Chapter 127

Song Anan blinked in surprise. "Huh?"

She was completely bewildered and had no idea how to react.

With a smile in his eyes, Pei Kuang explained, "That day I went with Li Xiang. He said I just got back to the country and wanted to take me to meet some alumni."

"Oh," Song Anan let out.

His words served to explain why he had said earlier that he wasn't close with Zhang Han but still went to her birthday party.

But what about the next sentence?

"As for how I knew you would be there," Pei Kuang pointed at Song Anan, then pointed at himself, "I'm sure you can understand, given that many people at our medical school..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but his meaning was quite clear.

Song Anan immediately understood and nodded heavily.

Of course, because of the rumors about them being a couple, even Li Sirui and the others would tease her about it in front of her, so Pei Kuang's side was certainly no exception.

That senior Li Xiang seemed quite close with senior Zhang Han. If he had heard from Zhang Han that she would be there, he would certainly have taken the opportunity to tease them about the rumors.

When thought of this way, it made sense.

Song Anan let out an "Oh" and felt a little embarrassed that she had misunderstood.

So she took the initiative to change the subject, "Senior Pei, have you gotten used to being back?"

Pei Kuang nodded lightly and smiled back, "It's alright. Just really busy at the hospital. Haven't had time to look around since getting back."

After that, he suddenly asked, "I heard our school has changed a lot. Is that right?"

Song Anan thought about it seriously and nodded, "It has changed a lot. Senior can walk around if you have time. The new library at the east campus was just completed last year. Our medical school also built a new laboratory building."

"Is that so?" Pei Kuang seemed a bit surprised. "Then it'd be good if I can take a look around later. Would it be convenient for you to show me around, junior?"

Without thinking too much about it, Song Anan readily agreed.

The second cafeteria was near the east campus anyway, so they'd be passing by later. It worked out conveniently.

Following this topic, the two chatted about some things regarding their school.

By the time they left the cafeteria, half an hour had passed.

According to their original plan, they were going to go straight to get milk tea. But Pei Kuang said he just ate and wanted to walk around first before going, otherwise he wouldn't be able to drink anything now.

Song Anan thought that made sense, so she took Pei Kuang walking casually around campus.

In four years, while it was an exaggeration to say the school had changed tremendously, there were still some differences. At first, Song Anan introduced things to Pei Kuang, but slowly, it turned into Pei Kuang telling her about them instead.

Especially when it came to matters regarding their medical school, what Pei Kuang knew far exceeded her.

Plus, he was quite interesting when he spoke, and Song Anan became more and more engrossed in listening, to the point she felt a tinge of reluctance when he finished.

Walking like this, the two gradually became much more familiar with each other.

Song Anan was also no longer as reserved as before. "Senior, which department are you in?"

Pei Kuang glanced at her and chuckled, "Really ought to let those people hear this."

Song Anan let out a "huh", not quite understanding his meaning.

Let who hear what?

The corners of Pei Kuang's lips curled up in a barely discernible smile. He said teasingly, "Let the ones who spread rumors about us hear. If they knew that they turned me inside out on the forums, yet the people involved still know nothing about each other, I wonder if they'd still have the nerve to gossip."

Song Anan was confused for a few seconds before realizing what he meant.

Because of the rumors about them being a couple, there were no shortage of threads about them on their school forums, which naturally included introductions to basic information about them.

She had skimmed her own before, but didn't pay much attention to Pei Kuang's.

Song Anan scratched her head. "Sorry, I didn't notice much."

Pei Kuang laughed lightly. "No need to apologize. It's normal not to care. I was just joking, don't take it seriously."

Song Anan shook her head to indicate she wouldn't.

Pei Kuang smiled and finally answered her question, "I'm in cardiothoracic surgery."

When Song Anan heard he was in cardiothoracic surgery, her eyes instantly widened in surprise. "Senior, you're in cardiothoracic surgery?!"

Seeing her react so dramatically, Pei Kuang was puzzled. "What's wrong? Is there an issue?"

Song Anan quickly waved her hands. "No, no issue. I was just a bit surprised."

She was only in her second year and hadn't gotten to selecting a specialty yet. But from the day she decided to study medicine, the direction she wanted was cardiothoracic surgery.

Becoming an outstanding cardiothoracic surgeon was Song Anan's lifelong dream.

Pei Kuang also seemed surprised when he heard this and couldn't help laughing. "What a coincidence. That's my dream too."

