This Lady Is Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 252 - 252: Having Fun (1)

Chapter 252: Having Fun (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As the sun set in the west, three fast horses galloped on the official road and arrived outside White Millet Town.

Ye Jingtang led the way with a long spear wrapped in black cloth hanging on the side of the horse. The bird was squatting on the saddle in front of him, and Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning were following behind with veiled hats.

White Millet Town was east of Rising Sun City, more than 50 kilometers away. The town was quite large, and the Grasping Moon Tower, a large sect in Wu Province, had its roots here.

Jianghu sects had all kinds of names, but they were still a little particular about the names.

Most of the sects ending with the words pavilion, tower, square, and so on were located in cities, and their main business was to open shops in cities.

The Red Flower Pavilion was in the dock business. Strictly speaking, it should be called the ‘Red Flower Gang’, but this made it sound like they were a small fry in Jianghu. Back then, when the various ship gangs formed an alliance, they had named their sect the Red Flower Pavilion. The red flower represented a spear tassel, and the pavilion meant business people.

In essence, the Grasping Moon Tower was also a business in Jianghu, but its organizational structure was much more centralized than the Red Flower Pavilion. The entire sect’s manpower was from Wu Province, and their main business was selling medicinal herbs and fur clothing. They had many disciples, and there were more than 300 in this town alone. It wasn’t a problem to say that the entire White Millet Town was the Grasping Moon Tower’s territory.

After the Prince of Wu’s accident, the inside and outside of Rising Sun City were in a mess. White Millet Town was quite far away, and the situation in the town was still normal. But there were not many merchants and Jianghu people coming and going on the streets.

After Ye Jingtang entered the town, he first found a small inn. After confirming that it wasn’t a property of the Grasping Moon Tower, he entered and got a room. Then the three of them started to dress up.

On the inn facing the street, the bird was standing on the roof as a sentry, paying attention to the surroundings.

In the small room, Luo Ning took off her veiled hat, got onto the bed, lowered the curtain, and hid from Ye Jingtang to change her clothes.

Ye Jingtang was more generous. He stood by the table and took off his black robe, revealing his shiny silver soft armor.

When Luo Ning saw Ye Jingtang’s dazzled eyes, her eyebrows bristled. “Little thief!”

Ye Jingtang was jolted awake by the delicate reprimand. He smiled and rubbed Ning’er’s moon. “Pain, pain, go away…”

“You!” Luo Ning was immediately embarrassed and angry and quickly dodged.

Pei Xiangjun’s face turned red when she saw this scene. Before she could scold Jingtang, she realized that the vixen beside her was not human. She used her as a shield and pushed her back, causing her to stagger.

“Huh?!” Pei Xiangjun was caught off guard and pushed toward Ye Jingtang. She immediately hit him with the standard fat melon attack.

With Ye Jingtang’s reaction, he could completely dodge this attack. But if he dodged Third Lady, she would fall to the floor. He immediately raised his hands and used his face to resist the collision. Then he held the Third Lady’s waist with one hand to steady her.

Pei Xiangjun was furious. She stabilized herself and turned around. “I think you need to be taught a lesson…”

Luo Ning’s expression was slightly cold, and her aura was shocking. She raised her hand and pretended to be about to pull off Third Lady’s chest wrap. “I dare you!”

“You!” Pei Xiangjun was instantly terrified. She hugged her chest and retreated a little.

Ye Jingtang found them amusing. Seeing that Third Lady was very embarrassed, he lowered the curtain. “Alright, hurry up and change your clothes. We still have business to attend to.”

“Jingtang, it’s time for you to manage her…”


Ye Jingtang shook his head and changed into a dark blue Daoist robe while chatting and smiling.

The Pacifying Heaven Cult was founded by Daoist priests of the former dynasty’s Imperial Astronomical Bureau, although it wasn’t recognized by the Daoist orthodoxy and didn’t cultivate immortality. It only wore the skin of Daoism to develop its power. Thus, when the disciples went out, they often dressed up as Daoist priests.

After the three of them finished dressing, Ye Jingtang brought his weapon and walked toward the east side of the town…

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