Chapter 150

After walking away, Xu Jiarong said to Song Luokui, "Wow, that guy was super handsome, a real winter dreamboat with an alluring aura."

"Huh? I didn't notice," Song Luokui hadn't paid attention.

Xu Jiarong said, "It doesn't matter for you anyway, he definitely couldn't compare to the dashing Chi Yu or your brother Song Luosheng."

Song Luokui smiled, "If you're interested, why don't you run back and get his WeChat?"

Xu Jiarong immediately waved her hand, "No, no, guys like that are better appreciated from a distance. Getting closer would only shatter the illusion."

Song Luokui laughed, "Why would the illusion be shattered?"

Xu Jiarong said, "Like if he picked his nose and you saw nostril hairs, or he looked fair-skinned but was just caked in makeup and actually has large pores and acne... Just think about it, no matter how handsome he is, he still has to poop..."

Song Luokui thought it was a bit disgusting too. But she had seen Chi Yu with stubble in the morning, though he would quickly tidy himself up. As for other things... er...

She had also seen her brother looking haggard from overwork, and she had teased him about being a corporate slave, only to get her head rubbed vigorously by him.

"So, it's better to just admire from afar," she said.

Song Luokui nodded, "You make a good point."

That afternoon after class, Chi Yu came to pick her up. She kept glancing at him, until he turned and asked, "What's wrong? Why do you keep looking at me?"

Song Luokui shook her head, "Nothing, nothing." She couldn't very well say she was checking his nostrils for hairs, could she?

As for pores... Song Luokui looked again, and Chi Yu cupped her face, "If you want to look, then look properly. Why are you being so sneaky about it?"

Chi Yu leaned in close to Song Luokui, "Say, back when I was competing against your brother in class, didn't you record a voice message cheering for him, calling him the most handsome? Where do I rank in your eyes?"

Song Luokui was still scrutinizing his face intently. His pores seemed fine, no makeup either, as she stroked his cheek, "You're not wearing any powder."

Chi Yu looked puzzled.

Song Luokui remembered there were men's skincare products in Chi Yu's bathroom, though he seemed to have added women's products recently. But she had never seen any makeup.

Chi Yu tapped his forehead against hers, "What's up with you today?"

Song Luokui blinked, "Nothing, I just noticed your skin looks great and wondered how you take care of it."

Chi Yu laughed and stroked her cheek with his thumb, "Compared to yours, it's nothing special." Her skin was so smooth it seemed pinchable, and even the slightest touch left marks.

Song Luokui said, "I go to the beauty salon regularly. We're different, I've never seen you go."

Chi Yu asked, "Why are you asking about this today? Did someone say something to you?"

Song Luokui immediately waved her hands, "No, no, I was just curious."

Chi Yu said, "Well, you still haven't answered my earlier question. You used to say your brother was the most handsome. What about me? How do I compare to him?"

"Um..." Song Luokui blinked, "Well... you're both handsome in different ways."

Chi Yu pressed his forehead to hers and looked into her eyes, "Where do I rank in your heart now? If you didn't know me well before, I can understand your brother being first. But now?"

Song Luokui thought for a moment before saying, "You're first! Definitely first!"

Chi Yu smiled, "Really? You're not just flattering me?"

Song Luokui hugged him and leaned against his chest, "I'm not lying." She could just say her brother was first to him, and Chi Yu was first to her brother. She was a master at pleasing both sides.

That night when Song Luosheng returned home, Song Luokui also kept glancing at him. Puzzled, he asked, "What's wrong? Why do you keep looking at me today?"

Song Luokui said, "Nothing, I was just checking if you have nose hairs."

Song Luosheng coughed violently, covering his nose and staring at her in shock, "Are you still my sister? Are you possessed?"

Song Luokui explained, "I heard real handsome guys don't have those."

Song Luosheng said, "Luokui, everyone has them. It's just a matter of whether they stick out or not."

Song Luokui nodded, "You're right."

Once in his room, Song Luosheng immediately checked himself in the mirror. He was still handsome, but looking a bit haggard from being overworked lately. No, he needed to take better care of himself.

With finals approaching, everyone was studying hard, including Song Luokui and Xu Jiarong in the library. Suddenly, someone sat down in front of them. At first, Song Luokui didn't pay much attention.

But Xu Jiarong nudged her and passed a note: "Isn't that the guy from last time sitting across from us?"

Song Luokui looked up and saw the fair complexion, recalling Xu Jiarong's earlier comments about makeup. She studied him intently before writing on the note: "Looks like he's caked in powder."

Xu Jiarong read it, glanced at the guy across from them, and covered her mouth to stifle a laugh, as if confirming Song Luokui's observation.

The guy suddenly looked up, seeming to casually glance their way before saying, "Fancy meeting you here."

The guy said, "I bumped into you by accident last time, sorry about that." He looked at Song Luokui.

"It's okay," Song Luokui replied.

"I'm Liu Yici from the Art Department. What about you two?" he asked. 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀𝓮𝒷𝘯𝓸𝓋𝓮𝘭.𝓬𝓸𝘮

Xu Jiarong looked at Song Luokui, then at Liu Yici, "I'm Xu Jiarong, we're both from the Literature Department."

"And you?" Liu Yici turned to Song Luokui.

Song Luokui replied flatly, "Song Luokui."

Liu Yici said, "Why don't we all go out for a meal later? It'll be my treat, as an apology."

Xu Jiarong immediately waved her hands, "No need, no need. Luokui always goes home for meals."

Liu Yici looked at Song Luokui, "So you're from Jing City? Which part are you from? I'm from the North District, we might have even gone to the same high school."

Song Luokui said, "Sorry, but we're studying right now." Hinting for him to stop talking.

Liu Yici immediately apologized, "My apologies for disturbing you. Please continue studying."

In the middle, Song Luokui could feel occasional glances coming from the front, a scrutinizing gaze that she had encountered many times before, but she still felt uncomfortable.

Not long after, Song Luokui stood up, "Jiarong, I need to head back first."

Xu Jiarong: "Alright. Will you come again tomorrow? Shall I save you a seat?"

Song Luokui: "No need, thank you. Bye."


After Song Luokui left, Liu Yici suddenly said to Xu Jiarong, "Classmate, can I add you on WeChat?"

Xu Jiarong: ?

In the end, she didn't refuse adding him on WeChat, but within a couple of days, Xu Jiarong found that this person kept asking her about Luokui's information. If he simply had a crush on Luokui, she wouldn't think much of it, but if Chi Yu found out...

Eventually, Xu Jiarong told Song Luokui about this.

Song Luokui: "Just ignore him for now, I'll have someone look into it." It wasn't that she was being overly sensitive, but she knew the situation wasn't particularly good recently, so she would be more cautious.

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