Chapter 170: Welcome

/Role exclusive quest completed

Reward granted

/Justice's Wrath receives a skill:

Justice's punch (level 1)


Mika gasped staring dumbfounded at the message that popped up in front of her eyes.

She reacted like that because the insides of the house that she was led into weren't looking like a hideout of any mysterious organization at all.

It was empty.

Honestly, it was silly to even call this construction a house.

What may have looked like an old-fashioned three-room home from the outside, was just a wooden frame without any proper rooms or anything even resembling furniture.

"Relax kid, I was the same as you. Everything is going to be alright."

Said the man who led her there and suddenly his body began glowing in a pale blue light.


Mika flinched and tried to escape using her skills but even her strength enhanced by the red light of wrath exclusive skills wasn't enough to let her break free.

The next moment she got surrounded by the pale blue light and the empty husk of a building disappeared from her sight.


It was Mika and the man who had disappeared from the building, not the other way around.



The next thing that Mika knew, was that she was standing in a corner of a completely white room with a simple low bed.

"Fisherman 1 from the Wrath's territory comes home with a catch."

"Welcome home, Fisherman 1, go get a warm bath and grab some rations, I'll take care of the child."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Mika shook her head and focused on the man who had brought her to whatever this place was, saluting to a tall bespectacled female with a white coat on top of a high-quality armor that looked very functional with no usual flare that the craftsmen she knew liked to add on their creations.

The confused girl felt like she should act - activate her skills and escape, but...

Where was she exactly in the first place?

He mind was still fuzzy but she realized that she must have been transported by the man who was leaving the room with a teleportation skill - a ridiculously high-level skill and a rank-up version of the blink skill that only a few lucky ones were able to get their hands on.

Three to be exact.

Three people in the fruit salad were known o have a teleportation skill, that's it.

What was going on?

Who were those kidnappers?

How come they had someone with a teleportation skill on their side?!


The bespectacled woman said while grabbing a noting pad and a quill from the desk by the door.

Mika continued looking around nervously unable to decide her next move.

Honestly, she could be anywhere, she only learned about the teleportation skill very briefly, but even that was enough to know that it allowed the user and their target to travel incredible distances instantly - as long as the user knew the exact coordinates.

"...sit down, child."

The woman spoke a bit louder and approached Mika with a concerned expression.


That made the ashen-haired girl jump and look at her with worry.

But even so, Mika's instinct told her to not use skills against that woman.

Maybe it was something in the way she held herself, or something about her aura, but there was definitely something dangerous about that unknown woman.

"...I see, you might have some auditory problems..."

The woman nodded to herself and wrote something down on her notepad.


Because of Mika's nervousness, she spoke in a voice that was a lot higher than her natural pitch, but funnily enough, that was perfect for the time being as she was posing as a child younger than her actual age.


The woman looked up from her notepad and asked, drilling her with her sharp eyes that piercing glare couldn't be eased up by the glasses.

"I-I can hear you just fine, but first could you tell me where am I? What is this place, um... miss...?"

Mika fidgeted and asked trying to get any information at all, no matter how trial.

"Just call me medic 7. If you can hear me then sit down and relax."

The woman crossed something from her notepad and pointed at the bed behind Mika's bed with her quill.

"What are you going to do to me...?"

Mika took a step back, tensing up and preparing to put up a fight if necessary.

"I will perform a simple checkup on your body to determine your condition and assigned you to the most suitable unit."

The woman explained.


Mika nervously clenched her fists and took another step back.

Medic 7 glanced at the girl's hands and put away the notepad.

"Alright. Usually, we fill new recruits in after the medical checkup and a day of rest, but I am allowed to explain a bit in cases like this."

She shrugged her shoulders and explained.

"Recruits?! Are you some evil organization?!"

Mika gasped and once she took another step back she tripped and unintentionally ended up sitting on the simple bed.

"...evil organization...? Pffft...!"

The bespectacled medic snorted and shook her head.

"No, nothing like that."

She dismissed Mika's question with a humorous wave of a hand.

"The exact opposite actually"

She smiled and said looking to the side and then leaning in as if she was about to tell some important secret.

"This will also answer some of your questions so listen well."

The medic added and winked at the confused Mika before continuing.

"If anything, we are the one's protecting the whole Fruit Salad from the horrors unimaginable for all of you southerners."


Mika flinched at that revelation.

Through the confusion and fuzziness still lingering in her mind after the first time teleportation, a ready explanation was surfacing in her head.

"Oh? You looked like you might have an idea of what I'm talking about? It has been a good few years since the last time we had a propped visitor and not a recruit, so we all thought that the south had forgotten about us, but I guess some legends must have remained?"

The woman asked with satisfaction, looking at Mika's face.

"Little one, let me confirm your suspicion. You are in fact in the middle of the great sea of mist at the far north. Welcome to the Sloths' family territory."

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