A week had passed in the blink of an eye, and several significant events had transpired:

Firstly, Ye Chen met with the second princess, Wang Ying.

Secondly, Experts from the Lotus Blossom Sect arrived at Wang Jian's mansion.

Thirdly, The third prince had received messages from the Crimson Mammoth Tribe and the Miracle Angel Tribe and was planning his next move.

Lastly, Wang Jian received a sword forged by the Heavenly Blade Sect.

Now, let's delve into the first event that occurred: Ye Chen's meeting with the second princess.

After settling matters with the church, Ye Chen stayed for some time, waiting for Hong Meilin's return.

However, during his stay, he received a message from the second princess, requesting a meeting. The message included the time and location of the meeting.

Though hesitant at first, Ye Chen eventually made the decision to attend the meeting, believing that it would be beneficial for furthering his ambitions within the Empire.

Therefore, Ye Chen departed from Yuelu City and embarked on his journey towards Jinhua City.

The location for meeting with the second princess was set to take place at the illustrious Jin Clan's mansion.

It was communicated to him that he must carry the note with him, for without it, he would not be allowed entry into the premises.

Ye Chen's journey to Jinhua City took a mere day, thanks to the Cloudsoar Falcon he rode on.

This majestic creature was one of many tamed and trained by the beast taming community to serve as transportation for travel agencies and organizations across the Everlasting Mystic Empire.

Under an agreement with the beast taming community, travel agencies received these beasts at a high cost, but the investment was worth it for the speed and convenience they offered.

The community ensured that the beasts were obedient and safe for passengers, using special training centers to tame and condition them for use in transportation.

Despite having a few days before the scheduled meeting, Ye Chen felt an urgency to reach Jinhua City without delay.

He harbored doubts about the intentions behind the invitation and could not shake off the suspicion that this might be a trap set up by either Wang Jian or the second princess Wang Ying.

Even though he recognized that Wang Ying was aligned with a distinct faction and vying for the throne, Ye Chen deemed it prudent to take precautions and verify the situation before the meeting.

Upon arriving in Jinhua City, Ye Chen made it his priority to gather as much information about the Jin Clan as possible.

He spoke with a multitude of locals, including those in the city, taverns, and even some of the shadier alleys.

After conducting extensive research, Ye Chen discovered that there had been no unusual activity or rumors of any trap set by the Jin Clan.

However, Ye Chen did uncover a piece of information of interest.

The Jin Clan had previously faced a near-destruction threat from the Jade Serpent Sect, and as a result, all members of the sect were actively hunted by the Jin Clan members.

The days pass by in the blink of an eye and it's finally the time of the meeting.

During these days, Ye Chen bought all sorts of talismans by trading the precious fruits he had on him. He could always grow more of those trees by utilizing the Chaos Essence Bead.

Upon arriving at the Jin Clan's mansion, Ye Chen presented the message bearing the second princess's seal.

This allowed him entry into the mansion, and he was escorted to the main hall, where he found several chairs occupied by members of the Jin Clan.

Upon entering the grand hall, Ye Chen laid eyes on the patriarch of the Jin Clan, Jin Sheng, who sat regally on a chair placed on a raised pedestal.

The only other chair on the platform was unoccupied.

Among the various members of the clan present, Ye Chen also noticed Jin Meixiang, a strikingly beautiful woman who sat on a chair placed on the floor. Alongside her, Jin Sheng's father and brother had taken their respective seats.

Jin Sheng cast an inquisitive gaze towards Ye Chen and asked, "May I know who you are?"

With a composed demeanor, Ye Chen replied, "I am Ye Chen, summoned here by the second princess for a meeting."

"I see. Please be seated and wait until she arrives," Jin Sheng replied, gesturing towards an empty chair.

Ye Chen sat down and surveyed the members present in the hall.

However, his attention was particularly drawn towards Jin Meixiang.

She was an exquisite beauty, her features conveying an air of elegance and purity, which caused a lascivious gleam to appear in Ye Chen's eyes.

Jin Sheng observed Ye Chen's gaze and noticed a certain glint in his eyes that made him frown. He wondered why the second princess would summon someone with such a seemingly unrefined and impure demeanor for a meeting.

The members of the Jin Clan maintained their silence, observing Ye Chen with cautious eyes.

However, Ye Chen seemed to be completely oblivious to the uncomfortable atmosphere he was creating.

Instead, he fixed his gaze on Jin Meixiang, flashing his best smile, and asked in a tone that bordered on being irritating, "What's your name, dear?"

Jin Meixiang shuddered at Ye Chen's tone and responded with a cold voice, "Please refrain from addressing me so intimately. I am Young Miss Jin to you."

"Hello, Miss Jin, I am Ye Chen, a disciple of the previous sect master of the Heavenly Blade Sect. But feel free to use my first name, my dear," he spoke with a sleazy grin on his face.

