Long Wei also wanted to add the part where Sam came to visit Meilin abroad after she gave birth to visit her and the baby but he didn't. Apparently, Meilin and Sam were typical girly besties who would gossip about anything and anyone. They were getting tighter each passing day and it was worrying Long Wei. 

"Lord!!! Why did I decide to come to this weird party?" Esma shouted while beating her chest in despair. Yeah, she knew that she was being dramatic but right now, she really wanted to cry."Did this Wei's wife even know what party actually meant?"

Sam was amused at her antics. This woman was even more dramatic than him. Finally, there was someone who could beat him at dramatic behavior. 

Long Jie and Zhenyi shared a look before shaking their heads. Both Esma and Sam were cut from the same cloth. 

Passing them, they headed in the other direction. They chose to ignore these two dumbos as one was busy weeping over her misery and the other was laughing at her misery. See, that's why they were becoming friends. Many things had changed in these five months and this was one of them. 

"Hey, little beauty. You should call me uncle" they heard Long Yuan's infuriated voice. Who was he messing with now? 

"I only have one uncle," the kid replied languidly. 

"And that's me," Long Yuan said, pointing at his face. How could this little arrogant refuse to call him, the handsome and genius Young Master Long as Uncle? There must be something wrong with her eyes. 

"Nopes, my uncle is behind you," Faye answered back. This kid was talking more than she used to before. However, it seemed like after spending time with her grandfather and great grandfather, her arrogance has skyrocketed. 

Long Yuan turned back to find Long Jie and Zhenyi walking to them. Did this kid just call his bro her uncle? Nope, he would not allow this. Only he could be the uncle of all the kids of this universe. 

Sprinting to Long Jie and Zhenyi, Faye exclaimed, "That's my uncle and that's my Aunt." The little angel was very happy to see her second favorite people. 

"Angel, what did you just say?" Long Jie asked again to confirm whether it was really an auditory hallucination or not. Even Zhenyi was shocked. She didn't know why but Faye never called Long Jie her uncle. He was Ah Jie to her always. Even Ryuu had told her to call Long Jie uncle but the girl would always look at Alcina's face and then shake her head. It was a mystery to everyone why she did that. 

Hugging Zhenyi's legs, Faye gestured her to pick Zhenyi up, "He is annoying." The little girl complained pointing her little finger at Yuan. "Always ordering me to call him handsome uncle. Is he even handsome like my Ru?" She rolled her eyes as if he really wasn't worth her attention. Again, she turned her head to look at Long Yuan and said, "My Bà says no one can order me around, do you get it?" 

She still called Xin Yichen Bà like before. She was adamant about calling him Bà rather than Yèyè. God knows how this girl's system works. 

Alcina had dressed her in a very classy outfit. Her hair was now cut up to her shoulder and she was wearing a sandy colored cap backward. She was looking like a little rogue with her chin lifted arrogantly. However, she was so cute that even her arrogance was adorable to everyone's eyes. She might be haughty but was pleasing to the eyes. 

"Such an arrogant child," Yuan feigned to scold her but stopped when he saw her turning her head with a sneer. The nerve of this weird kid. She started showing him attitude after she saw Zhenyi and his brother? 

Even Zhenyi and Long Jie were shocked to see her getting all heated up. The Faye they knew was too lazy to engage in small talks and stuff. 

Just what did Yuan do to get her all heated up? 

"Yuan, just what did you do to anger her?" Long Jie asked him directly. They all knew what kind of child Faye was. 

"I may have ordered her to bring me food and cold drinks. And she behaved for the first two rounds but suddenly she bolted…" Long Yuan didn't find anything wrong with what he was saying. Yeah, he was making Faye do the labor for him as he was so tired from playing with baby Jun that he didn't have the energy to bring food to his table. If he could he would have made this kid feed him too. "Someone forgot their kid in the garden. I was just making a lazy kid move a bit." 

You ass, it is child labor. 

Instinctively, Zhenyi's arms tightened around her poor niece. This young and healthy man was making a kid work for him… wait a minute, she will make him cripple. 

Long Yuan looked up to see several glares directing at his face. Did he do something wrong? His brothers used to work for him as he was the baby of the family… he just… was doing what he had been used to?

Was it wrong of him to order a child around? 

"Yuan, you made a kid work for you?" Liu Shishi's mellow voice rang. She first gazed at her husband, then at the several plates and empty glasses on the table, and finally at the pitiful child clutched in her sister-in-law's eyes. 

She couldn't believe her husband at all!! Did he even see how beautiful the kid is? Did his heart not melt at the sight of the kid? 


Hearing Long Jie's callous words, Long Yuan disappeared in a second. He must have done something wrong, he realized. 

"I'll be back," Liu Shishi went after him, leaving them alone. 

"Where are your mama and dad?" Long Jie asked the kid.

"Mama felt sick. Ru took her to the washroom. Said me to wait here as they will be back soon," Faye replied in a pitiful yet a little confident tone. The spectators found her manner of speaking so interesting that they couldn't help but wish to pinch her cheeks and in their hearts, resentment for Yuan increased tremendously. 

"Where are the guards?" Zhenyi asked this time. She was mad but not at Yuan but her niece. 

Faye pointed in one direction. 

"I will deal with them later. But first, let me talk to you." Zhenyi's tone was full of warning. It seemed like she was about to scold the child. "Faye, what's wrong with you? You are so small yet you didn't refuse him. I know you are taught to always help others but it doesn't mean that you will not say no when you shouldn't and can't do something. I have been noticing that you never say no when you don't want to do something."

She paused for a moment and softened her tone, "It's good that you always help others. But baby, asking for help and ordering you around are two different things. Remember who you are. You are both Tang and Xin. You can't let anyone order you around. If you can't deal with them, immediately call your guards to your aid. Do you get it?" 

Faye's head was lowered but she still nodded. Why are adults too complicated?! She didn't know before that he was ordering her around. She was trying to help him but that man emotionally harassed her by forcing her to call him uncle. 

"Ah, what happened?" Zhenyi turned to find a pale Alcina followed by Ryuu. She had to admit that in these five months, all of them had gotten too close. Be it Esma, Yuan, Wei, or Ryuu. They had formed a unique kind of bond as all of them shared similar interests and were very thoughtful and useful to each other. 

Someone narrated Faye's parents the whole story. 

With a sigh, Alcina said, "Your aunt is right, baby. You can't keep on doing this." 

Ryuu took Faye in his arms. Why were all of them scolding his little princess? Shouldn't someone else be punished? Seemingly, Ryu and Xin Yichen couldn't find any fault in their little princess. 

"Cia, why are you scolding her? She is so young. It's not her fault," Ryuu said, looking at both his sister and fiance. Yes, fiance. 

Zhenyi and Alcina could just shake their heads. He was...just being Ryuu. 

The matter cleared soon and they all went to join the table as they were getting called for lunch. It was a beautiful day and they were having a lot of fun. 

Truthfully, Ryuu and Alcina still wanted to keep the existence of their daughter a secret. But after listening to Xin Yichen, who didn't share their thoughts, they thought that it was better for their daughter too if she got along with everyone.

Apparently, they couldn't encourage her aloof behavior.. And to make sure, she mingled with more people, so they decided to bring her with them to this party where she could meet all the people who posed no threat to her. 

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