What a lady! Even when she was in her home outfit, her gestures still had an indescribable upper-class aura, as if she was standing on the top of the world!

This was the first time ever since they got married, that both of them appeared in a public press conference, and were taking an interview together! All the paparazzi were thrilled by this new development, even if they couldn’t get any breaking news today, they already figured out the headlines and what to do with their photos!

# Mr. and Madam Shen, declared war to Chen Jiao! #

# Shen Yichong will fully support his wife, creating the next best actress! #

# Shocking! The biggest treasure of Guangxin was never Chen Jiao! #

When they arrived at the reception room, the exhilarated reporters were seated easily. They took out all their microphones and recording pens in the interim while the couple prepared to meet them formally. Finally, Shen Yichong sat at the head of the conference table, with Yu Yaoyao sitting by his side.

Soon, Shen Yichong reached out and took one of the microphones and began to speak, “Chen Jiao’s leaving is akin to the saying that, there is no never-ending feast. I wish him well, and to achieve more in the future.”

“Guangxin, is not his final stop, but an intermediate stop.” He continued.

“So did Chen Jiao already speak with you, and express his intention of leaving? Or is this spontaneous, and you were only informed today?” The reporter quickly asked a sharp question.

If both sides knew, then this would just be his own choice, and everybody would go with their own ways. But if this was spontaneous, then he left because of the crisis……people would definitely say Chen Jiao was ungrateful!

This reporter was not Chen Jiao’s fan, so it was obvious to them that he really wished to put Chen Jiao in a bad light, so that he could write some big news for tomorrow’s headlines.

However, Shen Yichong just smiled and replied, “He never told me about this.”

This message made all the reporters excited.

“But we are the same kind of people. Seven years ago, I saw in his eyes the ambition of pursuing success, and the determination of leaving everything behind and going all in.” Shen Yichong added.

“I already knew it then, that someday he would find his own path, and that he would never stay under Guangxin’s protection, or under any company.” He explained.

Shen Yichong then made a calm smile and faced the press, “So, he didn’t need to tell me, but I know about it.”

All the reporters suddenly exclaimed, “So did you manage to prepare for his leaving?”

“When Chen Jiao leaves, Guangxin would miss its most valuable actor, how do you cope with this?”

“Madam Yu is interacting with many stars and directors on Weibo, I found that many of them were already invited by Mr. Shen. Have you been preparing back then? But even so, they’re still not comparable with Chen Jiao’s standing today, are they?”

Chen Jiao was already one of the top celebrities, completely different from the newcomers such as Qiu Dajian.

The reporters’ eyes were all looking at them attentively.

Shen Yichong held the microphone and firmly pursed his lips, “Guangxin is always prepared. Business always has its ups and downs, so I’ve never lowered my guard and we always have strategies in place to overcome whatever challenges we may face.”

His answer sounded very professional and well thought. In short, his answers left the reporters dissatisfied, for his statement was akin to saying nothing at all.

Contrary to her husband’s strong demeanour, Yu Yaoyao next to him had been looking at the reporters with disinterested eyes, she looked almost bored to sleep! She was clearly annoyed by the fact that her sleep was interrupted just for her to be here, and now being here, no one was letting her speak.

She pouted and looked at Chen Lin. He didn’t pass her the microphone and didn’t give her a chance to speak either. However, the reporters began to notice her expressive look, her air of dissatisfaction drew the attention of the press that were seated at the front.

“Madam Shen, you accompanied Mr. Shen here today, could you express your opinions?”

Yu Yaoyao’s eyes suddenly lit up at the chance to speak.

“Chen Jiao had worked with you in 《In the Limelight》, did he say anything to you? Could you say something about him?”

Yu Yaoyao was happy to be asked. She didn’t even need a microphone to answer!

“He never said anything to me,” Yu Yaoyao replied, and went over her memories carefully, but still shook her head. There was really nothing unusual back then about her last moments with him.

“But…I think, he may be under great pressure because of the scandal. If he continues to stay in the same company with me, and if he’s really attracted to me, there may come a time when he cannot withstand the temptation, and start to make a move on me. If he does that then it’s going to be harsh for him so I can understand why he chose to avoid that situation and stop it from happening by leaving.” Yu Yaoyao answered.

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