Jin Sheng was on the verge of admonishing Ye Chen for his impertinence, but his father, Jin Piao, interrupted with a look of surprise etched on his face. "Are you truly a disciple of Old Chu?!"

Ye Chen gave a firm nod and showed Jin Piao the command seal of Chu Tianjin, proving his affiliation with the Heavenly Blade Sect's former master.

Jin Piao's excitement was palpable. "It does appear genuine," he said, examining the seal closely. "So this is why the second princess summoned you."

As Ye Chen basked in the moment, Jin Meixiang's mind suddenly flashed back to a request made by Wang Jian.

He had asked her to inform him immediately if she ever encountered Ye Chen, the same person who had ambushed him in the past.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, she kept her composure and remained silent, but her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she regarded Ye Chen with suspicion.

Jin Meixiang held high regard for Wang Jian. He had saved the Jin Clan from the brink of annihilation without seeking any reward in return.

Moreover, he had gone out of his way to call in some favors to have alchemists sent to cure her uncle and grandfather.

As they conversed, Jin Piao's eagerness to learn more about Ye Chen's master, Old Chu, was palpable.

He had been a disciple of the Heavenly Blade Sect during Old Chu's tenure as sect master and had benefitted greatly from the pointers that were given to him.

These pointers played a crucial role in Jin Piao's ascent to the King Realm, making it a defining moment in his martial journey.

His reminiscing led to an engaging discussion with Ye Chen, who eagerly shared his knowledge and experiences of training under Old Chu.

He would occasionally shoot a lecherous glance at Jin Meixiang, hoping to see a look of amazement on her face.

However, Ye Chen's hopes were dashed as he noticed her face bore an apathetic and indifferent expression, utterly lacking in interest or emotion.

In the meantime, Jin Sheng and his brother stared at Ye Chen with scowls on their faces.

Fortunately, the second princess arrived soon enough. She entered the hall along with a couple of her subordinates and guards.

The room fell silent as everyone stood up and gave her a respectful bow, except for Ye Chen, who seemed startled by the sudden action.

He stood up, but unlike the others, he didn't bow. He seemed to be checking out Wang Ying and was surprised to see that she was such a gorgeous beauty.

In terms of looks, Wang Ying was equal to Jin Meixiang. However, in terms of that royal and commanding aura, Wang Ying easily beat Jin Meixiang.

One of Wang Ying's subordinates noticed Ye Chen's omission of a bow and spoke up, his voice laced with hostility. "Hey, you! Why aren't you bowing? Are you showing disrespect towards Her Highness?!"

Ye Chen smirked and replied with a hint of arrogance, "I don't bow to anyone except my parents, master, and the heavens."

The subordinate became even more furious and made a threatening gesture towards Ye Chen, ready to attack him.

However, before anything could happen, Wang Ying stepped in and asked, "You must be Ye Chen, correct?"

Ye Chen confirmed her suspicions with a confident tone. Wang Ying's expression shifted slightly, but she maintained her composure and ordered her subordinate to stand down. "Leave it," she said firmly.

She then addressed everyone else in the hall with a polite tone, "Please take your seats. Let us proceed with the meeting as quickly as possible."

Wang Ying settled herself on the vacant chair positioned beside Jin Sheng on the elevated platform.

Her retinue of guards formed a protective barrier behind her while the rest of her subordinates took their seats on the same level as Ye Chen and the others.

"Today's meeting is to deliberate our new strategy since our old one is no longer viable. I presume you're all familiar with the reason behind this shift. It's all thanks to my dear brother, Wang Jian, who has become a wild card in this situation," Wang Ying announced in a composed tone, her gaze sweeping across the assembly.

Ye Chen visibly trembled at the mention of Wang Jian. His reaction didn't escape Wang Ying's observation.

She was now sure that Ye Chen had a personal grudge against her brother. She was sure that his desire to take vengeance must be even stronger as he had tasted defeat at Wang Jian's hands.

At this moment, Jin Sheng turned towards Wang Ying and inquired, "Your Highness, is it wise to discuss such an important matter in the presence of an outsider?"

Everyone in the hall knew that Jin Sheng was talking about Ye Chen.

A scowl appeared on Ye Chen's face as he heard Jin Sheng's words. However, he took a quick glance at Jin Meixiang before calming his anger.

Wang Ying noticed Ye Chen's behavior and read the situation, gaining insight into his personality.

"Lord Sheng, Ye Chen is not an outsider. In fact, he will play a vital role in my new strategy," Wang Ying declared with a sly smile on her lips.

Everyone present in the hall, including Ye Chen, was stunned by Wang Ying's announcement.

They never expected that Ye Chen, who didn't belong to any faction formed by the members of the Royal Family, would play such an essential role in her new strategy.

