Chapter 242

Somewhere inside the Hell Gate, Reina Ju walked silently through the dark space. A lot of monitors could be seen around her. Each of those monitors showed the view of a world.

A fantasy world of swords and magic; A world of sci-fi romance where artificial intelligence and humans love each other; A world of martial arts where someone wanders around the world to conquer the continent with one fist; A world where a chaebol wants to put the world under their feet with only their money; A world where the protagonist always meets a sad ending; and a world of mystery where someone is killed in a secret room once every 5 seconds.

Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands?

How many worlds exist in this universe?

That was something which Reina would never know.


When one of the monitors went out, Reina reflexively turned her gaze onto it. It was because the fact that the monitor turned off also meant that the story of the world displayed on it was ‘completed’.

In other words, that world was completely over.

ding-!! ding ding ding-!!

[Thank you for loving 『I got to the 99th floor, but I’m too lazy to challenge the 100th floor』….]

[Thank you for loving 『Murim’s Big Mouth: I rule the world with my mouth』.]

[Thank you for loving 『My love dies today too』…]

[Thank you for loving, 『Void No. 19, Disappearing Sailors』…]

However, there were not only one or two worlds that were approaching their end. Countless worlds were running towards the end with every ticking second. The worlds, which were destroyed in that way, will later be absorbed by the Hell Gate and become a part of the ‘completed world’.

Reina Ju looked at the collapsing world without any emotion in her eyes. It was because, even though countless worlds were crumbling right now, there were simply too many worlds in this universe.

That was the goal of another Yoo Seodam. But… the progress of the story was too slow for that. He encountered a problem, which was called [Serial Hiatus].

In some worlds, the protagonist disappeared out of the blue, and in some other worlds, the protagonist suddenly gave up on his goal and lived peacefully day by day without consuming any probability.

There were obviously more worlds that were perishing, but there were also a huge number of worlds which didn’t.

‘Force them to consume the probability and absorb the crumbling world.’

That was the situation that another Yoo Seodam did not expect at all. But he couldn’t do anything. After all, even though it’s possible for him to give a world a ‘protagonist’ and a story, it’s impossible for him to be involved in the story. In fact, he had expended a tremendous amount of energy to give Vivienda its second protagonist and story.

With this many worlds existing, it was impossible for even god to manage them all. Which means, the man’s plan was bound to fail as soon as it started. However, that certainty changed 8 years ago, when Yoo Seodam entered Hell Gate.

“Ah… that year…” As a voice suddenly appeared, Reina shrugged her shoulders and calmly turned her head. A man with the same face as Yoo Seodam looked at the monitor and sighed.

“It’s annoying.” Then, he smiled brightly and looked at Reina. “But now, that doesn’t matter anymore.”

He was looking at the screen somewhere. Among these numerous monitors, there were a few monitors which were bigger than the rest. Those bigger monitors were monitors which were dedicated for worlds that were close to completion. Representative examples of such worlds were Earth and Vivenda.

However, amongst the few big monitors, another Yoo Seodam was looking at the monitor which showed Earth. In that monitor, a large number of humans were gathering to enter Hell Gate.

“Originally, there was a penalty for the human race.” 

Humans, a race with intelligence, dexterity, and creativity, were said to even beat gods in terms of greed. So the world has given humans numerous penalties. Weak physical ability, short lifespan, limited resources, and hatred towards each other.

“It amazes me how humans have developed the world to such a degree just by accidentally lighting up a spark of fire.”

Humans grew up by biting and scratching each other. They developed their skill and technology to kill others, honed their abilities to become better than others, and devoted themself to whatever it takes to stand above others. As a result, there were very few places in the countless worlds which were not conquered by ‘humans’.

“Among all, Earth is special. Looking at any other world, it is really rare to find a world where humans shine so splendidly.”

From another Yoo Seodam’s point of view, the world called Earth was the world closest to his ideal. Earth’s technology was special. They developed it in order to live in comfort, in convenience, and to pursue pleasures which enriched the dignity of human beings.

With a simple button push, people of Earth could have a face-to-face conversation with someone on the other side of the world. They could also get something they wanted without even stepping out from the comfort of their house. On top of it, they could obtain almost every piece of information in existence simply by asking through a machine.

On Earth, human beings were equal, even if only on the surface. Therefore, anyone could realize their innate potential. In theory, it was close to an ideal world. A utopia.

“It’s really a pity that Earth has too many flaws.” Out of nowhere, monsters start to appear on Earth. After that, even superpowers appeared. It was that moment when all the peace and perfection that Earth had maintained for so long was broken.

“But… it’s okay though. Thanks to that, I am who I am today. Isn’t that right? Reina.”


“Haha. Why are you so lifeless? You knew it was going to end like this, didn’t you?”

On Earth’s monitor, the image of Yoo Seodam was being shown. Even now, he was running around trying to solve numerous political and technical problems in order to enter Hell Gate.

“All of this is what Yoo Seodam wanted. You don’t have to be like that.”

She lowered her head with a somber expression. She simply couldn’t refute his words since it was all true.

“I have waited so long. Really, it was a long, long time of waiting.”

But now the waiting time is coming to an end.



