The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife

Chapter 361 - Knighting Saving The Husband In Distress

"People had been gossiping how President Long's falling from the list of top businessmen… it seems time is indeed hard for President Long as he had to ask a woman to attend a very important meeting on his behalf." These words were not spoken by Du Zheng but by the third old man sitting between Du Zheng and Randell, also the man who Zhenyi has been observing for a while. 

But this time Zhenyi's attention wasn't on the mean comment said by an insignificant being but on the word 'Georgia'. Her Jie was in Georgia according to Du Zheng. It was enough to improve her whole mood. She didn't know how this man knew about his whereabouts but she believed that he wasn't lying. 

"I'm sure, Mr. Chen didn't know about the phrase 'think before speaking'," Gu Tian sent a warning on the old man's side who just sneered in return. 

"Ah, I didn't catch what you said. Care to repeat?" Zhenyi's lazy persona shifted sharply. 

On the other side, Du Zheng closed his eyes in distress. Personal attacks on Xin Zhenyi act like catalysts! Did this man not know how crazy this woman is in actuality? Even if he didn't, she would make sure that he knew next time. 

Long Jie might be a cold-blooded killer but at least he cares about his public image. But this woman? She didn't give a damn about what people said about her. Her habit of instilling fear in people is so bad that he is afraid she would make Randell sign this deal on the nook of the gun just to satisfy her ego. 

In short, she was known for being petty.

"Miss Zhenyi--"

Du Zheng tried to speak but was cut off by her overbearing tone. 

"President Xin or Mrs. Long for you, Mr. Du." 

For the first time in life, Gu Tian wasn't annoyed by her overbearing and roguish attitude. He didn't fear the three insignificant men but he did fear his Master and if they slightly offended Young Madam, he didn't know what calamity would be falling on them. 

Furthermore, there was Lord Tang too. He dared not fathom what would be the outcome of this meeting turned into a brawl. 

Gu Tian had come to a conclusion. Lord Tang and his sister were not similar to each other in many respects. Yet, both of them were dangerously possessive of their people. They loved and cared for people fiercely. 

"Oh, so it's President Long's wife," Chen Shuyan said with a mocking smile. "Here I was thinking why President Long would need to send a woman on his behalf, now I know it's a wife trying to become a knight by saving her husband in distress." 

His words were downright offensive still neither Du Zheng nor Randell said anything. Chen Suying was elder to both of them and also their business partner for this particular project. 

The fact that Du Zheng didn't like Long Jie and President Xin was not a secret in the industry. After all, the business war between Xin groups and Du's had occupied the front pages of the financial newspaper. Chen Shuyan being a major shareholder after the Du family would naturally have a prejudice against Xin Zhenyi after they were mercilessly crushed by them a few months ago. 

Whenever people from the Xin group and Du side would come together, an argument or fight would always break out. 

Both sides were treating each other as enemies. 

Chen Shuyan saw her gaze resting on his face, and he was convinced that he had successfully enraged her. He had heard from someone that President Xin was extremely short-tempered and so he used her husband to make her lose her cool. 

But only if it was so simple… 

"Young Madam, you need not pay attention to the words of an insignificant person" Gu Tian couldn't help but remind her. He didn't want her to pull out her gun and shoot the bastard!

He would clear the mess gladly yet he wasn't sure if it was a fight he expected now. 

Zhenyi smiled, knowing what Gu Tian was trying to tell her. She turned her head to meet his gaze and said, "Gu Tian, start the meeting. We are here for work." 

And just like that Gu Tian and Randell were busy negotiating for the next hour. 

None of them paid any attention to Du Zheng or his old companion. 

When the men were in a meeting, Zhenyi was carelessly fiddling with her phone. It seemed like she was stifling a yawn while hearing the parties negotiating with each other. 

Zhenyi felt a burning gaze on her, and when she looked around and met Du Zheng's gaze, she wickedly smiled at her, confusing him to a certain extent. 

