Wang Jian's cunning scheme had failed to win over Han Xifeng's favor, but it had undoubtedly bolstered her loyalty towards him to a considerable degree.

Her loyalty score had climbed to a respectable 60, which was satisfactory for the time being.

Wang Jian had the capability to act in a way that would have earned him Han Xifeng's favor, but he deemed it unworthy to forego the benefits he had already secured.

Therefore, he resorted to manipulation to ensure that she remained submissive to him while maintaining her loyalty.

In the ensuing days, Wang Jian dedicated himself to honing the spirits of his female companions. Despite being proficient in the Origin Realm, their aptitude for harnessing their spirits remained rudimentary at best.

In what seemed like a mere blink of an eye, a week had gone by, and during this time, Wang Jian had been occupying different chambers every night.

On the first night, he was with Su Xian, followed by Fen Shuying on the second night, Kang Huian on the third night, Han Xifeng on the fourth night, and Lady Xia on the fifth night.

Although some of the women did not have romantic feelings towards him, they gradually became accustomed to these nightly activities with Wang Jian, which became almost routine.

Wang Jian had two compelling reasons for staying in the Zhenguan Region and delaying his return to the Everlasting Mystic Empire.

Firstly, he waited for all the women under Su Xian's tutelage to advance to the Spirit Realm, which happened swiftly. Even the slowest among them only took five days to accomplish this task.

The second reason was more critical; he needed the three tribes to gather all the valuable resources available in Zhenguan Region, resources that were considered rare and almost extinct outside the region. These resources included rare herbs, sand, and other valuable materials that could only be found in this area.

Unbeknownst to Wang Jian, word of his return from exile had spread like wildfire throughout the Everlasting Mystic Empire during the past week. Rumors and whispers had circulated among the various sects, clans, and associations, sparking curiosity and fear alike.

Soon, Wang Jian's preparations were finally complete, and he was ready to lead the three tribes out of the Zhenguan Region. A massive procession followed them, with each tribe's members trailing behind them. The procession was so long that it took up the entire road, and the sound of their footsteps echoed in the air.

The carriages that carried their belongings were intricately designed, and adorned with intricate patterns and colours. They were packed with various resources and treasures that they had gathered during their time in the region. These resources were essential for the survival and growth of their tribes in the Everlasting Mystic Empire.

As Wang Jian and the three tribes made their preparations to leave, the residents of the Zhenguan Region breathed a collective sigh of relief. They had endured Wang Jian's harsh rule with little hope of a reprieve, but now they saw a glimmer of hope for their own rise to power.

As they watched the caravan of carriages depart, they began to plot and scheme, eager to establish their own dominance in the region. Wang Jian's iron-fisted rule had held them back, but now they were free to pursue their own ambitions.

Wang Jian sat in the carriage, looking out at the passing scenery, while his five women sat around him. Su Xian and Fen Shuying were sitting next to him, while Kang Huian and Han Xifeng appeared hesitant.

Su Xian was the first to break the silence. "Your Highness, can you tell us more about the Everlasting Mystic Empire? You mentioned that there are four great empires and that we are from one of them, but I don't know much about the others."

Wang Jian nodded. "Of course, my love. The Everlasting Mystic Empire is one of the four great empires of the continent. We have dozens of vassals, and the Royal Family resides in the capital. The Royal Family possesses the greatest influence and commands a powerful army, administration, excellent weapons, armor, limitless wealth, and resources. After the Royal Family, the religions possess the greatest influence."

Fen Shuying chimed in. "What are the three primary religions in the world, Your Highness?"

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom Wang Jian smiled. "The Church of the Divine Light is a prominent religion in the Everlasting Mystic Empire, which worships a deity known as the Divine Light. The Crimson Cult is a mysterious and secretive group that practices a dark and twisted form of worship. And the Way of the Four Winds is a diverse religion that draws from various spiritual practices."

Kang Huian spoke up, her voice hesitant. "What about the sects? You mentioned there are four major sects in the Everlasting Mystic Empire. Can you tell us more about them?"

Wang Jian nodded. "Yes, of course. The Heavenly Blade Sect is a martial arts sect known for its swordsmanship. The Celestial Dragon Sect is a mystical sect that specializes in magic and divination. The Lotus Blossom Sect is an all-female sect known for its beauty and grace, as well as its formidable combat skills. And the Jade Serpent Sect is a notorious assassin sect feared throughout the empire."ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Han Xifeng finally spoke up, also hesitant. "And the various associations? What are they?"

Wang Jian smiled at her. "There are many associations, including but not limited to, The Dao of Alchemy Society, The Heavenly Amulet Master's Association, The Celestial Talisman's Guild, The Silk Road Traders, The Lotus Assassins, The White Lotus Society, and The Brotherhood of the Steel Fist."

Lady Xia remained silent, not asking any questions, but her eyes were fixed on Wang Jian with a mixture of fear and animosity.

Wang Jian noticed Lady Xia's intense gaze and turned to her with a sly grin. "What about you, Lady Xia? Do you have any questions about the Everlasting Mystic Empire?"

Lady Xia shook her head and looked away, her heart racing. She had to be careful not to give away her affair with Wang Jian in front of the other women. She couldn't let them suspect anything.

Wang Jian raised an eyebrow. "No questions? That's unlike you, Lady Xia.."

Lady Xia forced a smile. "I'm just enjoying listening to everyone else's questions and your answers, Wang Jian."

Wang Jian chuckled. "Well, if you insist. But if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask."

Fen Shuying looked at Lady Xia and spoke, "Maybe my mother is just shy, Jian."

Lady Xia shot her daughter a glare, but Wang Jian laughed. "Ah, yes, that might be true."

Fen Shuying giggled. "But she's also strong and fierce like a tiger."

Wang Jian nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Indeed, my dear Shuying. Lady Xia is full of surprises."

Lady Xia gritted her teeth, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks.

She had to change the subject before Wang Jian could tease her any further. "Wang Jian, what about the neighboring empires? Do they have their own religions and sects?"

Wang Jian nodded. "Yes, they do. The Blue Moon Empire, for example, has the Jade Emperor's Temple as its primary religion, and the Heavenly Thunder Sect is a renowned martial arts sect. The Golden Sun Empire has the Church of the Sun God as its main religion, and the Dragon's Breath Sect is a powerful mystical sect. The Red Phoenix Empire has the Phoenix Temple as its primary religion, and the Burning Blade Sect is a notorious assassin sect."

Su Xian leaned in, her eyes shining with curiosity. "What about the smaller kingdoms and tribes outside the four great empires? Do they have their own religions and sects?"

Wang Jian nodded. "Yes, they do. Some have their own unique religions and practices, while others follow the religions and sects of the larger empires. It's a diverse and complex world out there."

As the women listened to Wang Jian's descriptions of the Everlasting Mystic Empire, they were filled with awe and wonder at the vastness of the world beyond their familiar Zhenguan Region.

With each passing moment, their curiosity grew, and they eagerly peppered him with questions about the empire's intricate political system, its powerful military, and the diverse cultures and religions that flourished within its borders.

As Wang Jian regaled them with stories of his travels across the empire, they hung on his every word, enchanted by the vivid images he painted of the bustling cities, the verdant forests, and the soaring mountains that he had seen.

They could hardly believe that there existed a world so rich and varied beyond their own small corner of the continent.

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