652 Entrapping Brahma Divine Star Goddess

Updates on Huang Zhi were easy to come by, thanks to Mo Yin, who was still with him and kept Wang Jian informed of all her husband's movements.

As for Yun Tian, Wang Jian didn't need to track his movements directly. Instead, he focused on the whereabouts of the Brahma Divine Star Goddess, Yun Qianying, through his collaborator, the Nether Empress of the Western Cosmos.

She provided detailed information about Yun Qianying's activities and the planets and stars she visited in her quest for the Godking legacies.

With this knowledge, Wang Jian devised an audacious and bold plan. He intended to create a planet, import a large population, and set a trap for Yun Qianying.

His goal was to capture and subdue the Brahma Divine Star Goddess, turning her into his personal plaything. He envisioned breaking her will completely, making her forget her identity and transforming her into a willing slave to his carnal desires. freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

"Palace Mistress Cui Lan, I need your assistance," Wang Jian said, his tone firm yet respectful.

Cui Lan nodded, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "What do you need, Lord Wang?"

"We're going to create a planet," Wang Jian replied. "A world that will serve as a perfect trap for the Brahma Divine Star Goddess. We'll need to import a population, set up formations, and ensure that the planet can suppress her divine powers."

Cui Lan's smile widened. "A challenging task, but not impossible. Let's begin."

Weeks passed as Wang Jian and Cui Lan worked in secret, crafting a planet tailored to their needs. They ensured that no faction suspected their activities, maintaining absolute secrecy.

Finally, the planet was ready. Wang Jian set the bait, a powerful treasure's aura, to lure Yun Qianying.

"The bait is in place," Wang Jian said, looking at Cui Lan. "Now, we wait."

Yun Qianying, the Brahma Divine Star Goddess, sensed the treasure's aura and arrived on the planet. As she entered the atmosphere, she felt an unusual suppression of her divine energy and spirit powers.

"This planet is special," Yun Qianying murmured, excitement flashing in her eyes. "The suppression is strong—this must be where the Godking legacy is hidden."

She began to explore the planet, interacting with the inhabitants and searching for the treasure.

In the northern region of the planet, Yun Qianying encountered a strange poisonous gas. Setting up a barrier around herself, she continued her search. The barrier, however, weakened the gas's effects only slightly, allowing it to seep in gradually.

Feeling increasingly lethargic, Yun Qianying decided to rest in a cavern.

"I'll continue the search after some rest," she thought, exhaustion overtaking her.

She set up multiple barriers around the cavern and lay down to sleep. The poisonous gas continued to infiltrate, deepening her confusion and breaking down her mental defenses.

Wang Jian observed from a distance, a smile of satisfaction on his face. His plan was working perfectly. When he was sure Yun Qianying was completely under the influence of the gas, he approached her.

"Such a beauty," Wang Jian whispered, looking down at Yun Qianying's sleeping form. He began to implant suggestions in her mind, weaving a new narrative. "You came here to find peace after an argument with Yun Tian. You've broken all relations with him. Now, you're looking for a master to serve, someone who can protect you and help you grow stronger."

Satisfied with his work, Wang Jian withdrew and waited.

Half a day later, Yun Qianying awoke, her thoughts clouded with the implanted suggestions. She wandered the planet, her mind set on finding someone who could help her.

Wang Jian watched her progress and decided it was time for the next phase of his plan. Unleashing a powerful storm over the area, he watched as Yun Qianying struggled to find her way out.

The storm, created by Wang Jian and Cui Lan, was designed to trap even a powerful cultivator like Yun Qianying. She struggled against the storm, but her powers were suppressed, and she couldn't escape.

"The storm is too strong," Yun Qianying muttered, fear creeping into her voice. "I can't use my powers properly."

As the storm intensified, Yun Qianying felt the terror of death close in.

"Help me!" Yun Qianying cried out, her voice filled with desperation. "Is there anyone who can save me?"

Just as she was about to give up, she saw a flicker of golden light in the distance. A handsome man, enveloped in golden light, rushed toward her. The image of his face imprinted itself on her mind before she fell unconscious.

Wang Jian caught Yun Qianying and carried her to a safe location on the planet. He placed her gently on a bed, ensuring she was comfortable. He then waited for her to wake up, knowing the next part of his plan was about to unfold.

