The Mech Touch

Chapter 5374 Rich Yields

Red humanity had won a great victory today!

Four different battles ended in four decisive victories. The Red Two's formidable strike forces managed to execute their well-prepared battle plans without encountering too many accidents!

Everyone who watched the four simultaneous live streams rejoiced at the domineering performance of the four armadas.

Many cities and states had spontaneously announced holidays so that their people could take the day off and celebrate this great pushback against alien aggression!

The First Armada had accomplished the greatest feat of all. Despite failing to secure the Tenth Tide Station before the aliens blew it up, the only organic god mech in the Red Ocean arguably committed the most shocking action imaginable.

The Geneforger successfully merged with the body of the Singularity Lord!

A god mech that was so small that it could barely be seen if it rested on the surface of the moon-sized phase whale had actually swallowed one of the largest organisms in the dwarf galaxy!

Such a feat was impossible to accomplish through any other means available to the Red Two. The bodies of ancient phase whales were highly evolved. Each part of their body tissue had been perfected to a degree where they could virtually last forever.

Perhaps it might be possible for a top team of scientists led by a Star Designer to accomplish a similar result, but it would definitely turn into a grand project that could possibly take years or decades of careful research in order to produce a satisfying result.

The right god pilot could skip over all of that complicated stuff and directly subvert the flesh of another ascended being by overwriting reality!

Unfortunately, the Singularity Lord's body sustained heavy damage over the course of the takeover.

When it became clear that the Geneforger sought to deliver the ultimate humiliation to the phase whale race by taking over the body of one of the eldest of native gods, the Space Tearer had gone crazy!

Although the Light of Sol did his best to hold the younger whale back, the Space Tearer had given up on trying to escape.

The phase whales could afford to be defeated, but what they could not accept was for the invading humans to get away with stealing such a precious body!

This was why the Space Tearer charged towards the sickened body of the Singularity Lord and began to bite into the compromised flesh with no abandon!

The Light of Sol did his best to stop this maddened rampage by resorting to more powerful attacks, but by the time the Space Tearer collapsed under all of the attacks, the Singularity Lord sustained serious damage!

A quarter of the older phase whale's flesh had been torn away. Numerous phasewater organs had been crushed to the point where they were unrecoverable.

Fortunately, an ancient phase whale contained way more biomass than that. The Geneforger still had plenty of intact alien body tissue left to pose as an ancient phase whale. It was not impossible for the god mech to regenerate or substitute the missing organic parts.

So long as the Geneforger and its assimilated biomass safely returned to human-occupied space without getting intercepted by rapid phase whales, the Evolution Witch had plenty of ways to make massive contributions to red humanity!

From extracting lots of intelligence about the native aliens from the brain to mapping out the complete power system of the phase whale race, lots of intelligence analysts and biotech researchers would do anything to get involved in the projects centered around studying the hijacked body!

Even Ves wanted to take a look at the body as well!

"It is not that easy, Phase King." He whispered in the air. "The Red Two put a lot of effort and lost a lot of expensive assets in their attempts to pull off this joint operation. The body of the Singularity Lord is one of their greatest rewards, and they will try to keep all of the good stuff for themselves. It is not easy for an uninvolved mech designer like me to gain permission to participate in one of the many confidential research projects."

Space started to wobble above his head.

Ves let out a tired breath. "The difference is in the word 'honorary'. I am not entirely an insider to the Red Association. I am someone who they brought in from the outside. I have already been making various moves that signal my intent to keep my distance from the mechers. Actions have consequences, and 1 am sure that they have plenty of trusted insiders of their own that can facilitate their research a lot better."

He clearly recognized that it was not his turn to examine the body of the Singularity Lord.

Perhaps he might be able to gain access if he traded another major contribution for this privilege, but Ves did not have much left to trade at this point.

Compared to the First Armada, the Second Armada did not yield as much as recovering ancient phase whale bodies were concerned.

The First Flame may have raised the confidence of red humanity by single-handedly burning two ancient phase whales with his overpowering Phoenix flames, but only carbonized remains were left of the enormous carcasses!

Even the remaining ancient phase whale that got beat up by the Fist of Defiance was hardly in a good shape. It took a lot of heavy punches to subdue the native god, and many of the alien's phasewater organs got ruptured or pulverized in the process.

The only saving grace of the Second Armada was that the Dread Marines dispatched by the Dominion of Man had captured the Twenty-Fourth Tide Station mostly intact!

Although it was impossible to maintain possession of the massive alien space station for long, the army of experts dispatched by the Red Two managed to extract a huge amount of intelligence and tech from the captured installation.

The Third Armada arguably attained the most boring and predictable results.

