The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines

Chapter 76: Yuriel Wayne Dayna Alfred (10)

→ Yuriel Wayne Dayna Alfred (10) ←


Ferzen calmly gazed at the void beyond the gates of the Underworld.

‘……As I thought, that special talent is only active when my life is in danger.’

He was half certain that the corrupted book, which could be called the ledger of the Underworld would appear again, but that wasn’t the case.

In time, the nameplate above the gate started to change rapidly.

Since this was the first time Ferzen tried to open the third floor of the Underworld, he didn’t know how long this process would take.

Before long, 10 minutes had already passed.

‘This is taking quite some time……’

Perhaps the monsters that resided on the third floor of the Underworld weren’t interested in mingling with the world of men.

But as soon as Ferzen wondered about such things, the nameplate on top of the gate became fixed.

This was the sign that a monster accepted the summon.

“Transaction method: Immediate payment. Deadline: Unknow. Objective: Direct Descent.”

After voicing the contents of the deal, Ferzen gazed at the void with childlike excitement.

The name fixed on the nameplate was…… 『Dark Feathers』

Maybe it was some form of a twisted bird-like creature……

However, what came out of the third floor of the Underworld was something completely unexpected.


It was an ordinary whistle.

“Have you ever seen a monster like this……Whistle?”

“I have not, Your Highness. The beings who reside on the third floor are bizarre and uncanny, often times their appearance is unpredictable or outright nightmarish……But this is truly something…..Unusual.”

In response to the Second Imperial Prince’s question, The Duke of Roswell stroked his glorious beard as he grumbled.

“Kid, stop wasting everyone’s time and just do it.”

Despite this being something no one should ever interfere with, his curiosity made Theor – The Duke of Roswell urge Ferzen.

Ferzen paused for a moment looking at the glowing whistle in his hands.

And when be brought it to his lips…….


He took a deep breath and then.


The whistle was clear, the tone was no different than any other whistle one could buy, so with this in mind Ferzen looked around.

He wondered if this sound would cause others to hallucinate or make them blackout……But as he scanned his surroundings he was met with the same confused expression on his observers.


“What the—!”

However one after another, they pointed at the sky, as Ferzen also raised his head.


The darkness was spreading around the sky.

Yes, that was exactly what was happening.

It was akin to a volcanic explosion that resulted in the formation of ashen clouds…….


Distorted creatures with crow-like shapes and bizarre eyes all around their body began to fly in the sky.


But that was only the beginning.

The darkness spread.

No matter the color of their hair, clothes, and even buildings…… They became one with the dark.

And from within the absolute darkness, more crows emerged and flew around.

Hundreds of thousands of crows landed on the rooftops of the Wizard Association, as their multiple eyes all around their bodies gazed at those present.

But the darkness continued to spill even more crows, as those roamed the now black skies of the Capital, spreading chaos around it.


But once again, Ferzen blew the whistle.

The crows hanging on the rooftops flew to the sky, joining the countless others and they flew around in an orderly fashion.

But even with all of this, the darkness didn’t relent as it continued to produce more and more, and as such they completely covered the sky, stopping even the rain.

“Kid……Can I try attacking them……?”

In response to the old man’s Theor question, Ferzen simply nodded his head.


In an instant, countless fireballs were launched into the sky, burning thousands of crows to ashes, but……

The now black sky.

And the darkness around them.

Spilled more crows, filling the void.

Indeed an eternal army.

‘Target someone or something……And blow the whistle……’

And the tens of thousands of crows.

Would devour everything on their path.

Even if they were killed.

As long as the darkness remained.

An infinite amount of crows would remain.

This is the might of a monster who lives on the Third Floor of the Underworld.

“Lord Louerg! This is enough! Crows are an ill-omen, any further than this and the Capital will be engulfed in chaos.”

The First Prince, who had regained his composure yelled at Ferzen.


Then without hesitation, Ferzen threw the whistle inside the Gates of the Underworld.

At this exact moment, the dark retreated and the crows stopped multiplying.

The infinite army of crows flying above the capital disappeared, only leaving their feathers behind, which were now falling to the ground.



The rain that had been blocked by the crows now started pouring again.

The countless black feathers melted away in the rain, disappearing without a trace, and Ferzen, who had opened his umbrella once more, looked at his subspace.

Approximately 570 Million Berns worth of items were lost.

Although there was a loss of 120 Million Berns, Ferzen was not so poor as to insist on compensation for his losses.

The wizard named Melvin, who was originally supposed to be his evaluator, walked towards him.

