Chapter 12: Making Amends

The next morning Chae-Rin woke up before Alex. She had a noticeable limp in her step as she descended the staircase and entered the house's kitchen, where she saw the rest of Alex's family staring at her with hostile expressions.

All except for one. The moment John noticed that the guest was walking funny, he blushed and looked away.However, Chae-Yeong, Su-Jin and Min-Ah all glared at the young woman, who awkwardly said hello to Alex's family.

"Hi, I'm Chae-Rin. I'm a friend of Alex…. Do you mind if I have some of that?"

Chae-Rin was pointing towards the table where pancakes were prepared for the entire family. And just when she reached forward to grab one, Chae-Yeong pushed the plate away. With a rude tone in her voice, she denied the guest any food that was served at the table.

"I'm sorry, but I prepared these for my family. If I had known we would be having a guest over, I would have prepared an extra serving…"

Chae-Rin could tell that Alex's family was upset with her, and thus she simply wore a pretty smile. That is until she heard Alex's footsteps coming down the stairs, where the man gazed upon the scene with awe.

He could immediately tell that the women in his house were angry at him. As for John, the moment he noticed his son enter the room, he glared at the young man with a look of utter disapproval. Alex, then looked over at Chae-Rin with a cold gaze before cracking a joke towards her, one which would compel her to leave his home.

"What the fuck are you still doing here? Weren't you supposed to leave after the hour was up? If you want to stay the night, that's going to cost you extra!"

Chae-Rin simply giggled at this before slinging her purse around her shoulder. She then leaned in and attempted to give Alex a peck on the cheek, which he brushed aside. Seeing how he was still playing hard to get, the girl giggled once more before leaving the man's home, but not before saying one last farewell.

"Alright, Alright, I get it. I'll be gone. See you around campus, Alex!"

After Chae-Rin left, Alex's family looked at him weirdly as he poured himself a cup of coffee. He only noticed their stares after taking a sip, to which he quickly responded to their unusual behavior.

"What? You don't seriously think I'm a prostitute, do you? Relax, it was a joke! I may be a douche, but at least I'm not a fucking gigolo."

Collectively, the women in the house sighed in relief. However, Alex was quick to notice that Min-Ah was still pouting. And that she must have cried herself to sleep the night before. The girl may have attempted to hide the signs with her makeup, but as a veteran heartbreaker, Alex knew how to see past that. Thus, he sighed heavily, before grabbing hold of his keys and offering to drive Min-Ah to school.

"Come on Min-Ah, I'll give you a ride to school…"

Min-Ah reacted in shock when she heard this. She honestly did not know how to react after what had happened the night before. Luckily, her mother spoke up on her behalf.

"Wait a second Alex, don't you have classes to attend?"

However, Alex wore a confident smile as he denied this, before insisting that he be the one to drive Min-Ah to school.

"Nah, today's Friday. I only have one class today and it starts at noon. Don't worry mommy, I'll drive Min-Ah to school. You can take the day off."

Chae-Yeong hesitated for a second before ultimately sighing in defeat.

"Alright, fine. You two be safe! Oh, and by the way, your father and I will be going out of town for the weekend for a business function. So we will not be home tonight. Alex, you're in charge while we're away."

John nearly spat out his coffee when he heard this. Why would Alex be in charge? Wouldn't that role fall to Su-Jin, who was the oldest? But Chae-Yeong simply glared at her husband, causing him to fall in line. As for Su-Jin, she did not mind this. After all, she planned to go out drinking tonight with some friends.

With this in mind, Alex nodded his head, accepting responsibility for the house and the family while his parents were away.

"Alright sounds good to me, mommy. Min-Ah, are you ready to head out?"

Min-Ah was conflicted about this whole ordeal, but ultimately decided to obey her Oppa's desire, and followed him into the garage where she climbed on the back of his bike, where they set off from their home.


Contrary to what Min-Ah was expecting, Alex did not take her to school, instead he parked outside a famous coffee shop that was within range of their home. She took off her helmet and gazed around in confusion before meekly asking why she was not at school.

"I don't understand. I thought you were dropping me off at school?"

Alex, however, had a bitter smile on his face as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and began to smoke. Once he had taken a long drag and exhaled the smoke, he explained why they were here.

"I figured I owed you an explanation after last night. Come, have a cup of coffee with me. There are things that are better off said inside…"

Min-Ah bit her lip with hesitation, but ultimately she decided to follow her Oppa inside, where after getting a booth and some overpriced coffee, Alex began to speak to her with a soft tone in his voice.

"I'm sorry Min-Ah, I should have had this talk with you before we slept together… But I promise to do everything to hear you out, no matter how angry you may be with me. So, is there anything you wish to say regarding last night?"

If Min-Ah still had any tears left, she would have cried them out right now. Luckily for her, she had shed them all the night before, thus she could only sniffle before asking the immediate question on her mind. One that made her get very little sleep the night before.

