The knocking on the door intensified as the figure on the bed covered her head with the blanket. She murmured something before falling asleep again. Outside, Sam was going eager with each passing second. 

When Zhenyi didn't open the door after knocking for fifteen minutes, he decided to unlock the door with the spare key. Of course, he had one. 

As he entered the room, he saw the sleepy drunken woman covering her body from head to toe with the blanket. He yanked the blanket, and she sat on the bed with a jerk. 

"Are you looking for a new way to die, Zhenyi?" Sam asked her, his hands were placed on his hips. She could have suffocated herself under the blanket. 

"Someone better be dead, Sam, or I'll kill you," Zhenyi grumbled in a groggy voice.

"Oh, it's very urgent. Get ready. Freshen up and I'll keep your clothes on the bed," Sam said while leaving the room. 

Zhenyi's head was throbbing but her body was still sleeping. With half-closed eyes, she entered the washroom and came out after a few minutes only to find the most outrageous clothes placed on the bed. 


"What!" He came running into her room. He thought something happened to her, given the way she yelled. 

 He found her shooting glares at him. "What the hell happened, Zhenyi? You scared me!"

"What is this?" She pointed towards the clothes. Glaring eyes? Checked. Hands on hips? Double Checked. Thinking of thousand ways to dispose her best friend's body? On the way! 

"Clothes, what else?" Sam shrugged. 

Zhenyi took hold of the so-called clothes in her hands and asked again, "What the hell is this, Sam Qin?" 

Sam sighed out, "It's a top, and this one is called shorts."

"Do you think I'll wear these pink clothes?" She questioned him. What on earth was he planning? 

"What's wrong with these clothes?" Sam asked her in return. "Don't say that these clothes don't match the aura of Xin Zhenyi. Last night, you cried your heart out about how you just want to be Zhenyi for a day, not Xin Zhenyi or Mrs. Long. As your best friend, it's my duty to give you everything you ask for. So, today we are going to live as Zhenyi and Sam. Go. Go. Change into them." 

"I said that?" Zhenyi furrowed her brows in confusion, forgetting about the main issue. 

 Sam nodded his head.

"I don't believe you," Zhenyi said, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"I knew it! You little drunkard! I knew that you would not agree to your own words. So, I made a video of you pouring your heart in front of this handsome best friend of yours!" With this said, Sam took out his phone and showed her the video. Truly, she was talking nonsense to Sam in this video. And she knew that he would die but would never delete this video. Heck, he had made 100+ backup copies of it. 

"I don't want to do anything. I just want to stay in my room," Zhenyi sulked.

Sam rolled his eyes at this weird best friend of his. "If you think that I'll let you rot in self pity and self deterioration inside my room. You are very wrong, baby! We are leaving. Get dressed." 

Zhenyi made a sour face at him, "If we go out, Ryuu will know that we are together. It won't take him much time to know that you're in this country. You will be exposed. And God knew how many guards he and my husband had already assigned for me."

Sam laughed sarcastically. "The devil already knows. The moment I met you, he put two and two together." 

Zhenyi just pressed her lips in a thin line. She wanted to rot in self pity. Wait what? No, she just wanted to sleep all day. She was going to sleep through her sorrow. 

While leaving the room, he added, "You have ten minutes before we leave." 

Admitting defeat, Zhenyi changed into the clothes that Sam had given her. 


"I can't believe we are climbing the damn mountain only to see the sunrise," Zhenyi grumbled. She looked ahead only to find out that they had yet to walk a few kilometers. 

"Only after hardship, we can find happiness," Sam said with a laugh. "Come on, I know that you're excited. Let's see who reaches the peak first." 

"Stop sprinkling your sunshine thoughts on me," Zhenyi said. "I'm so miserable that I can't even sleep to my heart's desire." 

"How about if you stop being a pessimistic woman for a while I'll do what you say?" Sam offered. 

Of course, Zhenyi agreed.

An hour later, Sam and Zhenyi saw the sunrise together. It wasn't the first sunrise they saw together nor would it be the last. But it was kinda special in a way for her. They used to be wild and crazy when they were young. It's not like they were old now. It was just that both of them have to mature quickly to shoulder the burden of their respective responsibilities. 



"Do you know why people prefer sunrise over sunsets?"

"Because they have to climb a freaking mountain just to watch the sunrise and they don't have any other option than liking it?"

"Absolutely not!" Sam glared at the killjoy. 

Zhenyi just shrugged. 

She saw how a smile bloomed on his face and she knew what was coming next. A freaking philosopher. Not that she minds one. And as expected Sam continued talking and like always she pretended as if she wasn't going to listen to what he had to say, when the truth was that she was going to save every word he had to say in a special folder in her mind and heart. 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

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