The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 57: The Beginning of the Mission

Chapter 57: The Beginning of the Mission

At that time, the leader of the bandits of the Yellow City was in his office accompanied by three other men when the door opened, and a subordinate reported that they had found the whereabouts of the strange fox and its cub.

"So, where is she?" One of the men in the room asked anxiously. The other two men also showed a lot of interest and began to pay attention to the person who had reported this news.

"She is in a cave about 500 kilometers from here in the Yellow City. The bosses need not worry. She is very weak and should not be leaving that place anytime soon." The subordinate, who had reported the news, said with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, good! We are going to prepare an expedition to capture both the mother and the cub!" Chief Gul said with a smile that went from ear to ear.

"By the way, what is the stage of cultivation of this beast?" One of the three men asked curiously.

"The leader of the hunt group said that she should be in the 5th stage of cultivation." The subordinate responded promptly.

"Hmm, if it were in normal situations, it would be impossible for us to capture such a beast without fighting with the intention of killing. But since she just gave birth to her cub, it won't be that difficult." Gul said out loud.

Gul then turned to one of the three men and said. "Lydo, go and make the preparations for our hunt. I believe that 10 people above level 44 will be enough. Call all of our commanders."

One of the three men, who was named Lydo and was at level 45, nodded and left the office quickly to resolve this matter.

Of the other two in the room, they were also on the same level as Lydo and were just below Gul in the hierarchy within the Yellow City bandit group.

Not only that, each of these three had two commanders at level 44 as their subordinates, who, in turn, controlled the rest of the group. This was the power structure that Gul had put in place to control this city.

Chief Gul then looked at the other two, who were still in the room, and said. "Make the other preparations. When we leave the strongest in the city, it will only be at level 43."

"Okay, boss, let's get everything ready as soon as possible." The two responded and then left the room.

"Hehehe, it looks like I'm finally going to have a great opportunity. It won't be long, and those who chased me before will all be killed. Hahaha." Gul spoke aloud while laughing maniacally.


A few hours later, the Minos group established a temporary camp, 30 kilometers from the Yellow City, where their group would wait to act. They had chosen to stop at that point because here it was not so far from the city, as it also had some plants and rock formations that could hide the group of undesirable eyes.

"Sergeant Humbert, make a group of 10 Corporals and visit Yellow City to collect information about these criminal groups active in this region," Minos said while looking in the direction of one of the soldiers.

"But wear clothes that are common and different from each other. You should also divide this team into 5 smaller groups, which do not attract unwanted attention within the city. Do this data collection and return as soon as possible. You will be leading this task."

"Okay, young master, I will do this as soon as possible." Sergeant Humbert responded promptly.

Then he quickly gathered the 10 men and headed for the Yellow City.

At that moment, the young Elen approached where Minos was and said with a smile on her face. "You are very careful, and you seem to have a lot of experience in this. Have you done this kind of thing before?"

Upon hearing this question, Ruth, who was sitting in a chair that the soldiers had set up, looked at Minos, expecting to know the same.

Upon hearing and seeing Elen and Ruth's reactions, Minos laughed gently and said. "More or less that..."


A few minutes passed, and the group formed by Sergeant Humbert arrived in Yellow City. As soon as they arrived, three carriages with about 10 men left that city, heading towards the east.

Seeing this, Humbert, who was the only Spiritual General in the group, frowned and thought to himself. '10 people, and they're all at least level 44. The strongest is at level 47!'

'Could it be that some great merchant is passing through here? Hmm, never mind, let's get to know this place soon.' After that, he stopped paying attention to the group and entered the city.


Meanwhile, in one of the carriages, Gul smiled and thought. 'It is just a group of Spiritual Warriors and a person at level 40. They cannot do anything in the Yellow City. Haha, there must be another group of traders who don't know what's going on here...'


According to different directions upon entering the city, Humbert's group soon separated. Despite being a much bigger city than the Dry City, they could see that this place was much more disorganized and impoverished.

Of course, that was only because of what Minos had done during those months when he was running the Dry City. Before this period, the Yellow City would certainly win in all aspects in relation to the old city of these soldiers.

Humbert also noticed that the spiritual energy of this place was slightly better than that of the Dry City before the spiritual arrays. In fact, even in the current spiritual concentration of his city, it was barely able to beat Yellow City.

As the group spread out, Humbert was walking around the city calmly, as if he were an ordinary passerby from this place. He was constantly watching people and places, probing whenever he saw something that caught his attention.

"Interestingly, this place has at least 80 cultivators who have already reached level 40!" He murmured to himself.

And indeed, the Yellow City was much better than the Dry City before the changes made by Minos. They could even afford to buy some grade-1, high-grade, spiritual pills for people with Blue talent to pass their bottleneck.

Anyway, when stopping in a large square in the central part of the city, Humbert stopped at a counter that had several fruits and told the merchant that was there. "Buddy, take two apples for me."

"Here it is, it is 20 low-grade crystals." The merchant said while he had the two apples in a paper bag.

After that, Humbert talked to the merchant for a while and then went on his way through the city. He wanted to recognize the terrain and the forces of the bandits, but the information gathering service would be a priority for the other men.

He then cleaned one of the apples and took a big bite out of it. 'Hmm, low spiritual concentration. As poor in spiritual energy as were the fruits sold in the Dry City previously.'


At the same time, in different parts of Yellow City, the 5 groups, divided with two soldiers in each of them, were quickly infiltrating the conversation and discussions that took place anywhere.

All of them had received a good amount of low-level spiritual crystals from Minos to bribe people who indicated any willingness to talk about what was going on in this place.

"Friend, did I hear that your son is sick and you are doing extra services?" Asked one of Minos' soldiers, disguised in a certain restaurant in one of the city's poorest regions.

The man he had spoken to turned and answered. "That's right, do you have any services for me?"

This man was very anxious when he heard that. In the Yellow City, life was very difficult for people with low talent.

This, of course, was related to the high criminal activity that had been happening recently. That way, many like this man had to work hard to survive in this place.

The soldier smiled and said, as he indicated a more isolated place in the restaurant. "Come with me to a place where we can have some privacy."

After they sat down, the soldier then said. "Well, here's the thing..."


Meanwhile, several other soldiers were doing the same in different parts of Yellow City. It was not difficult to find someone complaining about how bad things were recently or to find individuals with family problems who forced them to accept almost any kind of service that could yield them some spiritual crystals.

Because of this, the group was quick to understand the events in the previous months, learning a little about the group in power in this city.


A day quickly passed when the group of 11 soldiers finally returned from their intelligence gathering. They had not encountered any problems within the Yellow City, as they were disguised as ordinary people.

Not only that, but they had no product with them, so the bandit groups in that place showed no interest in them.

It didn't take long, and all the people present at Minos' camp gathered to discuss the information that Humbert's group had collected.

Minos then took the initiative and asked calmly. "And then? What did the group of you manage to discover?"

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