The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 73 Leaving Town

Chapter 73 Leaving Town

Sloppy manga artist, untalented manga artist, suicidal manga artist, never-submitting-their-works artist, sketch-only artist... Useless artists just constantly appeared one by one, and Zhou Yu’s sweat on his forehead gradually became more and more.

‘Dammnit, today really isn’t my day. What kind of shitty luck is this.’

Seeing the Moe Coins he saved was getting less and less, normally, he would wash hands and pray to god, and then wait until the next day to do it again. But Zhou Yu had already lost his mind at the moment. He wanted to use the rest of the Moe Coins to try again and again. He didn’t believe that he would not be able to find a good one.

Sure enough, if it was not the chosen one, one shouldn’t gamble blindly. In the next few rounds, it was even more tragic. It even appeared a manga artist with double negative effects – the “bored to death, and extremely untalented artist.”

“...” Zhou Fu completely lost for words. It seemed like he had to wait for some time to try it again.

This painful lesson made Zhou Yu no longer dare to behave like a rich kid again. Actually, even if he dared to, he no longer had enough Moe Coins to allow him to behave like a rich kid. But he needed to find a place to vent his frustration.

Suddenly he had an idea. His parents and grandparents had already returned to the city, during this period, he did not go out to catch any small beasts, he almost forgot about it!

Activating skill – life is a drama, and choosing the profession: the genius beast Hunter. He wanted to take it out on those small beasts.

In two hours, the result was brilliant. Even if some small beasts refused to surrender under the powerful BUFF of this profession, their abilities were reduced by 60%, which basically made them become easy targets for Zhou Yu. Even the small kungfu beasts, that tortured him the most often in the past, were no match for him today. He could happily beat them while shouting, “Ora, ora, ora, ora...”

After two hours of torturing the small beasts, he finally used up the skill, and his frustration was finally dispelled. He also ended up having hundreds of Level 1 small beast cards. Among them, there were 20 or 30 Photographic Lions and Programming Apes, both of which were very rare. It was much better than having only one rare card in a few days in the past.

It would a shame if he did not use so many small beast cards. So he once again came to the third dragon Prince to exchange something from his treasure bowl. Since there was no luck in recruitment today, maybe the luck has gone to the treasure bowl. Zhou Yu thought.

Unfortunately, today was doomed to be a bad day. The first ten times, which cost him fifty small beast cards, gave him nothing useful apart from some materials. But this time, Zhou Yu leaned his mistakes. He immediately stopped continuing, no matter how the chubby third dragon Prince tempted him.

“I mean, the Third Prince, what did you do to all those small beasts that you took from me? I haven’t seen you taking them out to play at all.”

He randomly found a topic to eliminate the desire of using more cards to exchange some useless stuff.

“Don’t get me started. Taking some level 1 minions for a stroll every day? How embarrassing is that? I have to scrape together dozens to combine into a higher level beast. For a Prince like me, only the level 3 beast or above, can match my family’s status!”

The third dragon Prince was a typical arrogant young master. No wonder why he was beaten up by Nezha. He really had a punchable personality. Originally, Zhou Yu wanted to make an animated movie called “Nezha”, but he was stopped by the chubby Prince, who said that it was a serious slandering on his reputation. Now that they could be considered as a family, why Zhou Yu wanted to damage his reputation?

In the end, he offered Zhou Yu a chance of using the treasure bowl for free, in exchange for him not to make the animated movie – “Prince Nezha’s Triumph Against Dragon King”.

But then again, among all the villagers of the ACG world, the third dragon Prince was the villager, who Zhou Yu got along with the best. All the others were too old, and were basically busy minding their own things every day. Apart from doing daily quests, normally other villagers wouldn’t talk to him. They basically didn’t have many common topics.

Simply put, apart from the third dragon Prince, there was no other person in Mini Luhua village, that was as lazy as Zhou Yu. Two equally lazy people naturally would get along well with each other.

Another week slowly went by. Today, Zhou Yu specifically washed his hands and went to the immortal crane’s Taoist temple to light an incense piously. Then he came to the comic studio and began to recruit people again.

On the first try, the best one was only an ordinary manga artist. But at least, it was better than yesterday’s batch. On the second try, although still nothing better, it was not terrible either. On the third try, he finally found something good – a quest scroll.

‘Er... Hang on a second... A quest scroll. Was n’t this supposed to be the recruitment for manga artists? Why was there a quest scroll?’

Curiously, Zhou Yu spent 100 Moe Coins to purchase the scroll. After opening it. Surprisingly, It was a quest for searching a legendary manga artist.

Quest – The precious beast of jungles.

Legend had it that in the dangerous jungle that was full of steel beasts, there was an unknown mysterious beast. Anyone who had seen it would obtain unlimited creativity and inspiration. The Fast-handed Wang, who was already a top-notch manga artist, decided to go to search for the precious beast, in hopes of obtaining the qualification of becoming the best manga artist.

It seemed to be very difficult, but as long as he could find this Fast-handed Wang, even if the quest failed, it would still be a top-notch artist. In case of success, it would the best manga artist. For such a talented person, it seemed worthy of taking a risk.

After accepting the quest, the scroll automatically disappeared, but a small map appeared in the upper left corner view of the ACG world. The red dot was the target location, the green dot was himself, but he didn’t know how far the distance between the two dots was, because the map didn’t indicate the map scale.

Anyway, it was time to move. To plan for the worst, Zhou Yu prepared himself for a long journey.

Finding the old village chief, he told him that he may be going out for a while, and if he could take care of Diandian for him. As for Sir Black, he took it with him. Squirrel Bubu, who was already accustomed to the free sky, had long wanted to go out for a stroll. Not wanting to miss the opportunity to travel outside the village, it begged Zhou Yu to bring it with him.

Having a flying bird Knight by his side was actually not a bad idea. How could someone go on an adventure without having a warrior in the team? What if there was a fight, he probably wouldn’t be able to win the fight. If he could choose, he would choose Jack Mouse. It was quiet and handy. However, it would attract too much attention to bring a chicken with him, so he only brought the talkaholic Bubu.

Hearing Zhou Yu wanted to leave the village for a few days, Zhou Fu was the first one that came to Zhou Yu’s house. He simply didn’t know what to say to this spoiled kid anymore. More than one million Chinese Yuan investment was still ongoing. Since Zhou Yu didn’t want to check the construction progress, he didn’t want to force him. But he even had the time to travel? If he was his son, he would have already whopped his ass.

“Please stop playing around. Even if you don’t lack for money, think about the villagers. Although people don’t talk about it, they all hope that your rural amusement park could make Luhua Village a better place. That’s why they are trying their best to help you. Otherwise, why do you think the government would approve your application that quick? Now look at you, not focusing on the project, and thinking about traveling. You are taking everything for granted...”

Zhou Yu did not know how to answer uncle Fu. Indeed, people from Luhua village helped him a lot in this matter. But he also needed to do the quest. So he could only use lies to cover it up “Uncle Fu, this trip is not for my personal leisure, but to contact my friends online. The game was made by us together. They have a share of the profit. I can’t just take it all.”

After listening to this reason, Zhou Fu finally calmed down. The fund for developing the rural amusement park was all earned by developing some games, so Boy Yu’s online friends could not be ignored.

“Oh... If that’s the case, then I will look after everything with your uncle Xingyi, but you need to come back as soon as possible.”

‘YES! now it is time to move!’

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