"Yeah, what a coincidence!" Song Anan heavily agreed.

Then she pursed her lips and looked at Pei Kuang, "Senior, in the future when I have professional questions, can I consult you about them?"

Pei Kuang nodded and smiled gently. His tone was somewhat nonchalant. "I wouldn't presume to instruct, but I will spare no effort in answering any questions my junior may have."

After that, he tilted his head slightly and smiled downwards. "Now we can be considered colleagues of a sort. We really should keep in closer contact from now on."

Song Anan readily agreed, "Yes, we should keep in contact!"

Possibly from being too elated, Song Anan visibly cheered up. The smile in her eyes and on her face seemed about to spill out.

Her entire being emanated a brightened aura, appearing especially open and cheerful.

Pei Kuang glanced at her from the corner of his eye every now and then, unable to stop the corners of his own lips from quirking up as well.

The two strolled around campus for a long time before finally arriving at the milk tea stall outside the second cafeteria, just managing to make it before closing time.

It was good they didn't come any later, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get any drinks.

"Senior, here's your lemon tea," Song Anan handed Pei Kuang the beverage he ordered.

Pei Kuang accepted the lemon tea with a smile. "You covered the bill today. Next time it'll be my treat."

Song Anan quickly waved her hands. Just a meal and one drink didn't even add up to 50 yuan. What was this about her covering the bill?

Pei Kuang had really helped her by answering so many of her questions tonight. He even said he would compile a reading list for her when he got home.

Song Anan was truly grateful. She had already started mentally planning where to treat him to an expensive meal to show thanks, so how could she possibly let Pei Kuang treat her?

After leaving the cafeteria, the two passed by the school track field on their way back.

Many people were out for walks and exercise at this time, making the field appear quite lively.

Pei Kuang went to take a work call at the side. Song Anan didn't wander far either, just waiting for him by some parallel bars.

She took out her phone to check her messages. Li Sirui had asked in the group chat when she was coming back.

After casually replying, she had just put her phone away when she heard footsteps behind her.

Thinking it was Pei Kuang returning, Song Anan turned around, about to say something. But instead of Pei Kuang, she was met with the face of a stranger.

The male student was tall and slender, dressed in athletic clothing, giving off a very refreshing and clean impression.

"Excuse me, may I add you on WeChat?" The male student seemed rather bashful, his entire face flushed red to the tips of his ears.

Song Anan was taken aback. Seeing the phone he held out, she finally realized what was going on.

She slightly nodded at the student. "Sorry, it's not very convenient."

The male student let out an "Ah", seemingly not expecting such a direct rejection.

But seeing Song Anan's reluctance, a flash of regret crossed his face. He didn't persist, only politely responding with an "Alright" before turning to leave.

After the male student's departure, Song Anan instinctively let out a breath.

Getting asked for her WeChat by strangers on the street wasn't her first time encountering this.

But she still wasn't used to it.

Whether she was used to it or not, her principle regarding these matters was to firmly and decisively refuse, as dragging it out wouldn't be good for either party.

Song Anan turned around, originally wanting to see if Pei Kuang was done with his call. But who would've thought, he happened to be right behind her.

She couldn't help being startled. "Senior, when did you come back? Are you done with your call?"

Pei Kuang nodded lightly. "I'm done. I saw someone was talking to you and didn't want to interrupt."

"Oh," Song Anan let out, then didn't know what else to say, only able to repeat, "Oh."

The two paused for a few seconds.

Pei Kuang asked, "Shall we go?"

Song Anan nodded. "Let's go."

Crossing the track field, the two walked onto a wide road.

It was already quite late, with few people on the road. The two strolled side by side, their shadows drawn long by the streetlights.

Pei Kuang suddenly spoke up, "Junior sister, you seem to be very popular at school."

Song Anan turned her head to look at him, catching the teasing expression on his face.

After spending the evening together, she had truly become more familiar with Pei Kuang, and spoke to him without her previous reservations.

"Senior brother is also very popular. Although you haven't been in China these past few years, your name has always been on our school's confession wall," she replied, a touch of playfulness in her tone. Clearly, she was responding to his teasing.

"I'm alright, I think junior sister is more popular than me."

"No no no, senior brother is more popular."


The two bantered back and forth, eventually laughing together.

Pei Kuang chuckled lightly, "Would you say we're like those 'business partnerships' talked about online?"