“……Thank you for allowing this one too broaden his horizons.”

In his hand, rested a brooch-type insignia that symbolized the Apollyon class

“The Capital will become rather livid starting from tomorrow……”

“Sigh……I just hope that people won’t start spreading some senseless predictions about the end of the world.”

“Well……Crows are an ill-omen.”

“That is simply a foolish belief.”

As they engaged in this baseless talk, Ferzen received the brooch and placed it on his necktie, with a satisfied smile.

But, over there……

Corleone Wayne Barreta Alfred.

Was staring at him.

Almost as if Ferzen was the most beautiful damsel in the world.

His eyes shone with barely restrained desire…..For the blood of Brutein.

And Ferzen was certain.

That this snake wouldn’t refuse his offer.

* * * * *

Corleone was thrilled.

Indeed…….His current mood was justified.

Beyond his eyes, the protector of the blood of Brutein was shown.

The man who reached the Apollyon class at the tender age of 24.

Ah…….If only Yuriel bore his child……

Just this simple thought made his blood boil in excitement, and his worn-out body was filled with vigor.

The Promotion Exam soon reached its end.

But Corleone followed Ferzen’s figure.

The old snake was already aware that Yuriel who was now homeless had been given a modest house for her to live in.

Was this out of the goodness of his heart?

No, it couldn’t be.

There’s no need to rush things.

But the timing of this development is rather disappointing……

Because Yuriel was already engaged with Count Asran’s son.

And Ferzen’s actions indicate that something will likely happen in the north.

But to cancel the engagement now……

‘For him……It’s possible.’

Looking at his back, Corleone stretched out his hand.

Sensing his presence, Ferzen turned around and looked at him with a bitter expression.

“Do you have something to say?”

Ferzen was displeased by Corleone’s approach as the same as akin to a treacherous snake, so naturally, he narrowed his eyes in alarm.

“Do I have something to say?”


“You are doing something truly amusing in your free time……Tell me did you have fun with Yuriel?”


“Ah but if you suddenly wish to take her back now……It would be quite a difficult situation you see. Unfortunately, there is now a new bidder who came first. Nevertheless, if you still want her……You can also participate in the audition. That would be fair and legitimate, don’t you think so?”


Corleone laughed.

And as he looked at his wrinkled face, Ferzen smiled.

“You can do whatever you want. But I’m not sure if this ‘auction’ holds any significance. Especially since someone like you is hosting it……”


Ferzen lifted his left hand and bit on his index finger, as he reached his bloody finger closer to Corleone’s face, causing some blood to fall on his nose.

“You cannot resist this blood.”


Ferzen’s blood traveled from his nose to his cheeks and chin.

At this, Corleone’s eyes trembled.

“Then……I will leave, for now. But I will indulge in your little game, so set up a date and do your best to humor me.”

As Ferzen turned around and walked away, he bit the index finger of his right hand and entered his carriage.

* * * * *

“Hm, hmm…….”

Despite having a handkerchief, Corleone wiped Ferzen’s blood off his face with both hands and licked it.


If one could taste the very heavens, would it taste like this?

The one thing Corleone never managed to achieve – the blood of the prideful, arrogant, unreachable Brutein.

But perhaps his dream wasn’t very far off.

Just by imagining this possibility, his body trembled and his member hardened.

Corleone stood still for a long while, and then while staggering, the old snake entered his carriage.

“It seems that I now have a reason to live for a little more…….”

From today onwards, the old snake would abstain from his smoking and drinking habits.

And he would commit himself to a healthy diet, full of herbs that would aid in his overall survival.

The old snake would not rest until he held a boy with both Brutein and Alfred’s blood in his arms…… Not even the Underworld itself would stand in the way of his ambition.

TL NOTE: Im BACK, the surgery was a success, I’m almost at full hp again…..And for the Destiny fanatics like mama here…..SUCK IT BITCHES MOMMY GOT TO THE LIGHTHOUSE 3X HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

*for those who have no clue tf this is, is just sum ahhhh lets say special ranked matches that occur at the weekends and to get the final prize (The most rare tier of gun, and bragging rights) you need to win 7 consecutive matches (3×3 players) without loosing a single one, and the matchmaking is peer win, so if you win 4, ur gun match with people who won 4 and etc…..I lost the last match 5x times and almost snapped….BUT EVERYTHING IS DAIJOBU NAZENARA??? WATASHI GA KITA!

Btw I have 3 more chappies planned for this week (already have one more 100% completed and one 60% and a fresh one to do but it’s no TOOO BIGG~~~~)

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