Noticing the inquisitive looks of everyone in the hall, Wang Ying proceeded to elaborate, "Ye Chen is a formidable warrior who has reached the pinnacle of the Lord Realm. His mentor is an expert at the Emperor Realm, a testament to his exceptional talent. He has recently proven his bravery and might by attacking my brother Wang Jian for reasons unknown to me."

"Furthermore," she continued, "Ye Chen is well-connected to numerous influential figures in various domains. He has strong ties with the Heavenly Blade Sect, the Mystic Creature Handlers Union, the Brotherhood of the Steel Fist, the Crimson Guards, the Iron Mercenaries, the Church of the Divine Light, and the Lotus Blossom Sect."

As Wang Ying concluded her explanation, the members of the assembly were left in utter astonishment.

They gazed at Ye Chen with a mix of admiration and trepidation, finally realizing the extent of his power and influence.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed as he stared at Wang Ying, surprised that she had knowledge of his recent interaction with the Lotus Blossom Sect.

Clearly, she had a wide information network across all factions.

Jin Meixiang rolled her eyes disdainfully and posed a challenging question. "Your Highness, while Ye Feng may have contacts in these illustrious factions, they are unlikely to be the decision-makers. How, then, can he be a core part of the new strategy?"

Wang Ying raised her brows, not expecting this question to arise. All the buildup she had created for Ye Chen now seemed to be in vain.

The other members of the Jin Clan were also beginning to realize the questionable nature of her decision.

Even Ye Chen had a dark complexion as he heard that question. However, since it was Jin Meixiang who asked that question, he restrained his anger.

In a calm and graceful manner, Wang Ying responded to Jin Meixiang's query, "That is indeed true. And that is precisely why Ye Chen is the core part of my strategy."

With a slight smirk, she continued, "All of Ye Chen's contacts in these factions are young yet talented individuals. By offering them assistance to acquire powerful positions in their respective factions, we can ensure their loyalty and strengthen our network. These individuals are the future decision-makers of their respective factions, and our support can guarantee their gratitude and devotion."

Her answer was convincing and appropriate, and it made everyone in the hall nod in agreement. Even Jin Sheng appeared satisfied with Wang Ying's reasoning.

Before Jin Meixiang could ask another question, Wang Ying turned towards Ye Chen, "This meeting is also a formal invitation for you to join my faction. However, before that, I have a couple of questions I would like you to answer."

Ye Chen paused for a moment before nodding his consent. "What would you like to know?" he asked.

Wang Ying's eyes bore into Ye Chen's as she posed her question. "Why did you ambush my brother Wang Jian? As far as I know, he had no prior connection with you, and couldn't have possibly offended you. And yet, you not only targeted him, but also attacked a few of his friends."

Ye Chen sneered arrogantly as he answered, "He and his despicable friends bullied my childhood friend."

Wang Ying arched a skeptical eyebrow as she spoke, "Guan Yin? I did hear about the incident involving my brother's friends harassing her, but it was resolved quickly without any harm coming to her."

Ye Chen retorted with a cold, unyielding expression, "Their intentions were malicious, and they had to face the consequences of their actions."

Wang Ying couldn't help but narrow her eyes at Ye Chen's arrogance, but she recognized the value of such a man - one who could be easily manipulated.

"I understand," Wang Ying responded calmly.

She posed her next inquiry, "Would you be willing to assist me in vanquishing my adversaries, Ye Chen?"

Ye Chen replied straightforwardly, "It depends on who you're referring to. If it's Wang Jian, I will spare no effort to ensure his faction suffers immense losses. As for others, I can't guarantee anything."

"I appreciate your candid response," Wang Ying said, her voice smooth and even.

She then posed her final query, "What compensation do you desire in exchange for your services, Ye Chen?"

This question caused Ye Chen to pause for a moment. He cast a glance at Jin Meixiang before meeting Wang Ying's gaze.

"I seek an official title as Duke, complete with a fiefdom. Additionally, upon defeating Wang Jian and dismantling his faction, I desire the right to first pick among his subordinates for recruitment into my own forces," Ye Chen replied with a serious countenance.

Wang Ying was taken aback by the audacity of Ye Chen's request. He was asking for a great deal - not only the coveted title of Duke, but also the privilege of recruiting Wang Jian's subordinates.

This made Wang Ying wonder whether she missed a talent among Wang Jian's subordinates. However, she decided to think about this later and smiled, "You have a deal."

The truth was, Ye Chen had ulterior motives for his second demand.

He remembered the five gorgeous women who accompanied Wang Jian and didn't want them to end up in Wang Ying's faction.

Ye Chen wanted them for himself and knew it would be more difficult to seduce them if they joined Wang Ying's side.

Wang Ying declared authoritatively, "Remember, I can only fulfil this promise after you've eradicated Jian's faction. Until then, I can issue a permit allowing you to recruit people without any conflict with the Empire's authorities. Also, if you require any resources, inform me, and I'll try my best to provide them."