Song Anan thought for a moment and laughed, "I guess we are."

They exchanged a glance and laughed again.

After parting from Pei Kuang, Song Anan went straight back to her dorm.

Since it was the weekend, only Li Sirui was in the dorm. Cheng Ke had gone home since she was from the area, and Cai Xiaodi was visiting a friend at another school and wouldn't be back tonight.

"Weren't you back from the library already? Did you go again?" Li Sirui asked casually.

Song Anan shook her head, "No, I didn't go back. Senior brother Pei came by."

"Which senior brother Pei? I don't know him..." Li Sirui trailed off, suddenly stunned, "You don't mean that senior brother Pei?"

Song Anan nodded.

Li Sirui immediately stood up from her chair, "See, see! I told you he was interested in you. I knew my ship would sail."

Song Anan quickly explained, "Sirui, it's really not what you think. Senior brother Pei came by because he wanted to eat at our cafeteria. He doesn't have a meal card, so he asked me for help."

Clearly not believing her, Li Sirui asked, "Then what did you do after eating?"

Song Anan didn't hide anything and told her everything honestly.

She emphasized how Pei Kuang had helped answer many of her questions and recommend books.

See, they had mainly discussed academic matters the whole night. Where was this notion of him pursuing her coming from?

Their interaction was just a normal senior-junior relationship. She acted the same with many other senior brothers and sisters.

Besides, Pei Kuang hadn't done anything inappropriate at all. It really wasn't what Li Sirui imagined.

However, no matter how earnestly Song Anan explained, Li Sirui maintained her knowing look.

She helplessly shook her head.

Oh well, just chalk it up to her shipping obsession.

For the next period of time in June, Song Anan was busy preparing for her final exams.

During this time, she and Pei Kuang chatted briefly over WeChat a few times. He sent over the curated book list and some precious specialized materials.

Song Anan was very grateful to him, silently resolving to treat him to a nice meal when she had the chance.

After finals ended, summer vacation arrived.

This summer break between sophomore and senior year would be their last long vacation. Once senior year started, they would begin clinical rotations in hospitals, and every year after would only get busier.

However, Song Anan did not go back home to S City this summer.

Her eldest brother and sister-in-law had to go abroad for work matters, while Song Linchuan was not home either. Going back alone didn't seem appealing, so she decided to stay at school instead.

The school library and study rooms remained open the first month of summer break, so she could conveniently read through the books Pei Kuang had recommended right on campus.

But because her decision to stay was so last-minute, Song Anan hadn't applied for campus housing. She could only stay at Song Linchuan's place, which was very close to school. She would come over in the mornings and go back at night, eating simple lunches around campus.

About a week later.

One day, Song Anan came back early, around 5 pm rather than her usual 8 pm.

Getting out of the taxi at the community gate and entering the complex, she spotted a familiar figure in the distance.

"Senior brother?" Song Anan called out tentatively.

The person ahead turned around - it really was Pei Kuang.

He also lived in this complex!

Seeing Song Anan, Pei Kuang looked surprised as well. "You didn't go home for vacation?"

They had previously discussed her plans to return home for summer, so he assumed she had left.

Song Anan replied, "Something came up with my family, so I decided last minute."

"Senior brother, you live in this complex too?"

Pei Kuang murmured affirmation, smiling, "What a coincidence. I recognized this complex last year when I watched your show."

At the time, he had been quite surprised. He bought this place before going abroad, so it really was quite a coincidence.

Song Anan thought it was serendipitous indeed.

But she was even more surprised that Pei Kuang had watched the variety show she used to be on!

He did not seem the type to watch entertainment shows at all.

"You have a cat now?" Song Anan asked curiously, eyeing the cat carrier he held.

Pei Kuang lifted the cat carrier in his hand, "No, a stray cat near the hospital got injured. I bought a carrier in case I can bring the little guy in to get checked tomorrow."

Song Anan already liked cats to begin with, and instantly took interest upon hearing this. She peppered Pei Kuang with questions.

Was the kitten badly hurt? Which hospital was it near? Would they be able to find it again tomorrow?

After patiently answering everything, Pei Kuang smoothly asked, "Are you free tomorrow? I plan to look for it after work. Want to come along?"

Song Anan's eyes lit up, "Can I?"

The corners of Pei Kuang's lips quirked up as he gently laughed, "Of course."

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