With a sudden headache, the man grabbed his head and staggered. His limit was slowly approaching. It was because he consumed too much probability in a short period of time.

“I can’t delay any longer. We need to get things done as soon as possible.”

To do that, he has to provoke the other party.


Pacific Ocean, Earth.

International Hell Gate Institute.

As it was built around a massive crack called Hell Gate in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Hell Gate Labs was currently being converted for warfare. All of the research facilities were removed, replaced by state-of-the-art modern weapons. Most of the researchers also returned to their hometowns and the vacancy was filled by hunters and soldiers.

There was only one instance in the past, which turned the laboratories into something like this. It was back In 2045, at the start of the last Hell Gate expedition.

‘Well, I do think it was much different from back then.’

The SS rank telekinesis superhuman, ‘Cheong’, stood by the window of the research lab and looked at the entrance to the Hell Gate, which shone menacingly. That red lump on the surface of the rippling portal seemed like nothing at first, but sometimes it looked like a wild beast with its jaws wide open.

Beep… Beep…

She lifted her head at the sound of the ringing sensor.

“Oh, Hunter Cheong, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s ringing just because the Hell Gate’s absorbing wavelength has been slightly amplified.”

Even with a single glance from her, the researchers were instantly on their toes. They were also someone who studied Hell Gate, so they would be called elite wherever they go, but it seems inevitable for them to react like that in front of an SS rank hunter whose number was less than 100 in the whole world.

“Don’t worry about me. By the way, since when did Hell Gate’s absorption wavelength get amplified?”

“Ummm… it has always been getting stronger day by day. However, the wavelength has been amplifying every day since a few days ago.”

“If it keeps getting stronger…”

“Yes… Earth will be completely absorbed into that dreadful pit.”

However, the researcher quickly added that the wave had not yet reached that level yet. As Cheong contemplated their words and was about to say something, the automatic door opened and someone walked in. He was a man who, unlike others, wore a martial arts uniform.

He was the Dang Baek-soo of Murim’s Sichuan Sect, who was renowned for his terrifying nickname of Thousand Blood Poison (千血毒). He was also one of two SS rank hunters who were on standby at the Hell Gate Lab.

“Hey, I’m terribly bored! Is there nothing wrong?”

“Pardon? Yes, everything is alright. There are still more than three months left until the scheduled attack date. If something happens already, it’s a big deal.”

“Didn’t you say that sometimes something like a fly comes out?”

“They do, but… they are not coming out of that hole.”

“What? I’m here to catch them, but how will I catch them if they didn’t come out of there?”

“Even if you tell me that…”

Cheong sighed. She was also an SS ranked hunter, and she has had a lot of exchanges with the Murim recently, so she was well aware about them. In particular, their leader, Seol Jungyeon. She’s a very beautiful woman who had all kinds of mugong, which almost made her bow her head at her noble figure.

As with other Murim people, she was able to understand their personality just by having a brief conversation.

“Dang Baek-soo. Please lower your voice slightly so that the researchers can focus.”

“What the… Everyday, only me, damn it.”

Dang Baek-soo ruffled his hair in frustration and floundered in his chair.

“Well, I just need to wait here until  they come out, I guess?”


The researchers wanted to shout that it was more burdensome for them if he did that, but they couldn’t. So they looked at Cheong with pleading eyes. But since the man had already said he would do it, there was no way for her to stop him.

However, very fortunately. The researchers no longer had to feel burdened.

Whiing~! Whiing-! Whiing-!!

“Wh-what is this?”

“Get your shit together! Something has escaped from inside the Hell Gate! Something with a huge amount of energy…”

“Okay. Show it on the monitor.”

The researchers, who were moving in a hurry, moved the monitor belatedly at Dang Baek-soo’s words. For the first time, thinking that his words were cool, Cheong also checked the monitor.

In the blue Pacific Ocean, something flesh-colored emerged from the Hell Gate. It looked so ordinary and did not match the amount of energy detected by the sensor.

The thing was a person. However, It wasn’t beautiful. It was neither male nor female. It wasn’t a new race called the Gray Humans, but wasn’t a monster either.

“…what is that?”

Cheong asked with a bewildered face, but the researchers did not answer. No, they can’t answer it. Because it was their first time seeing it too.

However, the answer, unexpectedly, came from Dang Baek-soo.

“Is that important? He might be dangerous, so we have to quickly get rid of it.”

“Yes… That’s right.” Cheong nodded her head and steeled her resolve. Meanwhile the ‘monster’ in the monitor raised its palm.



Before they even realized what the action meant, the consequences came first.


In an instant, the outer wall that protected the Hell Gate Lab was torn off and sank to the bottom of the sea.


Beep-! Beep-! Beep-!



Belatedly, as the waves crashed and smashed the laboratory, all the windows were smashed and the sea breeze raged violently. Smelling the salty smell of the sea, Dang Baek-soo broke out in a cold sweat.

Watching the exterior wall–which at the very least towering in 50m high–being torn off completely that easily, he couldn’t calm his pounding heart. As far as he knows, there is only one person on Earth who can exert that level of power: Seol Jungyeon, the master of the Murim.

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