This time, he was ready to present himself as the master she sought.

When Yun Qianying awoke, she saw Wang Jian sitting beside her bed. His golden aura filled the room, radiating warmth and strength.

"Who...who are you?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"I am Wang Jian," he replied, his voice gentle yet firm. "I found you in the storm and brought you here to safety."

Yun Qianying's eyes widened. "You...you saved me?"

Wang Jian nodded. "Yes. You were in danger, and I couldn't let you suffer."

Tears filled Yun Qianying's eyes. "Thank you. I don't know how to repay you."

Wang Jian smiled. "You don't need to repay me. Just rest and regain your strength."

As the days passed, Yun Qianying grew more attached to Wang Jian. She began to see him as her protector, the master she had been searching for. Wang Jian continued to reinforce the implanted suggestions, deepening her dependence on him.

One evening, as they sat together, Yun Qianying looked at Wang Jian with gratitude in her eyes. "I feel safe with you," she said softly. "I want to stay by your side."

Wang Jian reached out and gently took her hand. "You are welcome to stay with me, Yun Qianying. I will protect you and help you grow stronger."

As Yun Qianying's trust in Wang Jian solidified, she began to embrace her new identity. The memories of her past life faded, replaced by her devotion to Wang Jian. She saw herself as his loyal servant, dedicated to fulfilling his every desire.

Wang Jian's plan had succeeded. He had captured the Brahma Divine Star Goddess and transformed her into his devoted slave.

Wang Jian knew that bringing Yun Qianying, the Brahma Divine Star Goddess, back to the Heavenly Jade Pavilion immediately would be a mistake. Her true memories might resurface too soon, jeopardizing all his carefully laid plans. Instead, he decided to stay on this secluded planet, living and roaming with Yun Qianying. This way, he could deepen his hold on her mind and body, ensuring her complete submission.

The planet, with its varied landscapes and mortal inhabitants, became their home. Wang Jian and Yun Qianying spent their days exploring the vast forests, majestic mountains, and bustling villages. Yun Qianying's awe for Wang Jian grew with each passing day as she watched him interact with the world and its people.

One morning, as the sun cast its golden rays over the forest, Wang Jian and Yun Qianying set out for a stroll. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds created a serene ambiance.

"Look at this, Yun Qianying," Wang Jian said, pointing to a cluster of rare, luminescent flowers. "These are Moonlight Blossoms. They bloom only once a year under the full moon."

Yun Qianying's eyes sparkled with admiration. "They're beautiful, Wang Jian. How do you know so much about this place?"

Wang Jian smiled, enjoying her admiration. "I've spent many years exploring different realms. Knowledge is essential for survival and growth in our world."

Yun Qianying nodded, her respect for him deepening. "You're truly remarkable."

Wang Jian chuckled, pulling her closer. "You flatter me too much, Yun Qianying." His hand slid down her back, resting possessively on her hip. She leaned into him, finding comfort in his touch.

Their days were filled with such heartwarming moments. They would often visit the local villages, helping the mortals with their problems. One day, they encountered a village plagued by a ferocious beast.

"Please help us, Immortal Lord!" a villager pleaded, bowing low before Wang Jian. "This beast has been terrorizing our village, and we don't know what to do."

Wang Jian glanced at Yun Qianying, who nodded in agreement. "We'll take care of it," he said confidently.

They ventured into the nearby forest, tracking the beast. Yun Qianying marveled at Wang Jian's prowess as he skillfully navigated the terrain and identified the beast's lair. When the beast finally appeared, a massive, snarling creature with fiery eyes, Wang Jian stood tall and fearless.

"Stay back, Yun Qianying," he ordered, his tone commanding.

"But I can help," she protested, worry etched on her face.

Wang Jian smiled reassuringly. "I know you can, but let me handle this."

With a swift, graceful movement, Wang Jian unleashed his power, subduing the beast effortlessly. Yun Qianying watched in awe as he defeated the creature and returned to her side, unharmed.

"You were incredible," she said, her voice filled with admiration.

Wang Jian pulled her into an embrace, his hand resting on her lower back. "Thank you, Yun Qianying. Your support means a lot to me."

Their bond grew stronger each day. Wang Jian would often tease Yun Qianying, enjoying the way her cheeks flushed with color.

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