Chapter 60: Don't be too rough...

Claymore closed the door behind her and let out a deep sigh.

"Graough? (How did the talk go?)"

Zombie, who was waiting for her outside the lady Raspberry's room, groaned at her questioningly.

"...Cranberry has to deal with that every day...?"

Claymore crossed her arms and slouched defensively.

"Graough...? (Was it that bad?) Graough? (Can you at least go talk with my master for a bit, or must you leave after all?)"

Zombie continued growling questions, managing to pick Claymore's attention.

"Ah? What? Sorry, I forgot you were here."

She flinched and smiled awkwardly, even such small action made her face changed completely, it was really something else.

"Anyway, the marriage talk was a bust, I shouldn't have arrived here as a girl after all... but at least I was allowed to spend some time with the two of you! Until the evening meal that is..."

Claymore perked up and leaned forward, giving Zombie an upwards look, then she smirked cheekily.

"So let's not make Cranberry wait any longer!"

She suddenly jumped at the blue undead and wrapped herself around his right arm.

"Geez~ you don't have to be so cold!

Claymore winked at Zombie, rubbing on to his arm.

"...graough...? ( know that I'm an undead, right...?) Graough (That is my normal temperature.)"

He grunted confused, tilting his head trying to figure out the reason behind Claymore's actions.

"Hey, don't be like that! I'm often said that my charms are enough to bewitch even the dead... I bet that you will be all over me right about... Now!"

She declared and then made the most beautiful smile.

And her eyes started shining.

/Charm type skill detected

/Rotten brain +1 active

Charm type skill repelled

A message popped up in front of Zombie's eyes.


Claymore frowned and tilted her head.

"Graough. (Miss, please refrain from using skills on me.) Graough. (I get anxious.)"

Zombie groaned and shook his head.

"...but I'm sure that I unlocked that perk already..."

But it was obvious that Claymore wasn't listening.

While firmly holding on to Zombie's right hand she once again raised her head, staring at Zombie's face - although this time she was making a serious expression - and her eyes started glowing with blue light.

/The unique skill of the avatar of sin detected

Binding of lust


/Rotten brain +1[max] detected


/Binding of lust repelled


Claymore started pulling on Zombie's arm and stomped her feet.

"Why isn't it working? Hey, hey...! Why isn't it working?"

She started throwing a hissy-fit right in front of lady Raspberry's room.

Needless to say, that couldn't be a good idea, and Zombie was at least smart enough to realize that.

Without wasting time trying to communicate with the clingy guest, he simply loosened the stitches connecting his right arm and hastily retreated from the dangerous spot, leaving Claymore and her tantrum together with his right hand.

"A... eh...? Wha...?"

Of course, such a reaction threw the girl off completely, leaving her speechlessly looking between the disappearing undead and his arm still firmly in her grasp.

"Hey! Don't just leave me like that!"

Claymore cried and ran after Zombie.

It couldn't be called a chase, Zombie was gone in a mere blink of an eye.

"Noo! Wait up! Don't leave me!"

Claymore was clinging to the abandoned arm as if it was her lifeline while looking around for any clue where she should go next.

"I'm sorry I used my skills on you, okay? Please come back!"

She cried, spinning around in circles and confusing herself even more.

"Graough..? (Here! And could be quiet for a moment...?)"


Suddenly Zombie's hand appeared from behind the corner and pulled back the scared girl.

Just as that happened the door to lady Raspberry's room opened and the tall, sickly pale woman looked outside with eyes shining with threatening light.

But as there was no one to be seen she frowned and returned inside, closing the door.

"Graough. (I swear, you were exchanging letters with my master.) Graough...? (Did she not warn you about her mother...?)"

Zombie peeked around the corner making sure the coast was clear and sighed.

"Shoo ma shhill whorkhh...!"

Claymore, pressed against Zombie's stomach mumbled looking up at Zombie.

"Graough... (Seriously, you're an odd one...) Graough...?! (Wait! Are those hearts in your eyes?! What ability is this...?!)"

Zombie's eyes widened and he released the girl.

"Te-he...! My skill worked~"

Claymore fidgeted and giggled happily.

"Ah! Here!"

She perked up and offered Zombie his hand back.

Zombie raised his brow, slightly annoyed.

He was the eternal servant of Cranberry Pride, it was inevitable that he had a lot of pride on his own.

After all, the system message clearly stated that he successfully repelled both skills that Claymore used on him.

So the lighthearted cheer suggesting otherwise irked him more than just a little bit.

Therefore when the girl put her hands up, holding his right arm, he reached for it, but then he changed the direction and firmly grabbed the tuft of hair sticking out on her head.

And tugged on it.

Pretty hard.

"Kyaah! NooOoo...! Whyyy...?!"

Claymore instantly teared up and yelped.

"Graough. (I'm my master's servant.) Graough (My competence will not be put into question, by anyone.)"

He groaned coldly.

"Ow, ow, ow! Nooo! You're going to rip it off! I'm sorry! I submit! I submit!"

Claymore dropped Zombie's right arm and instead grabbed onto his left one that was mercilessly pulling on her hair.

She even had to climb on her tiptoes because Zombie wasn't backing off at all.

"I was joking! I know that you blocked my skills! Please, let me go...!"

"Graough...! (Ah! Sorry! I haven't realized...!)"

She finally cried and Zombie flinched and released her.

"Graough! (I apologize!) Graough! (I just feel really anxious whenever I can't see my master!)"

Zombie started bowing repeatedly while groaning apologetically.

"Geez, what a brute..."

Claymore complained holding on to her precious tuft of hair.

"Seriously, what do you think would happen if your rough play got me in the mood?! You would have to take the responsibility!"

She scoffed accusatory at the blue undead.

"Graough. (Anyway, since you're allowed to, let's go back to my master.)"

Zombie picked up his hand and groaned while attaching it back.


Claymore murmured looking away from him.


Zombie sighed and approached the petite guest.

"Graough. (Once again, I'm sorry.) Graough. (You're cute enough without using skills, but I'm undead, charms won't work on me.) Graough? (Okay?)"

He reached to her head again but this time he started patting it instead.

"Hmph...! At least you know a little about the after-care..."

Claymore grumbled glaring at Zombie with eyes from which the little hearts were slowly fading.

"Graough. (I have no idea of what you mean, but let's go already.)"

Zombie shrugged his shoulders and grabbed Claymore's hand.

With their size difference, it looked as if an adult was leading a sulking child.

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