Ye Chen was satisfied with these conditions and nodded in agreement.

Wang Ying rose from her seat and said, "Now that we've settled this matter, let's move on to discussing our new strategy in detail."

Jin Sheng nodded obediently and led the group out of the main hall, through a series of winding corridors until they finally reached the war chambers.

As they entered, the room revealed a grand round table, adorned with multiple maps, feather pens, ink pots, and various other tools for strategy and planning.

Wang Ying surveyed the room before turning to Jin Sheng and instructing him, "Pull out an extensive map of the entire Empire."

Jin Sheng nodded and began to rummage through a large stack of maps until he found one that was detailed and large enough to display the entire Empire.

Once the map was laid out on the table, Wang Ying motioned for everyone to gather around. "Alright, let's begin our strategy meeting," she said with a confident tone. "We need to plan our next move carefully."

As Ye Chen gazed upon the map spread out before him, he couldn't help but feel impressed by its scope and level of detail.

The map was not only expansive but also carefully annotated with a plethora of locations and names, many of which he had never seen before.

He took his time examining it, committing as much information as possible to memory.

It was a rare opportunity for him to lay eyes on such a comprehensive and accurate map of the entire Empire.

Wang Ying proceeded to outline her strategy, her voice ringing with authority.

"Our main focus will be on the region near the Jade Serpent Sect and the Celestial Dragon Sect. The Jin Clan and Ye Chen will be responsible for targeting all branches of the Dao of Alchemy Society, the Celestial Talisman's Guild, the Silk Road Traders, the Lotus Assassins, and the Sacred Crane Sect."

Ye Chen's face contorted with disgust as he questioned, "But what's the point? These are just the branches of factions that Wang Jian's friends belong to. It won't harm him directly."

Wang Ying patiently explained, "True, but my brother's faction is still in its infancy. By targeting these associations, we'll create a domino effect. Once we hit a few branches, the associations will become suspicious and launch their own investigations. It won't take long for them to realize that these branches were targeted because of their ties with Wang Jian's faction."

"Once they realize this, they will put pressure on the families of Wang Jian's friends, forcing them to cut ties with him. This will deal a significant blow to Wang Jian's faction and slow down their expansion."

Jin Sheng spoke up with a serious expression, catching everyone's attention. "Your Highness, your plan is well thought out, but there is a slight issue with it that needs to be addressed," he said.

Wang Ying raised an eyebrow curiously and asked, "What is it, Lord Sheng?"

Jin Sheng's voice remained firm as he spoke, "Your Highness, with all due respect, I cannot allow a single member of the Jin Clan to take part in targeting His Highness Wang Jian's faction."

Wang Ying and the others in the room were shocked by his statement.

"What do you mean, Lord Sheng?" asked Wang Ying, her tone becoming cold.

Jin Sheng responded with a calm and steady voice, "Wang Jian is the benefactor of our clan. He saved us from the brink of destruction and didn't ask for anything in return. In fact, he even sent an alchemist to cure my brother and father. Attacking his faction directly would be a betrayal of my clan's honor."

Wang Ying took a moment to process Jin Sheng's words before replying, "Your words are both admirable and frustrating, Lord Sheng. I am impressed with your sense of honor and loyalty, but at the same time, it makes our task more challenging."

She then turned to Ye Chen and assured him, "Since the Jin Clan won't participate in this mission, I will ask another clan to assist you in your mission."

Ye Chen nodded in agreement, understanding the situation.

Wang Ying gestured to a specific location on the map, which was located near the Emerald Mist Mountain.

"I want your clan to focus your efforts on this area," she commanded Jin Sheng in a commanding tone. "Subjugate the clans in Qianzhu City and Jiliu City and take control of the trade routes leading to the Emerald Mist Mountain. Additionally, any bandit camps or outposts in the region must be eliminated."

She then added, "There are three prosperous cities over this Emerald Mist Mountain. If we gain control of the trade routes leading to the mountain, we can extend our influence on those cities and earn significant profits."

Jin Sheng listened carefully and replied confidently, "The Jin Clan won't let you down, Your Highness."

Wang Ying nodded approvingly but added a warning. "Be cautious. I've heard that there are three King Realm experts in the area, each belonging to a different clan. However, I have no doubt that your clan will be able to handle them."

Jin Sheng's expression remained unchanged as he replied, "I will send a few teams and conduct thorough research before taking swift action."

"That would be the best approach," Wang Ying affirmed with a nod.

Afterwards, the group delved into various other important topics.

They discussed the distribution and transfer of resources and weaponry, along with the logistics of their transportation.

The conversation went on for a considerable amount of time, with each member providing their input and expertise.

Finally, they concluded the meeting inside the War Chambers, confident in their plans and ready to set them in motion.

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