The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 381: Life in the hidden village (4)

Chapter 381: Life in the hidden village (4)

"And then I got angry because that practice dummy wouldn't fall apart like when you kicked it, so I focused really hard on my whole body starting from my legs, just like you told me, and then I hit it super strong and I leveled up the blunt weapon proficiency just like you told me I would!"

Cranberry was sitting by the table in the dining room and was happily reporting how her day went to the blue undead familiar sitting on her left, watching her eat dinner.

"You did? That's amazing! And you got the thrash skill only like what – a week ago? You're doing a great job!"

Zombie genuinely smiled and congratulated her.

"Ha ha! I know right?! Even momm-nnnngh...!"

Cranberry exclaimed happily, but stopped herself half-word and blushed before she started talking again – and Zombie didn't hasten her or anything, just let her go at her own pace.

"Even miss Mirabelle has praised me! She said that it's amazing that I can get so far with magic even though I'm yet to level up! See! I will not be a burden later on! We will travel the world together!"

She declared confidently, pointing the fork at the ceiling.

"I never doubted that. You're doing great!"

Zombie nodded with a laugh and refilled her glass with juice.

"Ah, thank you!"

The red-haired girl smiled started drinking immediately while grabbing another bite.

"Oh-ho! That's what I call an appetite! Tell me if you will want more."

Olive walked out of the kitchen to check on the children and his eyes widened seeing the already almost empty plate of the red-haired girl.


Cranberry suddenly flinched and lowered the fork getting a bit paler than before.

"Sorry... did I eat too much...?"

She apologized and asked in a worried voice.

"Too much? Pffft! Please! Do you know how much you are running around – not to mention raising MP and other status points? If anything you are eating too little!"

But instead of scolding that she expected – because that was what always happened in the Prides mansion – Olive only laughed and patted her head affectionately.

"I'll get you another serving before Mirabelle gets back– oh, and would you want a dessert now or do you want to wait until she gets here?"

He smirked and asked as he was going back to the kitchen,

"Ah! I will wait!"

Cranberry's eyes shone but whether it was because the dessert was mentioned or because the village elder would be back home soon.

|It feels so unreal to see her happy like that.|

Zombie watched the red-haired girl and thought to himself.

|You sound very pleased, I honestly expected you to be more bothered that she isn't like the Cranberry from the first playthrough.|

Patience pointed out curiously.

|Wow. Thanks, you really think that I'm such a bastard to wish the same thing that happened to my Cranberry to happen to this one? Come on.|

The blue boy scoffed internally.

|Hah... you really were serious back then... if it means her happiness you would even distance yourself from her...|

The sealed overseer gasped in disbelief.

|Answering that while we barely completed only one backstory event and the global event didn't even start is kind of pointless, don't you think, Pati?|

|Yeah, I guess.|

Zombie smirked and shrugged his shoulders and Patience sighed.

|Still. If you want to keep this Cranberry happy, you will have to work really hard in the future.|

Patience suddenly added even though for a moment it seemed as if their conversation was over.

|Duh. Obviously, there's no way I will stand a chance against Eternal with my current level.|

Zombie looked away and rolled his eyes, making sure that Cranberry won't notice it.

|No. I didn't mean with leveling up – I have no doubt that you will manage that just fine – I'm talking about staying calm and not rush out to kill every single person that ever bothered your Cranberry in the first playthrough.|

The sealed overseer scoffed, sounding as if she shook her head.

|...yeah... that might be a problem... but as long as you will scream in my ear each time I'm about to do that – I will be fine...|

Zombie admitted while smiling and nodding to Cranberry who just received another serving of delicious homemade food prepared by Olive.

|But, truth to be told, I already feel slightly sick – I want to kill the living – the living humans in particular – to my surprise I noticed that elves do not bother me nearly as much as humans do.|

Zombie informed the sealed overseer about the revelation.

|That's how it should be – an undead's hate is aimed at the members of the same species they were once they were alive, that's how it should be – you were a human, so you hate humans. And don't worry – there will be plenty of those for you to kill – it's not like you will have to hold back at every step.|

|Don't regret saying that, I will be sure to remind you about it later.|

|Sure, sure.|

"You're back! Come! Mister Olive made the cream puffs for dessert!"

While the two of them had a conversation, the village elder returned to her home – and was welcomed back by overjoyed Cranberry.

"Oh! Did he?! Did you leave some for me?"

Mirabelle asked while hugging the red-haired girl – who returned the hug timidly.

"Not only that! We all waited for you to eat them!"

Cranberry shook her head and revealed with pride.

"Ah! Oh my! Thank you, sweetie!"


Mirabelle laughed and picked up the little girl – who gasped in shock and tightly clung to her in surprise.

"Sorry! Did I scare you?"

Mirabelle asked with a worried expression.

"N-no! I'm not scared!"

Cranberry shook her head.

" I heavy...?"

But then she got timid again and asked with a worried voice.

"Eh? Heavy? A pipsqueak like you?! Pfffffft...! Good one! Sweetie, if anything, you are so light that I think I'll have to start coming home earlier to make sure that you are eating properly!"

Mirabelle laughed and waved her hand dismissively while carrying the red-haired girl back to the dining room.

"Hey! Where's my kept man? Olive! Bring us the cream puffs!"

"Yay! Cream puffs!"

Mirabelle called out in a loud voice and Cranberry seconded her happily.

"...Mira, I beg you, please don't teach our Cranberry anything weird, think of poor Zombie..."

Olive revealed himself with a tray full of sweets with a very bitter face and sighed.


"It's nothing, kiddo, don't mind me."

Cranberry tilted her head and looked at him in confusion, but Olive only waved his hand and laughed it off before Mirabelle could answer.

But as soon as both girls began enjoying the food, the old elf looked at Zombie, sighed, and bowed his head apologetically – at which Zombie shook his head, smiled, and raised up both his thumbs to show that everything is in the best order.

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