Xiaoshi, which country are you from? No one would have taken you for a mute if you didn't speak.

The biggest retribution this deity has suffered in her life is coming across you, this vicious-tongued bastard artifact spirit..."

And so, it was another day of mutual affection (beating each other up) between the Domain Master and Artifact Spirit.

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