The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 579 - The Secret Quests (part 5)

Chapter 579 - The Secret Quests (part 5)

"I understand."

Mika nodded and grabbed the offered arm – and her body that never once lost the bright red glow twisted as she spun around and...


Acted as a monstrously powerful sling that shot out the human projectile straight at the winged monster high above.



Blueberry screeched and unleashed a series of wing attacks followed by a barrage of storm talons.


But Corvus merely scoffed and used the charge skill twice to flawlessly dodged them which would only be possible for someone with an insanely high-level acrobatics skill – or someone with ridiculously high LUC stat – which was the case for the young avatar of wrath.


The emperor griffin screeched in shock and turned around to face the white-haired human – both her wings and talons were already shining with the pure white light fraction of a second away from raining down more and more overwhelmingly strong attacks – and this time it was in a position where monster's skills would fall onto the actual city and surely kill off many innocent people.



But that wasn't something that Corvus was going to allow – not again – with perfect timing he used the last charge while the blue griffin was in the middle of the flapping its wings and he ended up right behind it...





Before Blueberry could release another screech an ira empowered punch completely crushed her right wing and sent her spiraling down to the ground where she crashed against

the bed of ironically blue roses.



Corvus roared while falling down – but even though the height was nothing to scoff at, with his luck and the power from the ira skill, he managed to kick the ground just at the right time and completely negate the force of gravity, resulting in a flawless safe landing.

"NOOOO! Blueberry! You don't understand – you cannot kill them!"

Four people and three elves were holding down Anry while only one elf was enough to stop Mary from running towards the fallen griffin on the rose bed, looking around with unfocused violet eyes.

"Don't let them interfere!"

Corvus pointed at Cri who was holding down the seemingly unconscious Roan.

"Of course, my lord."

The man nodded his head while nervously glancing at the prince – he was clearly very uneasy with the possibility of the future monarch dying while so close to him – the consequences of that happening could be far more fatal than killing the griffin was worth...

"Mika, come."

The white-haired avatar of wrath reached out his hand and beckoned the ashen-haired girl to approach him.

"Let's finish this thing together."


Corvus breathed out and smiled at the ashen-haired girl who gulped down her saliva and nodded with a grim expression without taking her eyes off of the incapacitated griffin.


Mary tried to call out but her mouth was blocked by the elf holding her down.

/Special quest update

Stop the griffin's attack [completed]\\\\

"Oh...? A special quest...?"


The message that popped up in front of Mary's eyes- - and apparently Corvus's too, judging by his reaction – was very much tragic – it was clear that it wasn't necessary to kill the monster, but also it was clear that Corvus would not listen to the voices of reason.

"On three."


The white-haired man looked at the ashen-haired girl and she nodded while already rising her hand still glowing with a red light.


Said Corvus.


Said Mika.






They both shouted and attacked the downed griffin at the same time – hitting the bright yellow shield that appeared over Blueberry out of the thin air and ended up screaming in pain as their hands broke on the barrier.


Wide-eyed Cri gasped – shocked until the moment he looked down and realized that the prince's body is shining with a bright yellow light.

"...I told you, to not kill that griffin..."

Roan lifted his head and smirked while blood was slowly dripping down from his nose.




Before anyone could react, Corvus was already by the prince and kneed him right in the face – breaking his nose and knocking him out instantly, causing the blond young man to drop limply into Cri's arms.


Even though her mouth was blocked, mary managed to cry out in panic but was unable to free herself.

"Now... fuck...! Mika – do you think you still can...?"

Corvus cursed and clenched his broken right hand, glancing towards the ashen-haired girl.

"Yeah... I have two hands -I will manage. I am a Wrath after all."

Mika smiled while clenching her teeth and raised her right hand while her left one was hanging limply down along her torso.

"You sure are."

Corvus smiled back at her and walked back towards the emperor griffin who started to regain her senses.

Blueberry wasn't able to stand up but she could open her beak and screech...


...and screeched she did in the most pitiful and heartwrenching way possible...

"You know that your end is near, you dumb beast? Good."

Corvus nodded his head and smirked with satisfaction.

"I couldn't ask for more."

He added and raised his hand, waiting for Mika to do the same.



Suddenly – the jet-black started struggling and managed to free his beak to screech out a warning, but no one except his master could understand him...

"Hmph – doesn't want one of his own kind to die? Whatever."

Corvus scoffed and looked at Mika to confirm she was ready.

"On three?"


He asked again and the ashen-haired girl started counting...

"Hmph~ Two."

Corvus smirked and followed her up...




The earth-shattering horrifying roar pierced the sky annihilating every single piece of glass in the entire city...



*thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* well as knocking out every single person who had the dectection+ [hearing] skill active...


Corvus shouted as the roar was still ringing out in his ears – he looked first at Mika – she ended up swaying on her feet also momentarily deafened just like he – but when he turned around, he saw one of the strongest members of the wrath family laying on the ground right with blood pouring out of his ear, next to the unconscious prince...

"Wh-what is this supposed to...?"

The white-haired avatar of wrath gasped in confusion, turning around...

Just to see a truly massive silhouette approaching them from the sky.

Bright red scales and the body the size of a cathedral...

The red dragon of Ruin, Baron, was descending upon the mortal's word to bring onto them what was already said by his title.

/Special quest update

Survive [timed sub-event begins]\\\\




A timer appeared in the right corner of the vision of everyone participating in the quest, right in time for the dragon's throat and jaws to start glowing with a crimson light - and before even one more second could tick down...


A crimson laser-like firey-energy beam erupted from Baron's jaws and cut through the city...


...annihilating one-quarter of it in a single shot, causing an explosion that tore the earth apart and burrowed tens of buildings as if they were made out of sand...

/Good luck\\\\


As if to mock the people tasked with the impossible quest, a short system message popped up before the crimson light shone through the dragon's jaws once again....

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