Chapter 10

Song Luokui only felt her eyes go dark, thinking in her mind: They're all little brats, how would they know how to sew.

Chi Yu who was at the other side also came back to his senses, Chen Nan had already taken off his coat to cover him up, looking here and there, also not knowing what to say.

The main thing was his pants got torn by a girl, this... can't hit, scold... also seems like can't scold...

Chi Yu was also only embarrassed for a moment, and quickly left with his people, got to go home and change pants!

After the people left, Song Luosheng lowered his hand covering Song Luokui's eyes, Song Luokui looking at the fabric in her hand: "...this... what to do?"

Song Luosheng snatched it over, "Throw it away, throw it away!"

Zhang Xiyue walked over giving her a thumbs up, "Still have to be Luokui!"

Zhou Yuan: "Hahahaha, Luokui did good!"

Lin Xingyan: "Haha, next time can use this matter to mock them. Forgot to take pictures."

Zhou Yuan clapped his hands: "That's right! But isn't there surveillance cameras? We'll go get the surveillance footage!"

However when they wanted to go get the surveillance footage, it had already been taken away by someone.

Yet Song Luokui felt somewhat awkward, at that time it really was an accident...

For several consecutive days, Song Luokui didn't dare to go out, fearing that she would run into Chi Yu's group.

Later after going out she also avoided people all the time, mainly because she still felt awkward when remembering it.

After several months passed by, she gradually forgot about this matter, and she also started middle school, while Song Luosheng was in 9th grade.

She went to the Xihua Middle School branch, every morning going to school together with Song Luosheng, but it was merely a year, and Song Luosheng went to the Xihua High School branch, 8 kilometers from home, Song Luosheng rode his bike to school everyday.

Only Song Luokui was left going to the middle school branch by herself, Zhang Xiyue occasionally went with her too, but the two's times were sometimes not aligned, mainly because they were not in the same class when starting middle school. 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔴𝔢𝖇𝖓𝔬𝖛𝔢𝔩.𝖈𝔬𝖒

After Song Luosheng started high school, Song Luokui didn't hear much about things happening to him in school anymore, not knowing if it was because he reached puberty and had heavier academic workload, Song Luosheng came home relatively late everyday, and also didn't tell her much when she asked him some things.

Song Luokui slowly also didn't inquire anymore, but she would observe his expression every time, and seeing that he didn't become darkened was good enough.

Occasionally Song Luokui would hear some news, for example Chi Yu was always first in grade, while her brother was perennially second in grade, and things like some female students privately voting on who's the most handsome, Song Luokui had even gotten the voting link from Zhang Xiyue, she directly voted for her brother, yet in that voting Chi Yu was still first, her brother still second.

Not to mention the various competitions at school, things like English speech contest, physics competition, chemistry competition etc., as long as Chi Yu participated, her brother would also participate, and the results were very obvious, Chi Yu first, her brother second.

This feeling made Song Luokui feel like the ending was unchangeable.

Since my life could change, my brother's destiny should also be changeable, Song Luokui thought later on.

One day, Song Luosheng said when he got home: "I'm going to skip grades!"

Everyone at home felt it was somewhat inconceivable, skipping grades?

Song Moqian was relatively more respecting of the children's ideas: "You can skip grades if you feel your grades allow it."

Sheng Rong also had no objections.

Song Luokui: "Why skip grades for no reason?" Although one wall full of awards at home had the majority that belonged to her brother, Song Luosheng's grades were indeed not bad too, but she had always thought he would attend school normally.

Song Luosheng didn't speak, he was skipping grades no matter what, the two adults at home also agreed.

Later, Song Luokui knew what was going on, Chi Yu had skipped grades...

With just this skip in grades, when Song Luokui started high school, Song Luosheng was already in college, Peking University, 10 kilometers from home, also not very far, just half an hour by bus, but Song Luosheng lived on campus, normally only coming home once a week, sometimes even once a month, it became even harder for Song Luokui to understand his circumstances at school.

It wasn't until her last year of high school that Song Luokui went to Y Country as an exchange student for half a semester, mainly because she had gotten an invitation letter from the Royal College of Y Country when she was in 10th grade, hoping that she would attend school there after finishing high school.

Apart from this school, she also received invitation letters from some other schools, but Song Luokui felt the Royal College was quite good, although she had to make her brother avoid his ending, she also had her own plans.

She didn't have any accidents these few years, everyone at home felt her luck had perhaps become better, thus they also didn't restrict her anymore, letting her go wherever she wanted. When she said she was going to Y Country, her family also agreed to it, and it was merely half a semester, just a bit over 3 months, very quick.

Regarding the foreign safety conditions Song Luokui also understood, she had just arrived for not long when she encountered employee strikes, protests and demonstrations etc., she didn't dare to go out at night, and truly going out once made her realize home was the safest.

Song Luokui lived near the school, it was still relatively safe here, just that today Song Luokui's eyes kept jumping, she thought it was because she didn't rest well recently, until she was about to lie on her bed and sleep, her window suddenly opened, a person directly jumped in, Song Luokui stared blankly at the person.

If she hadn't seen it herself, the person before her eyes was Chi Yu, but why was he here? And why would he climb in through the window?

Song Luokui looked down and saw him clutching one side of his belly, that spot had already been dyed red with blood, Chi Yu's entire body also collapsed to the floor, Song Luokui stared even wider, "You..."

Song Luokui suddenly thought of something and immediately went to look outside from the window, discovering two people running over not far downstairs, Song Luokui promptly shut the window.

She immediately roughly knew what the situation was, if she didn't do something, they would probably discover it very quickly. Song Luokui promptly supported Chi Yu up, "Let's leave here first."

Song Luokui supported Chi Yu walking to the room next door, this was her friend here Jia Nasha's room, as for the key, Jia Nasha would always leave it under the mat in front of the door, after setting Chi Yu to the side, Song Luokui went back to her own room and started cleaning up traces, she also made some traces that showed someone ran from the door to the stairs.

Very quickly, Song Luokui returned next door, the lights weren't turned on, afraid, she hid together with Chi Yu under the bed.

Very quickly, footsteps sounded from next door, and the sounds of the cabinet, bathroom door opening could also be heard, then footsteps sounded from the hallway outside too, not knowing what one of them said, then the footsteps left.

Song Luokui let out a breath, but didn't dare turn on the room lights, she crawled out from under the bed, searched around and finally found the medical kit, using her phone's light she started bandaging Chi Yu's wounds.

Luckily he wasn't shot, but the distance wasn't far either, his lower abdomen was directly grazed by the bullet, and also because his clothes were white, looking at his blood dyed clothes it appeared more horrifying. Not only that, Song Luokui also saw some other wounds on his body.

Song Luokui didn't dare inquire why Chi Yu would be here, why he was injured, she only bandaged his wounds for him. Afraid those chasing him would come again, after Song Luokui finished bandaging him, she hid together with Chi Yu back under the bed.

Chi Yu's complexion looked rather pale too, soon falling asleep. Song Luokui's eyes remained wide open until dawn before sleeping for a bit.

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