The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 63: The Whereabouts of Chief Gul

Chapter 63: The Whereabouts of Chief Gul

After Minos gave his orders, the soldiers arrested the two unconscious men in different rooms and then looted the items left by the bandits.

Minos' soldiers also gathered all the bodies of nearly 100 people and built a large fire not far from the mansion's main building.

Shortly after that, Minos proceeded to the mansion's interior, where he intended to rest for a few hours. He was still quite tired from the previous battle, and he wanted to regain his spiritual energy before proceeding with the interrogation of the two men.

Upon entering the mansion, the group that followed Minos could see a place well done, but that was empty! The bandits had actually removed all valuables, leaving only chairs and sofas where they could rest.

The group of Minos, Ruth, Dillian, and the others passed by the mansion, while some were looking for a place to rest and others were trying to find out more about that place.

Minos then found a private place and started cultivating immediately. He removed some low-grade spiritual crystals and then began to absorb the energy contained in its quickly.

At the same time, groups that had attacked in different parts of the city began to arrive one after another. First came the group that had attacked the city's east entrance, which had been the group that completed its mission more quickly.

Then, members of the second group had been responsible for the west entrance. And finally, came the soldiers who attacked the nightclub in the south of Yellow City.

Due to the way they carried out their mission, the third group took the longest time, arriving almost an hour after the others.

When they arrived, the entrance to the city government mansion had already been completely cleaned, and the bandits' bodies had already returned to dust.


Meanwhile, Elen and Eduard went to a secluded place at the back of the mansion, where they could feel several faint signs of life. These were some of the traders who the bandits had kidnaped!

Not all were killed, as they were members of large families, and these bandits could not be at risk of being chased by one of these families. After all, if one of these traders died while traveling through these areas, their families would surely come hunting for them in this place.

And that would be the end for these bandits. That's because, even though some of them were sought after by large families from the north of the Central Continent, these families had no information of where they were.

As a result, as long as they did not abuse the place where they lived, it would be challenging for anyone to identify them as far as the Yellow City. Because of this, they had checked the past of each of the kidnapped traders well, killing only those with small powers.

Elen then entered a place where a large cell covered an entire 30 square meter room.

In this place, she looked for someone and then smiled.

"Ralph, hey! Look over here. It's me, Elen." She said while trying to get the attention of a man lying in the corner of the cell.

Ralph was one of the subordinates of the Nash family within the Kingdom of the Waves. He usually came from this kingdom to Stone Island, taking resources back and forth while also sending all sorts of crucial information about this region to the Nash family.

The Nash family had assigned him to help the young Elen in her business since she was one of the most proactive members of the family that deserved more responsibilities. However, months ago, he stopped returning Elen's contacts just after leaving his kingdom to solve a problem in the Brown Kingdom.

Because of this and other information that Elen and Elena had, they concluded that Ralph's disappearance was related to the instability of the Yellow City, where the crime had developed considerably.

The man dressed in dirty clothes and had a tired look on his face stood up and looked in Elen's direction in disbelief. "Ah! Miss Elen!"

"Yes, it's me. Come with me, tell me what happened to you." She said after the bodyguard, Eduard, opened the cell door and allowed the people inside to leave.


Two hours passed quickly, and in the meantime, the butler Dillian helped several guards who had small wounds to recover. Not only that, he gave primary treatment to the two bandits who Minos' forces had captured.

Minos, who had already been adequately recovered from the previous battle, had asked the butler Dillian to do this so that the two bandits would regain consciousness more quickly. He wanted to find out immediately why the leader of this city had left so suddenly, taking much of his strength.

He then walked to one of the mansion's rooms, where the muscular man was. When he entered the room, Minos saw a completely pale man looking at him angrily.

Minos then sat on a chair and said calmly. "If you want to live, you better answer everything I ask. You got it?"

The muscular man said nothing as he continued to look furiously at Minos. The young Stuart then spoke again after a while. "First, what I want to know is whether that group that left the Yellow City earlier were members of your bandit group. They were?"

Minos then took a spiritual apple from his spatial ring and began to eat quietly while waiting for the man's response. "Nothing? Are you sure about that? Your friend is in another room waiting for his turn. I think that he seems to be the most intelligent between the two of you. I'm sure he will answer me..." Minos said while looking at the apple in his right hand.

But the muscular man showed no change in his face. 'A fool.' Minos thought to himself. He understood the idea of ??fidelity, but being loyal to a group of bandits was stupid!

Hell! Some bandits were even able to sell their own families, let alone a companion!

And even if the chance of him surviving was slight, there was no reason why he would die for such people. So, Minos thought the muscular man was a fool.

"Why did your boss leave with the strongest people in this place? Where did they go?" Minos asked calmly.

Time passed, and all the questions that Minos asked the muscular man were answered in the same way. He ignored him and then continued to look hatefully at Minos.

"OK! I'll see your mate." Minos said, getting up from the chair he was in and leaving the room. He did not think he needed to resort to torture since this man was well aware of his weak position.

Seeing the entire group that he thought would soon rise to new heights, being wiped out in a few minutes by Minos's team, had undoubtedly left the two men in a somewhat fragile state. Therefore, Minos believed that torturing them would not be necessary.

In certain situations, torture did not help and could even hinder an interrogation...

A few seconds later, Minos entered the room where the skinny man was being held. He then pulled a chair close to the man and said. "You have a chance to live. You just need to answer me sincerely. The people in your group cannot stop us, so don't create expectations for this to happen."

"Anyway, the group that left the city earlier were your superiors?"

Dugal, sitting on the floor, looked at Minos for a while and then said. "What guarantee do I have that you won't kill me anyway after knowing what you want?"

"As expected... Well, there are no guarantees for you. I can only say that I intend to leave you alive in the end... Well, it just depends on you." Minos said, looking into the man's eyes.

"Okay, it makes no difference anyway... If there is a chance that I will survive, then I will answer."

He then said. "You are right. That group that left the city earlier today are the highest level members of our forces."

"Where did they go? And why did they leave here with their main force?"

Dugal then said after coughing a little. "Ehh, a few weeks ago, a strange beast was seen inside this region. A merchant informed us about this and also about the fact that she was pregnant, and then our group started looking for her."

"After weeks of searching for it, some of our subordinates found the beast in a cave, a few hundred kilometers from here in the Yellow City. We also found out that she had already given birth to a cub, and she was in the 5th stage of cultivation."

"Because of this, the group went out to capture this spiritual beast and her cub while she was still weakened," Dugal said slowly.

Upon hearing this, Minos understood the situation and then asked curiously. "You said she was a stranger. For what reason?"

"Cough! Hmm, she was weird because, despite looking like a fox, she had five tails instead of just one."

Upon hearing this, Minos's eyes opened in disbelief. He could not believe that a beast of such quality had appeared in this place. 'Why is this nine-tailed fox here?' He thought as he tried to decipher the presence of this high-level spiritual beast in this impoverished place.

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