"Am…. Am I not good enough for you?"

Alex immediately realized he had done more damage than he had thought and quickly grabbed Min-Ah's hand while assuring her she was indeed good enough for him.

"Min-Ah, you're perfect the way you are. Why would you say that?"

Once more Min-Ah bit her lip with hesitation as she struggled to figure out whether or not she should speak her thoughts. Ultimately, she did so while looking down at her own shoes. Perhaps afraid to meet the gaze of her beloved Oppa.

"Because…. After you beat up Ji-Ho yesterday, I thought we would be together forever… But then you suddenly brought that girl home and threw me away as if I was worthless. And then I thought to myself, am I really just a dumb whore like all my classmates said I was?"

Alex wanted to hug the girl at this moment, but there was a table sitting between them, thus he could only continue holding her hand, as he emphasized that she was not a whore.

"Not at all Min-Ah, you are not a whore! And I did not throw you away. You are nothing like the slut I brought home last night!"

This confused Min-Ah as she looked at her Oppa as if the man was lying to her before interrogating him on the matter.

"Oh really? How am I any different?"

Alex chuckled slightly before shaking his head with a bitter smile on his face.

"Oh, my poor little Min-Ah… This is all my fault. I should have made things clear to you from the start. First off, you and I actually have an emotional connection. That can't be said for the skank I brought home last night. I don't even remember that whore's name. She meant absolutely nothing to me! But you, on the other hand, mean a great deal to me!"

This statement once more confused Min-Ah as she interrogated her Oppa further on his meaning.

"If that is the case, then why did you cheat on me with her? Am I not good enough?"

Alex took a deep sip of his coffee while formulating the words that were best to convey his unusual lifestyle to his little stepsister.

"Min-Ah…. I should have told you from the start… I'm not the kind of guy to settle down with one woman. I care for you deeply and want to keep the relationship that we currently have. But there are a lot of beautiful women in this world who are into your Oppa, and it would be a cosmic crime for me to deny them.

I may sleep with random hoes from time to time, hell I may even develop relationships with other girls like yourself. But that doesn't mean I don't care for you. I know this is hard to understand because it is not your typical lifestyle. But I truly want to be with you!

And if you can't accept my polygamous lifestyle, then I understand and wish you the best of luck in life. But if you can find it in your heart to share your Oppa with other women, then, like you said, we can be together forever. Assuming you are loyal to me like you have been. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, and I should have been open with you about this from the start…."

Min-Ah was stunned by Alex's shameless admission. She honestly had to take several seconds to think things through. After all, she had not expected her Oppa to be that kind of guy. At the very least, he had never acted that way around her. But now that he had revealed his true colors and put all of his cards on the table. She had to admit to herself, it would be weird for a girl like herself to have a guy like Alex entirely to herself.

In the end, Min-Ah blushed slightly and averted her gaze. The despair and depression that had previously been apparent on her beautiful face had all but vanished as she muttered something beneath her breath that Alex found to be amusing.

"Oppa…. You're so bad…."

This caused Alex to smirk as he gazed upon his little stepsister with a naughty look in his eyes, before he leaned in and whispered something to her with a particularly charming tone in his voice.

"So I assume that's a yes?"

Min-Ah blushed once more while she averted her gaze yet again. She did not honestly want to say it, thus she silently nodded her head. Causing Alex to grin before whispering another phrase into her dainty ears.

"That's my good girl…"

This made Min-Ah incredibly embarrassed, far more than she already was. That is until Alex leaned back in his seat and began to speak normally once more.

"Alright good. Now that you have accepted your Oppa for the man that he is, I have a surprise for you! After all, I need to properly make up things to you, after last night. How do you feel about amusement parks?"

Min-Ah's raven eyes glistened as if there were tiny stars embedded within them while she asked her Oppa the question that immediately came to her mind.

"Oppa! Do you really mean it?"

Alex nodded his head with a confident smile on his face while he confirmed that he planned to take Min-Ah to an amusement park today, and in doing so, have them both skip school for the day.

"Anything for my little Min-Ah. Although we should probably stop by the house and get changed, we can't have you out and about in your uniform now, can we?"

Min-Ah looked down at herself and realized she was still dressed for school. In all her years as a student, she had never played hooky before. And because of this, she felt incredibly nervous about doing so. But with her Oppa by her side, Min-Ah felt as if she could do anything. And thus she wore a pretty smile while she confirmed that would indeed be a good idea.

"Sounds good to me!"

With this said, Alex and Min-Ah would go on a date at a local amusement park. Where Alex would make everything up to Min-Ah after causing her to cry all night. Little did Alex know, however, that Min-Ah had plans of her own and would be inviting her friends over for a sleepover that night. Where Alex would find himself involved in yet another chaotic situation.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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