Villain Ch 763. The Villains VS The Power Couple [Part 5]

“Just like a rat trap in a cage,” the fox demon teased, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she giggled.

The siren chimed in, her tone filled with malicious delight. “And no one can save her~,” she added, her grin widening into a nasty smirk. “You know I’m curious… what’s Romeo’s reaction when he found his Juliet trapped and dead~,” she taunted, her words laced with cruelty.

Azura clenched her jaw, determined to ignore the taunts of the siren and fox demon. She knew that rising to their provocations would only lead to further embarrassment, and she refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing her react.

Instead, she focused all her energy on finding a way out of the stone wall that encircled her. Unlike the bone walls she had encountered before, which offered some irregularities to grip onto, the smooth surface of the stone walls provided no such opportunity. It was like trying to scale a sheer cliff face with nothing but her bare hands.

With each attempt to climb, Azura’s hands slipped on the rough surface, making her progress slow and difficult. She gritted her teeth in frustration, feeling the weight of her predicament bearing down on her. She knew she had to find a way out quickly, before the villains realized her attempts to escape.

But she also had to be careful to maintain her silence. Despite her desperation to escape, Azura knew that making too much noise would only draw attention to her hiding spot. She had to move stealthily, like a shadow in the night, if she wanted to have any hope of slipping away unnoticed.

“Tch! There’s no reaction at all,” the siren muttered in disappointment and annoyance, clicking her tongue in frustration.

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“You guys play around too much,” the emperor remarked, his voice carrying a firm tone. He pointed a commanding finger at the walls. “Let’s end this,” he declared, his eyes narrowing with determination.

“Hellfire Rain,” he announced, unleashing his powerful skill with a swift motion of his hand.

The flames descended from the sky, Azura’s heart pounded against her chest, each beat echoing her growing panic. The intense heat licked at the stone walls, engulfing them in a fiery inferno that threatened to consume everything in its path. With each passing moment, the flames drew closer, closing in on Azura with relentless determination.

In the midst of the chaos, Azura’s mind raced, desperately seeking a way to escape the impending danger. Then, a spark of inspiration ignited within her as she glanced down at the blades gripped tightly in her hands. With a surge of determination, she leaped upward, aiming to use the blades as makeshift climbing tools to scale the smooth surface of the stone walls.

Azura’s muscles strained against the weight of her body, her arms bearing the full burden of her desperate climb. With each upward motion, she felt the searing heat of the flames drawing closer, their intensity threatening to overwhelm her resolve.

She pushed herself upward, inch by agonizing inch, her arms trembling with exertion. All the while, her legs dangled below her, unable to find purchase on the slick surface of the stone walls.

With each careful movement, Azura shifted her weight and adjusted her grip on the blades embedded in the stone walls. It was a delicate dance of balance and coordination, requiring her to rely on her instincts and agility to navigate the treacherous terrain. She moved her hands little by little, Azura felt the strain of her muscles as they protested against the exertion.

Using the momentum of her body, Azura swayed back and forth, each subtle shift propelling her upward inch by painstaking inch. It was a slow and methodical process.

The fire rain intensified, showering the stone walls with scorching flames that threatened to engulf her. With each fiery droplet that struck the walls, Azura was forced to dodge and weave, her movements becoming increasingly frantic as she struggled to avoid being singed by the searing heat.

Despite her best efforts, Azura couldn’t evade every fiery projectile. One fiery ember grazed her side, searing her skin and eliciting a sharp gasp of pain. The sudden jolt caused her to lose her grip momentarily, her fingers slipping from the blades embedded in the stone.

For a heart-stopping moment, Azura teetered on the brink of oblivion, her body swaying precariously as she fought to regain her footing. With a surge of adrenaline, she managed to steady herself just in time, her fingers clenching desperately around the blades as she clung to the wall for dear life.

Summoning all her strength and determination, Azura drove her blades into the stone once more, anchoring herself securely as she resumed her ascent. Each movement was a struggle against the relentless onslaught of fire and gravity.

But once again, the flame rain intensified, thickening into a fiery deluge that seemed to envelop her completely. Desperation clawed at her chest as she fought against the searing heat, her heart pounding in her ears with each futile attempt to climb higher.

But as the flames closed in around her, Azura’s worst fears were realized. A blistering inferno surged toward her with terrifying speed, its scorching intensity leaving her with no time to react. With a gasp of horror, Azura attempted to leap out of harm’s way, but it was too late.

The flame struck her with brutal force, engulfing her in a blaze of agony that seared through her flesh and seared her soul. The searing pain tore through her body like a raging tempest, leaving her paralyzed with shock as her HP plummeted at an alarming rate.

[Warning! Your HP is below 20%!]

With a final, wrenching cry of anguish, Azura’s hands released their grip on the blades embedded in the stone, her strength failing her as she succumbed to the relentless onslaught of fire. Her body plummeted through the air, consumed by flames and engulfed in darkness as her vision faded to black.

In that moment of agonizing despair, Azura knew that her journey had come to an end.

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