Chapter 2883 The last straw before returning to ZocarroChapter 2883 The last straw before returning to Zocarro
Minos answered the dimension guardian's question. "I'm looking for a place for my companions." He gestured to his group and spaceship. "That's not all of them. I'll bring a larger group that I'll split between another planet and the Seraphim Dimension. I want to keep them protected for the short time that I'll be away."
The guardian of the dimension looked at Minos' women and then wondered how many more individuals would come here in the future if he agreed. But what he was most interested in was Minos' absence. "Where are you going?" He asked curiously, with a serious look on his angelic face.
"I don't know. I know where it will end." Minos smiled suggestively before adding. "The Upper Realm."
The seraph closed his eyes, understanding that Minos was seeking advancement to the 13th stage and subsequent entry into the great dimension of the Entitled Deities. Feeling that this would be good for both his people and his lord's plans, he nodded positively and said, "All right, I can help you with that. The Seraphim Dimension isn't exactly a place to visit, or even a good place for any kind of creature. What is good for us, for you, Minos, can be deadly for some of your companions. So select those who come here carefully. For the rest, I'll see to it that they can live in peace in my world." Minos had already imagined that the guardian of the dimension would agree with his plans. Just like the dragons, the seraphim would evolve with their entry into the Upper Realm. But not only that, Minos remembered how he had received the tribe's most valuable wings before. The lord of that dimension had made a point of allowing him to merge with Anak's wings, which made Minos think that this figure from the Upper Realm had expectations for him. So it didn't make sense now, when everything was about to be resolved, for that entity to refuse something as simple as welcoming his relatives to this dimension!
Minos made a gesture of thanks and said, "Thank you for that, my friend. I'll remember it when I enter the Upper Realm."
The seraph nodded to Minos with a smile, massaging his chin satisfactorily. Now that this human was so strong and close to entering the Upper Realm, any promise from him was worth 100 times more than words from when they first met.
The seraph gestured for the group to follow him, beginning their flight towards the area he quickly had in mind to accommodate Minos' people. The whole group flew after the level 121 guardian and not long after their momentary silence, the seraph asked questions again.
"By the way, when exactly will you be leaving your family here?"
"Part of it will be in a few years," Minos said his plans to this figure, while looking at the horizon, seeing several communities of seraphim on their way. "I'll go to the planet where they are and then come back to divide them into the two hiding places I've chosen. But I will continue traveling alongside my wives. It will only be on the eve of my advance that I will leave these three here and go alone to my ultimate challenge." "That sounds good." The seraph agreed, imagining that a strong group like that could grow stronger and faster together. He could read the thoughts of the people around him and already understood a little better what these women were capable of. Even though Minos was a monster in his own right, their help could speed things up.
The dimension guardian also thought that this could bring business opportunities for them, as well as the chance of level advancement that would come from Minos' advancement.
"That's good. The sooner he enters the Upper Realm, the better for the race and for the lord's plans.
"Is there anything else I could help you with besides giving him a new wing?" He asked as the group slowly saw a grassy area close to waterfalls but without any local community, where they were gradually decreasing their speed and flying altitude.
"That's all for now!" Minos smiled, grateful for this seraph's willingness, aware that he would pay for it when he entered the Upper Realm.
The politics of the Upper Realm must have been even more brutal and demanding than anything he had experienced in the universe!
"Well, don't hesitate to talk to me if anything comes up that I can help with." He finally stopped flying, not landing on that green terrain and breathtaking view. As he hovered a few dozen meters above the area's perfect lawn, he said as he gestured, "This is one of the most remote spots in our world, a good place to farm, where some of our laws are weaker. It will be perfect for the group you plan to bring here."
Obviously, he had read the minds of the weaker ones in this group, seeing clearly that the group of Minos' relatives to come here was basically made up of Sovereigns. He would only be able to receive such a group in one of the weak areas of the dimension. Minos looked around, certain that this place was good and not so dangerous for the humans he would soon be bringing here.
"Your women or your 12th stage companions will be able to go beyond the limits of this area, but the others I would advise you to talk to about avoiding exploring beyond the area's mountains. The light of the dimension could consume them."
"I'll remember that," Minos said, as he nodded in agreement.
"I can leave a group of Seraphim here to help with trade and communication with your people. I'll also leave a line of communication open for your wives or the group's Supremes to reach me. But the dimension is very quiet, so I imagine they'll spend most of their time here in seclusion." The seraph then pointed to the east, changing the subject. "Anyway, your new wing is in that direction. Let's go. I don't want to hold up your group"
They flew off at high speed again, but this time Abby took the floor by questioning the seraph. "Senior, what does your lord want from Minos? We have no problem paying our debts, but it would be good to know the kind of thing that awaits us in the Upper Realm."
The seraph looked at this level 123 woman, who he could tell had extremely strong killing power. Something about her even prevented him from seeing her every thought, something unusual.
He didn't doubt that these women would indeed manage to enter the Upper Realm, which would naturally put each of them in a position to pay their lord back for these
"What does my lord want from you?" He opened his mouth, asking himself what that. was all about.
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