The joint forces had little chance to capture the Seventeenth Tide Station before the aliens blew it up, but there was little hope of doing so in the first place.

What was much more interesting was that the Army of One and the Huntsman managed to fell the sister whales without accident from beginning to end.

With the Army of One working to contain the sibling ancient phase whales, the Huntsman had been able to weaken them to such an extent that he was able to deliver the killer blows with ease.

The only downside of this steady approach was that the condition of the phase whale carcasses were not ideal. All of the spears thrown into their bodies had spilled entire oceans of phasewater into space.

Even if the special properties of phasewater made it so that the Red Two could still recover the precious fluids after it had drifted off into space, the losses were still massive!

The Huntsman had also been forced to drive his spears into key phasewater organs in order to kill the two ancient phase whales as cleanly as possible.

Each destroyed organ represented the loss of another top-quality organic treasure that was valuable enough to be installed on god mechs!

As for the Fourth Armada, only destruction was left by the time the joint forces had swept the star system that hosted the Sixth Tide Station.

The Rubarthan god pilots hadn't been able to preserve much at all by the time they had defeated their powerful adversaries.

The Red Two knew what they had been doing when they dispatched the Destroyer of Worlds to this key location. The mechers and the fleeters never really held much hope that the powerful god pilot would leave much intact.

The only goals that mattered was to kill the Tide Caller and destroy the Sixth Tide Station!

The Rubarthan god pilots did not disappoint in this endeavor. The only complication that generated a bit of concern was that an odd event occurred at the end.

When the Ragnarok had turned itself into an artillery projectile and boldly inserted itself in the body of the Tide Caller before unleashing a massive explosion, the mastermind behind the Great Severing unquestionably died!

The powerful alien leader's body had been subjected to an explosion that was stronger and fiercer than anything the Deep Swimmer had suffered!

As countless torn and scorched pieces of flesh and bone blasted out in all directions, it became clear that the Destroyer of Worlds truly did not put any effort into preserving a significant piece of the Tide Caller's body.

The Ragnarok emerged from the center of this titanic explosion with a mech frame that looked like it did not come out of this explosion unscathed.

Fortunately, the damage was well within the god mech's tolerance. It had already begun to regenerate its torn and missing armor plating while the giant energy manifestation of Emma disappeared.

Even though the two most powerful alien threats had been eliminated, the Rubarthan god pilots did not relax right away.

The reason why these powerful human gods were still on edge was because the Sixth Tide Station still continued to produce progressively stronger spatial tides!

This had clearly alarmed the forces of the Red Two. The Tide Caller had already died, but his work continued to produce powerful spatial waves that induced every other alien asset to pulse in sync!

The Fourth Armada did not understand what was happening at all, but it was not difficult to guess that it was undoubtedly detrimental to red humanity!

The Destroyer of Worlds eventually received an instruction from the fleet commander.

"We are unable to take control of the Sixth Tide Station in a short amount of time. Our only choice is to eliminate it. Destroy it as soon as possible."


Even though the surviving aliens still put up a lot of defenses, they were no match against a god mech!

The Destroyer of Worlds launched an artillery strike that punched through every obstacle in the way before blowing up the Sixth Tide Station in its totality!

The spread of spatial tides finally ceased. Though most people felt relieved and thought that they had stopped the Tide Caller from having the last laugh, neither of the two god pilots felt that the situation was quite right.


"WHATEVER IT IS, THE THREAT IS NOT ACUTE." The Destroyer of Worlds judged.

They did not let their concerns spoil their moods. Regardless of what happened at the end, the Tide Caller was dead, which meant that the Red Cabal had suffered a heavy blow!

Combined with eliminating 4 out of 27 Tide Stations, it became extremely unlikely that the native aliens could produce an outcome similar to the Great Severing anymore!

The consequences of these daring raids were certainly serious, but what mattered was that red humanity finally managed to gain a semblance of real control over the dwarf galaxy!

No longer would people have to worry that the Tide Stations would sunder their planets or bring them to an even weirder place in the cosmos!

If the Red Cabal wanted to eliminate the humans that were trapped in the Red Ocean, then the native aliens had to do it the old-fashioned way.

The Age of Dawn had already been announced numerous months before, but it was only now that many people felt that they had truly entered the new age!

Shortly after the conclusion of the four battles, many people started to direct more attention to all of the amazing tech and wonderful new solutions demonstrated by the joint forces.

The incredible power displayed by the god mechs was too unattainable to most people, but the varied hyper technology utilized by the dreadnoughts were much more accessible!

Many people wanted to know more about the various new technology systems they had witnessed today. From the resilient azure energy shields to the exotic hyper ice cannons, each of this new generation tech had the potential to boost the combat power of a lot of forces!

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