He narrowed his eyes and gave her a warning look.

Zhenyi again smiled spitefully and placed her phone on the table before taking a long sip of her tea. This restaurant serves the best tea in the world. 

Speaking of the restaurant, she suddenly missed her husband again. She remembered all too well their meeting at this place. This place held a special meaning to her. Wasn't it the reason why she had bought this certain restaurant at a very high price? 

Chen Shuyan had become somewhat arrogant after Du Cooperation had snatched a few medium-level projects from LG, and so his words came across as snobbish. "Mr. Randell, we have given you better terms than the one Long Cooperation is giving you. Furthermore, don't you think it's wrong to go back on your words when you have already agreed to sign the deal with us."

As he said so, he turned to give a mocking look to Zhenyi before sneering in his way. 

He didn't just stop here. He continued to throw shades at Long Jie, "And who doesn't know what kind of shady business President Long is involved in. You are new to our country's market and you don't want your first experience to be unnecessarily involved with police and other law authorities." 

Randell's business manner was well known in the industry. Not only did he hate dealing with criminals, but he also tended to discriminate between people having gray records. If he knew what Longs do for a living, it wouldn't be a big surprise that he refused to sign the deal. 

Surprisingly, Zhenyi didn't say anything to Chen Shuyan at all. 

It was Gu Tian who was more unpleased," Mr. Chen, you should know the consequences of slandering someone without solid evidence." 

"Mr. Gu. President Xin. My team and I will reach you by tomorrow with a concrete response. Mr. Du and you have put forward a hard to decline bargain. I hope both the parties will try to understand my dilemma," Randell said with a polite smile. 

"Sure," Zhenyi gave him another of her business-like smiles. 

Chen Shuyan opened his mouth to say something offensive once again, but before a word could escape his mouth, his phone rang. 

What a timely phone call! 

But was it as simple as everyone was thinking it to be? 

"What did you say?" Chen Shuyan's expression shifted gravely after hearing the other person on the phone. "I will be right there."

Chen Shuyan didn't bother to bid goodbye to anyone as he ran for his dear life. 

Everything was going to be ruined. His future, his prestige, his name...every single thing. 

"Ah, it seems Mr. Chen's big mouth got him in big trouble this time," Zhenyi said, shaking her head. 

Next to her, Gu Tian stifled a laugh. Even he was confused why she was quiet today. It was because she had everything under her control from the beginning. 

Not long after, Du Zheng's phone rang too. 


"I'll be there." 

Hanging up the phone, he gave a restrained smile to Randell and said, "I apologize, Mr. Randall, but it seems that I have an emergency at the company."

And this way, Du Zheng left too, leaving three of them in the private room. 

Zhenyi gestured to Gu Tian, who handed the papers to her. She waved her hand at Randell to sit down once again. Once they were seated, she put the papers in front of the foreign man and said, "Sign the papers, Mr. Randell." 

"President Xin, I think we have it covered that I will be taking time till tomorrow," Randell said, his brows furrowed up, showing how confused he was with her actions. 

Now it was Zhenyi's time to be amused. "What makes you think that I will be waiting for you? Hmm? You want to enter this country's market, not the other way around. Sure, people think LG's falling but are you sure it's as it looks? Du Zheng is a good businessman, I agree with it. But he is a man driven by jealousy and hate. He is using you to enter a completely new industry and you are the only one who can make it possible for him. If you sign the deal with Dus, you not only have to protect your ass but his too. 

Allow me to say that You need us not the other way around. You have five minutes to think and after the given time I will be gone. It doesn't matter if your answer is no or yes." 

"That's not how we do business," Randell said immediately. 

"It is not?"Zhenyi said, feigning innocence. "How come no one told me? I have been doing business like this for years." 

"Are you signing, Mr. Randel."Gu Tian asked. 

" Do I have other options?" Randell asked 

"Yeah, you can become my competitor and wait for me to shred you into pieces." Zhenyi brightly smiled at him. 


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